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局域网中限制别人p2p下载的工具,很好用的,不信你就试试啊。-戮 脰脫貌脥酶脰脨脧脼脰脝 卤 冒脠脣p2p脧脗脭脴渭脛 鹿 陇 戮 脽 拢 卢 潞 脺 潞 脙脫脙渭脛 拢 卢 虏 禄脨脜脛茫 戮 脥脢脭脢脭 掳 隆 隆 拢
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.08mb Publisher : 王涛

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通常情况下,当进程使用UDP 和外部主机通信时,NAT 会建立一个Session ,这个Session 能够保留多久并没有标准,或许几秒,几分钟,几个小时。(Typically, when a process uses UDP to communicate with an external host, NAT creates a Session, how long the Session can hold and does not have a standard, maybe a few seconds, minutes, hours. If ClientA-1 see ClientB-1 online in the application program, and I want to communicate with ClientB-1, one way is Server as a middleman between ClientA-1 and ClientB-1, is responsible for forwarding the message, but this server will not be able to eat too tired. Another approach is to let ClientA-1 Ho ClientB-1 establish end-to-end connections, and then communicate by themselves. This is the P2P connection.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.34mb Publisher : weibaba
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