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Description: Contemporary Communication Systems with MATLAB ============================================== John G. Proakis and Masoud Salehi This diskette contains the MATLAB files for "Contemporary Communication Systems with MATLAB" by John G. Praokis and Masoud Salehi. The MATLAB files for each chapter of the book are organized in the corresponding folder. In some cases a MATLAB file appears in more than one folder because it is used in more than one chapter. In most cases numerous comments have been added to the MATLAB files to ease their understanding. It should be noted, however, that in developing the MATLAB files, the main objective of the authors has been the clarity of the MATLAB code rather than its efficiency. In cases where efficient code could have made it difficult to follow, we have chosen to use a less efficient but more readable code. In order to use the software, copy the MATLAB files to your personal computer and add the corresponding paths to your {\tt matlabpath} environment (on an IBM PC compatible machine this is usually done by editing the matlabrc.m file). All MATLAB files have been tested using version 5.2 of MATLAB. On this disk: - Chapter1 - Chapter2 - Chapter3 - Chapter4 - Chapter5 - Chapter6 - Chapter7 - Chapter8 - Chapter9 - readme.txt
Platform: | Size: 214445 | Author: new4u@163.com | Hits:

[Data structshamilton

Description: 以最近通路法,及逐步修正法搜索通路,求出最小权的哈密顿通路或者哈密顿回路,既货廊问题 请将数字改为txt后缀-recent pathway, and is gradually Amendment Act search paths, obtained the right to the smallest or the Hamiltonian path Hamiltonian circuit, both cargo Gallery change the question I would be grateful if txt extension
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: karl | Hits:


Description: his folder contains the following files: 1. 02490rxP802-15_SG3a-Channel-Modeling-Subcommittee-Report-Final.doc: This is the final report of the channel modeling sub-committee. 2. cmx_imr.csv (x=1, 2, 3, and 4) represent the files containing the actual 100 channel realizations for CM1, CM2, CM3, and CM4. The columns are organized as (time, amp, time, amp,...) 3. cmx_imr_np.csv (x=1, 2, 3, and 4) represent the files containing the number of paths in each of the 100 multipath realizations. 4. cmx_imr.mat (x=1, 2, 3, and 4) are the .mat files that can be loaded directly into Matlab (TM). 5. *.m files are the Matlab (TM) files used to generate the various channel realizations.-his folder contains the following files : 1. 02490rxP802- 15_SG3a-Channel-Modeling- S ubcommittee-Report-Final.doc : This is the final report of the channel modeling sub-committee. 2. cmx_imr.csv (x = 1, 2, 3, and 4) represent the files containing the actua l 100 channel realizations for MCM, CM2, CM3, and CM4. The columns are organized as (time, amp, time, amp, ... 3. cmx_imr_np.csv (x = 1, 2, 3. and 4) represent the files containing the Numbe r of paths in each of the 100 multipath realizati ons. 4. cmx_imr.mat (x = 1, 2, 3, and 4) are the. mat files that can be loaded Direc expression into Matlab (TM). 5. m*. files are the Matlab (TM) files used to generate the various channel realizations.
Platform: | Size: 76800 | Author: 刘海涛 | Hits:


Description: MCRGSA------组播路由问题遗传模拟退火算法 %M-----------遗传算法进化代数 %N-----------种群规模,取偶数 %Pm----------变异概率调节参数 %K-----------同一温度下状态跳转次数 %t0----------初始温度 %alpha-------降温系数 %beta--------浓度均衡系数 %ROUTES------备选路径集 %Num---------到各节点的备选路径数目 %Cost--------费用邻接矩阵 %Source------源节点标号 %End---------目的节点标号组成的向量 %MBR---------各代最优路径编码-MCRGSA------ Multicast Routing genetic simulated annealing% M----------- genetic algorithm algebra% N----------- population size, even take Pm----------% probability parameter variation%----------- same temperature K Jump under a number of state----------% t0 initial temperature cooling% alpha------- beta coefficient%-------- balanced concentration coefficient% ROUTES------ Alternative Path Set% Enable--------- nodes to the number of alternative paths%-------- Cost adjacent costs Matrix% Source------ source node labeling% End--------- destination node labeling Group Vector%% of the MBR--------- generations optimal path coding
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 程爱华 | Hits:


Description: 最短路Dijkstra算法,matlab编写的-Dijkstra shortest path algorithm, prepared by the Matlab
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 林洋 | Hits:

[Data structsDijkstra

Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: ewook | Hits:


Description: MIMO指多输入多输出,MIMO技术大致可以分为两类:发射/接收分集和空间复用。传统的多天线被用来增加分集度从而克服信道衰落,具有相同信息的信号通过不同的路径被发送出去,在接收机端可以获得数据符号多个独立衰落的复制品,从而获得更高的接收可靠性。这种技术往往要结合多天线技术,而多天线技术在移动通信中得到了广泛的研究。-MIMO refers to Multiple Input Multiple Output, MIMO technology can be broadly classified into two categories: transmit/receive diversity and spatial multiplexing. Traditional multi-antenna was used to increase the degree of diversity to overcome channel fading, the signal with the same information through different paths have been sent in the receiver-side data symbols can be multiple independent copies of the decline, which was higher reception reliability. This technology often have to combine multi-antenna technology, and multi-antenna technology in mobile communication has been widely studied.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 曹作恺 | Hits:


Description: 本人写的利用backstepping算法设计的移动机器人轨迹跟踪控制器matlab源代码,包里面有四种轨迹,分别是直线、圆、椭圆和不规则轨迹,希望能够对研究此方向的朋友有所帮助。-I write using backstepping algorithm design of mobile robot trajectory tracking controller matlab source code, there are four types of packet paths are straight, round, oval and irregular track, hope to be able to research in this direction will help a friend.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 张默 | Hits:


Description: Dijkstra算法与Floyd算法的matlab实现,以求解最短路问题-Dijkstra algorithm and Floyd algorithm matlab realize in order to solve the shortest path problem
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 姚益武 | Hits:


Description: function [r_path, r_cost] = dijkstra(pathS, pathE, transmat) The Dijkstra s algorithm, Implemented by Yi Wang, 2005 This version support detecting _cyclic-paths_-function [r_path, r_cost] = dijkstra(pathS, pathE, transmat) The Dijkstra s algorithm, Implemented by Yi Wang, 2005 This version support detecting _cyclic-paths_
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: manour | Hits:


Description: 基于fisherface的人脸图像识别,采用lda降维的方法来识别人脸图像-This package implements a well-known FLD-based face recognition method, which is called Fisherface [1]. All functions are easy to use, as they are heavy commented. Furtheremore, a sample script is included to showe their usage. In general, you should follow this order: 1. Select training and test database paths. 2. Select path of the test image. 3. Run CreateDatabase function to create 2D matrix of all training images. 4. Run FisherfaceCore function to produce basis s of facespace. 5. Run Recognition function to get the name of equivalent image in training database. For your convenience, I have prepared sample training and test databases, which are parts of face94 Essex face database [2]. You just need to copy the above functions, along with the training and test databases into a specified path (for example work path of your MATLAB root). Then follow dialog boxes, which will appear upon running examp
Platform: | Size: 262144 | Author: paul | Hits:

[Graph Drawingchannel

Description: 由于无线信道的复杂性,一个通过无线信道传播的信道往往会沿着一些不同的路径到达接收端,这一现象称为信号的多径传输。此程序就是对无线信道进行仿真。-Due to the complexity of wireless channel, a radio channel transmission through the channel tends to follow a number of different paths to reach the receiving end, the phenomenon known as multi-path transmission signals. This procedure is carried out on the wireless channel simulation.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 柳敏 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopMAGIC

Description: Tutorial GUI to demonstrate basic functionality of various controls on the GUI-This GUI will help the novice user get up to speed very quickly on using GUI-based applications. Everything is laid out in a very simple Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, etc. layout. It is a very good starting point for a typical image analysis application. This application uses GUIDE to do the user interface design, and has most of the basic controls such as buttons, listboxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, scrollbars, etc. It allows the user to select a folder of images, select one or more images and display them, to select a series of options, and to individually or batch process one or more images. The user can optionally apply a mask (region of interest) to the image so that only the area within the mask will be analyzed. The results are optionally sent to Excel. In this demo, I do some very basic particle sizing but in use, the user would replace that simple demo code in the function AnalyzeSingleImage() with their own code. Works with Windows or Unix since paths are all forward slashes. Req
Platform: | Size: 878592 | Author: zzz | Hits:


Description: hs is the set of files (with the powerpoint presentation, in french or in english) used for the Webinar "Simulation de Monte Carlo en MATLAB". - The first demo (LakeArea, run MainLakeArea) is computing the size of a polyogon using a MC approach - The second demo (PortSim, run WebinarScript) can do 2 things: First, we genrate some equity paths, to verify the lognormality If changing the mode to OptionPricing (uncomment one of the first line), then those spaths will be used for pricing an asian option - the 3rd Demo,in myMC (run MonteCarlo.m) , show how to simulate some corelated asset paths - The 4th demo, (run VanillaPricingUsingDifferentMethods.m in the VarReduction folder) , wil compare th results obtrtain byt differents reduction of Variance technics or "quasi" 礛ont Carlo simultion using Hamlton and sobol Sequences -hs is the set of files (with the powerpoint presentation, in french or in english) used for the Webinar "Simulation de Monte Carlo en MATLAB". - The first demo (LakeArea, run MainLakeArea) is computing the size of a polyogon using a MC approach - The second demo (PortSim, run WebinarScript) can do 2 things: First, we genrate some equity paths, to verify the lognormality If changing the mode to OptionPricing (uncomment one of the first line), then those spaths will be used for pricing an asian option - the 3rd Demo,in myMC (run MonteCarlo.m) , show how to simulate some corelated asset paths - The 4th demo, (run VanillaPricingUsingDifferentMethods.m in the VarReduction folder) , wil compare th results obtrtain byt differents reduction of Variance technics or "quasi" 礛ont Carlo simultion using Hamlton and sobol Sequences
Platform: | Size: 407552 | Author: yang | Hits:


Description: 车辆类型识别,简单的车辆模型识别技术,通过交通灯来检测一条道路上车辆的多少-trafficpatterns- a simple model of vehicular traffic on four roads all leading to an intersection controlled by a traffic light. It turns green for each of the four paths with specified durations. Tweak the traffic light durations to study how much traffic builds up on the different paths.
Platform: | Size: 183296 | Author: 李继 | Hits:


Description: GPS/INS位置组合输出校正Matlab仿真 文件说明: 组合主文件卡尔曼滤波程序 飞机飞行轨迹与INS输出数据 -GPS/INS position of portfolio simulation of the output document describes the Matlab Calibration: s_GPS_INS_position_sp_demo.m combination master file kalman_GPS_INS_position_sp_NFb.m Kalman filtering procedures ode500.mat aircraft flight paths and INS output data
Platform: | Size: 686080 | Author: 呵呵 | Hits:


Description: Rician fading is a radio propagation anomaly caused by partial cancellation of a radio signal by itself — the signal arrives at the receiver by two different paths, and at least one of the paths is changing (lengthening or shortening). Rician fading occurs when one of the paths, typically a line of sight signal, is much stronger than the others. In Rician fading, the amplitude gain is characterized by a Rician distribution.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Ahsan Ali | Hits:


Description: 使用直接模拟蒙特卡罗法的Matlab编程,里面三个算例,如湖面积、资产路径等的概率求解法~-Vincent Leclercq, The MathWorks, 2007 vincent.leclercq@mathworks.fr Ths is the set of files (with the powerpoint presentation, in french or in english) used for the Webinar "Simulation de Monte Carlo en MATLAB". - The first demo (LakeArea, run MainLakeArea) is computing the size of a polyogon using a MC approach - The second demo (PortSim, run WebinarScript) can do 2 things: First, we genrate some equity paths, to verify the lognormality If changing the mode to OptionPricing (uncomment one of the first line), then those spaths will be used for pricing an asian option - the 3rd Demo,in myMC (run MonteCarlo.m) , show how to simulate some corelated asset paths - The 4th demo, (run VanillaPricingUsingDifferentMethods.m in the VarReduction folder) , wil compare th results obtrtain byt differents reduction of Variance technics or "quasi" 礛ont Carlo simultion using Hamlton and sobol Sequences
Platform: | Size: 397312 | Author: 杨强 | Hits:


Description: 利用遗传算法求解旅行商问题 旅行商问题,即TSP问题(Travelling Salesman Problem)是数学领域中著名问题之一。假设有一个旅行商人要拜访n个城市,他必须选择所要走的路径,路经的限制是每个城市只能拜访一次,而且最后要回到原来出发的城市。路径的选择目标是要求得的路径路程为所有路径之中的最小值。 -Traveling salesman problem using genetic algorithm traveling salesman problem, namely, the problem TSP (Travelling Salesman Problem) is one of the famous field of mathematics. Suppose a business trip to visit n cities, he must choose the path to go, pass through the restriction is to visit each city only once, and finally go back to the original departure city. Path selection objective is to get the path distance to the minimum value among all paths.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: yanzhongyuan | Hits:


Description: 输入节点个数和路径权重可得到任意两点之间的最短路径,放在Muti_Cost矩阵中-Input node number and weight of available paths the shortest path between any two points, on Muti_Cost matrix
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: masai | Hits:
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