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Description: PHP,即“PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor”,是一种广泛用于 Open Source(开放源代码)的尤其适合 Web 开发并可以嵌入 HTML 的多用途脚本语言。它的语法接近 C,Java 和 Perl,而且容易学习。该语言的主要目标是让 Web 开发人员快速的书写动态生成的网页,然而,PHP 的功能并不局限于此。
Platform: | Size: 4664047 | Author: 45445@554.cc | Hits:

[Windows DevelopPERL编程24学时教程

Description: PERL编程24学时教程.rar-PERL programming 24 hours tutorial. Rar
Platform: | Size: 10884096 | Author: 王剑 | Hits:


Description: 24小时教会PHP-24 hours Church PHP
Platform: | Size: 3400704 | Author: 甘泽 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopLinux0.01源代码

Description: E统天下--织网梦 ...背景不同。Java是基于C++、面向计算机程序 设计...代替。 (2)JavaScript 源代码无须编译 嵌入HTML...则与之不同。Java的源代码必须进行编译,成为 存在...中的一部分,以一般的文本编辑器就可以连同HTML一... www.51foru.com/index008jsjc.htm 19K 2003-12-10 - 百度快照 C Java PHP Perl Python的程序代码美化工具使用 ...php) 一个速度很快的C/C++/Java源代码美化工具。 astyle比indent好在 有很多成套的的风格定义:ansi ...SLICKEDIT这种大型商业文本编辑器等。 解决:对于...==>网页选项==>HTML源代码选单里选择“使用下面... www.chedong.com/tech/indent_tools.html 14K 2005-3-3 - 百度快照 Jedit for Linux Source Code 源代码--eNet软件-world-- Netting dream ... different backgrounds. Java is based on the C-oriented computer programs designed to replace .... (2) do not have JavaScript compiler source code embedded in HTML ... is different. Java source code to be compiled, as exists ... a part of, in general text editor with HTML can be a ... www.51foru.com/index008jsjc.htm 19K 2003-12-10- Baidu snapshot C Java PHP Perl Python the code landscaping tools ... php), a fast C/C/Java source code for landscaping tools. Astyle than indent Fortunately, there are many sets of the style definition : ansi ... SLICKEDIT such a large-scale commercial, such as text editors. Solution : ...== gt; Website options == gt; HTML source code menu you select "Use the following ... www.chedong.com/tech/indent_tools.html 14K 2005-3-
Platform: | Size: 116736 | Author: 王健 | Hits:

[Other systemsPHP源码_环保设计大赛网上投票系统_By Crazywill

Description: PHP源码_环保设计大赛网上投票系统,是比赛而做的一个系统,此系统最后也因为出色的表现而获奖-PHP source _ environmental design contest online voting system, and the competition is doing a computer system because the final outstanding performance award
Platform: | Size: 63488 | Author: 田强 | Hits:


Description: 本文件为Web-FTP的实现源代码 是cgi编程 使用perl为主 本软件适用于linux下-this document as a Web-FTP achieve source code is the use of perl programming cgi mainly applies to the software under linux
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: 梅澜 | Hits:

[Multimedia programmusicyea11

Description: PHP+Mysql组合,可跨平台、移植性高,安全可靠,快速高效; ◇ 使用通用ADODB数据库类,可轻松移植至各种其它主流数据库,如MSSQL、Oracle、Sybase等; ◇ 使用强大的通用Smarty模板引擎,彻底分离程序和页面,并有缓存机制,大大提高维护性和扩展性,可实现多种页面风格; ◇ 全部生成静态html网页,减轻服务器负载,提高访问速度,加强了安全性,更容易被搜索引擎收录; ◇ 各种系统参数轻松定制,如静态html存放目录等,因此能够满足大中型网站的需求; ◇ 可随时选择性的备份数据库、表,防止数据灾难性丢失,保证数据安全; ◇ 音乐播放器自动识别音乐格式,调用不同的插件进行播放; ◇ 默认可直接选择多种样式风格显示,令整个网站立即焕然一新; ◇ 支持批量或单个新增专辑、音乐; ◇ 支持从其它数据库导入数据至本系统; ◇ 支持二级分类,任意设置; ◇ 支持点歌和点歌管理; ◇ 支持公告发布和管理; ◇ 支持友情链接在线管理; ◇ 支持广告在线管理(升级中); ◇ 支持站内搜索; ◇ 支持评论和评论管理; ◇ 支持网上调查管理; ◇ 升级支持,有更高版本则自动提示升级。-PHP Mysql portfolio, cross-platform, portable, safe, reliable, rapid and efficient; With the use of a common database category ADODB be easily ported to a variety of other mainstream databases, such as MSSQL, Oracle, Sybase, etc.; With the use of the powerful General Smarty template engine, complete separation procedures and pages, and cache mechanisms, greatly improving maintenance and expansion, could achieve multiple page styles; Over all generated static html website, reduce server load, increase the speed and security, more easily search engine included; With the various system parameters easily Custom, such as static html storage directory, and so on to meet the needs of large and medium-sized websites; at any time, no selective backup database, the tables, to prevent catastrophic da
Platform: | Size: 442368 | Author: 杨晓波 | Hits:

[Web ServerPHP核心编程_随书光盘

Description: 本光盘是《PHP 核心编程》一书的配套光盘,包括完整的PHP功能实现、代码库,以及Apache和Xitam Web服务器。 《PHP 核心编程》一书为有经验的Web工作者编写的有关PHP 3.0的完整而实用的指南。书中介绍PHP如何从Java、Perl和C中吸取最好的理念,到如何利用PHP编程创建出丰富、生动的Web站点。 全书内容共分4部分。第1部分讲述PHP脚本语言概念,及如何控制执行、如何处理数据;第2部分函数参考,按功能排序并给出各函数的实用例子;第3部分讲述如何解决常见的编程问题,如排序和图表生成;第4部分给出如何用PHP创建整个Web站点的建议。 本书提供的CD—ROM包括完整的PHP功能实现、代码库,以及Apache和Xitam Web服务器。-CD is the "core PHP Programming," a book supporting the CD, including the integrity of the PHP Function, code base, and the Apache Web server and Xitam. "PHP core programming," a book for the Web experience of the workers preparing the integrity of PHP 3.0 and practical Guide. The book on how PHP from Java, Perl and C to draw the best ideas, how to use PHP programming to create rich, lively Web site. Contents of the book is divided into four parts. Part 1 on the PHP scripting language concepts, and how to control the implementation, how to handle data; Part 2 of the function reference, according to the function of the sequence and function is a practical example; Part 3 on how to solve common programming problems, if the sequencing and chart generation; Part 4 is how to
Platform: | Size: 14599168 | Author: 刘毅然 | Hits:

[Goverment applicationsspace205sp1

Description: 用PHP和MSSQL开发的sspace商城系统-with PHP and MSSQL development of the system sspace Mall
Platform: | Size: 488448 | Author: 彭静 | Hits:


Description: MySQL是一个精巧的SQL数据库管理系统,虽然它不是开放源代码的产品,但在某些情况下你可以自由使用。由于它的强大功能、灵活性、丰富的应用编程接口(API)以及精巧的系统结构,受到了广大自由软件爱好者甚至是商业软件用户的青睐,特别是与Apache和PHP/PERL结合,为建立基于数据库的动态网站提供了强大动力。 MySQL有瑞典的T.c.X公司负责开发和维护,MySQL的用户手册很单纯,只有一个集中的<MySQL Reference Manual>,但其内容覆盖了MySQL的所有信息,因此该手册是了解和掌握MySQL的绝佳文献。 虽然对MySQL的开发不能出一份力,但可为它的推广使用尽一份心,面对500多页的参考手册,知道要精确译出它决非易事,但愿几个月的心血能为大家提供一丝微薄的帮助。 由于本人水平有限,文中肯定有不准确的地方,敬请在阅读过程中不吝指出。文中不明之处,请参阅手册原文。 本文的内容针对MySQL 3.23.7alpla,实际上很多内容是通用的。另外,参考手册的几个附录也是很有价值的,但由于时间有限,未能译出,可参见原文。-MySQL is a sophisticated SQL database management systems, While it is not open source products, but in some cases you can freely use. Because of its strong capabilities, flexibility, rich application programming interface (API) and the elegance of the structure, by the vast number of free software enthusiasts even commercial software users favored especially with Apache and PHP/PERL combination for the establishment of the dynamic database-based web site provided a powerful impetus. MySQL Sweden T.c.X the company responsible for the development and maintenance of the MySQL user manual is very simple, Only a concentration of
Platform: | Size: 454656 | Author: hui | Hits:


Description: MySQL中文参考手册.rar MySQL是一个精巧的SQL数据库管理系统,虽然它不是开放源代码的产品,但在某些情况下你可以自由使用。由于它的强大功能、灵活性、丰富的应用编程接口(API)以及精巧的系统结构,受到了广大自由软件爱好者甚至是商业软件用户的青睐,特别是与Apache和PHP/PERL结合,为建立基于数据库的动态网站提供了强大动力。 MySQL有瑞典的T.c.X公司负责开发和维护,MySQL的用户手册很单纯,只有一个集中的<MySQL Reference Manual>,但其内容覆盖了MySQL的所有信息,因此该手册是了解和掌握MySQL的绝佳文献。 虽然对MySQL的开发不能出一份力,但可为它的推广使用尽一份心,面对500多页的参考手册,知道要精确译出它决非易事,但愿几个月的心血能为大家提供一丝微薄的帮助。 由于本人水平有限,文中肯定有不准确的地方,敬请在阅读过程中不吝指出。文中不明之处,请参阅手册原文。 本文的内容针对MySQL 3.23.7alpla,实际上很多内容是通用的。另外,参考手册的几个附录也是很有价值的,但由于时间有限,未能译出,可参见原文。 -MySQL reference manual. Rar MySQL is a sophisticated SQL database management system Although it is not open source products, but in some cases you can freely use. Because of its strong capabilities, flexibility, rich application programming interface (API) and the elegance of the structure, by the vast number of free software enthusiasts even commercial software users favored especially with Apache and PHP/PERL combination for the establishment of the dynamic database-based web site provided a powerful impetus. MySQL Sweden T.c.X the company responsible for the development and maintenance of the MySQL user manual is very simple, Only a concentration of
Platform: | Size: 447488 | Author: 暮山紫 | Hits:

[WEB CodeSWIGManual

Description: 集成c/c++/java/php/perl等多种语言程序的解决方案-Integrated c/c/java/php/perl procedures such as multilingual solutions
Platform: | Size: 801792 | Author: hegelon | Hits:


Description: 一款文本编辑器,支持多达50余种文件格式(包括C/C++, HTML, ASP, PHP, Perl, Pascal……)的高亮显示,内置拼写检查、二进制编辑器、代码模板、自动纠错、打印预览、书签工具……可导出文件为RTF\HTML\LaTeX格式,可对Windows\MAC OS\Linux操作系统的相应格式文件进行操作。号称包含所有便于编辑文本文件的必备功能-A text editor, supports up to more than 50 file formats (including C/C++, HTML, ASP, PHP, Perl, Pascal ... ...) the highlight, built-spell-checking, binary editor, code templates, automatic error correction, print preview, bookmarks tool can be derived ... ... RTFHTMLLaTeX format document may be WindowsMAC OSLinux the corresponding operating system files to operate. Claimed to contain all easy to edit text files must-have feature
Platform: | Size: 3768320 | Author: rambo4027 | Hits:

[Web Serverperl+php_upload

Description: 用perl+php写的上传文件工具,感谢大家的使用.-With perl+ Php upload files written tools, thanks to the use of everyone.
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: abbort | Hits:


Description: MySQL是一个精巧的SQL数据库管理系统,虽然它不是开放源代码的产品,但在某些情况下你可以自由使用。由于它的强大功能、灵活性、丰富的应用编程接口(API)以及精巧的系统结构,受到了广大自由软件爱好者甚至是商业软件用户的青睐,特别是与Apache和PHP/PERL结合,为建立基于数据库的动态网站提供了强大动力。-MySQL is a sophisticated SQL database management system, although it is not open source products, but in some cases, you are free to use. Because of its powerful features, flexibility, rich application programming interface (API), as well as sophisticated system architecture, by the vast number of free software enthusiasts and even commercial software customers, especially with Apache and PHP/PERL combination for database based on dynamic Web site provides a powerful driving force.
Platform: | Size: 932864 | Author: lijie | Hits:

[Other Web CodeCodeLiner

Description: 可用于单个文件和整个目录的文件代码行统计,适用于Java,C,C++,Delphi,VB,C#,PB,SQL,ASP,JSP,PHP,Perl,ASM,JS,SHELL ,txt等编写的源程序文件,统计结果包括总代码行数, 代码行数, 注释行数和空行数及其所占的百分比,可将统计结果保存为PDF和TXT文件, 支持结果打印.适用于Linux,Windows系列操作系统. 请事先安装JRE1.4以上版本. 声明: 本软件为免费软件可以自由使用,传播, 但不得进行反编译等任何形式的侵权活动.-Can be used for a single file and the entire catalog of documents lines of code statistics, applied to Java, C, C++, Delphi, VB, C#, PB, SQL, ASP, JSP, PHP, Perl, ASM, JS, SHELL, txt such as the preparation of source documents, statistical results, including the total number of lines of code, code lines, comment lines and empty lines and the percentage of statistical results can be saved as PDF and TXT files, support for printing the results. applies to Linux, Windows family of operating systems. Please JRE1.4 above pre-installed version. Disclaimer: This software is free software can be free to use, dissemination, but not to decompile, such as any form of copyright infringement.
Platform: | Size: 1748992 | Author: quietheart | Hits:

[WEB Codephp-weathermap-0.95b

Description: Network Weathermap4RRD is a php or perl script that generates picture network links utilization. Data used to create graph are acquired from RRDTool databases or MRTG HTML files and are displayed as two ways colored arrows on a map representing the logical topology of the network.
Platform: | Size: 2789376 | Author: dontcry2008 | Hits:


Description: Open Flash Chart is a program for creating charts in Flash to display in Web pages. You can create bar, line, area, and pie charts. It also includes server side classes to help generate the data file used as input. At the moment, there are classes for PHP, Perl, .NET, Java, Ruby (and Rails), and Python-Open Flash Chart is a program for creating charts in Flash to display in Web pages. You can create bar, line, area, and pie charts. It also includes server side classes to help generate the data file used as input. At the moment, there are classes for PHP, Perl,. NET, Java, Ruby (and Rails), and Python
Platform: | Size: 2130944 | Author: whsh | Hits:

[WEB Codexampp-win32-devel-1.6.4

Description: XAMPP是一个把Apache网页服务器与PHP、Perl及MySQL集合在一起的安装包,允许用户可以在自己的电脑上轻易的建立网页服务器。-XAMPP is an Apache web server with the PHP, Perl and MySQL together installation package that allows users to be able to own a computer server to create Web pages easily.
Platform: | Size: 7652352 | Author: bill | Hits:


Description: 2003IIS6ASP.NET-PHP-PERL-MSSQL-MYSQL安全设置技术手册: 一、系统约定 环境软件下载后存放位置:X:\Server_Tools 环境软件安装位置:X:\Server_Core PHP安装位置:X:\Server_Core\PHP MySQL安装位置:X:\Server_Core\MySQL Zend Optimizer安装位置:X:\Server_Core\Zend IIS网站站点根目录:X:\wwwroot MySQL 数据库位置:X:\Database Php.ini存放位置:X:\Windows\php.ini My.ini 存放位置:X:\Server_Core\MySQL\my.ini 二、系统环境检查以及准备所需软件 1. 检查系统是否已安装IIS 单击: 开始 - 管理工具 ,检查是否存在 Internet 信息服务(IIS)管理器 2. 查看磁盘分区容量并确定使用策略 打开 我的电脑 ,查看除 C 区外各个磁盘分区的可用空间容量,使用容量较大的磁盘分区作为 WEB 根目录,且 MySQL 数据库存储目录(Database),尽量不要与 WEB 根目录同在一个磁盘分区内。较小的磁盘分区可以作为服务环境软件的安装目录分区。 3. 下载环境软件 将所有软件均下载存放于Server_Tools文件夹中。 MySQL-essential-5.0.45-win32.msi php-5.2.4-Win32.zip ZendOptimizer-3.3.0-Windows-i386.exe -2003IIS6ASP.NET-PHP-PERL-MSSQL-MYSQL
Platform: | Size: 885760 | Author: li | Hits:
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