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1 安装:首先安装MPLAB IDE V7.42的程序,然后再安装C的组件PICC8.05-PL.安装过程中全部确认选择,完毕后重启计算机。 2 激活:(PICC8.05-PL) 运行“开始”菜单下的“HI-TECH SOFTWARE”中的 激活(Complier Activation)程序, 再同时启动算号器程序(HtkeyGen.exe),将Last Name前的勾去掉,填入公司名称,算出相应内 容填入激活程序相应栏目,OK即可完成激活。 3 设置: 3.1 将MPLAB 7.42启动后,在文件栏中打开C的桌面项目文件,在Project栏目中 检查 select language Toolsuite...中的选项,所有路径须指向安装路径如C:\\HT-PIC\\BIN\\PICC.EXE; 3.2 在Project栏目中检查 setlanguage Tool Locations中的HI-TECH ToolsuiteXDGR 相关选项,executables中各程序应指向picc.exe Default Search Paths & Directories中 的相关路径应为安装目录如C:\\HT-PIC\\include 和C:\\HT-PIC\\lib; 3.3 设置programmer中的select programmer选项为\"MPLAB IED 2\"(经验:如果不打开编译器,此选项无法选中)。 3.4 设置单片机型号,在Congfigure中的Select Device选择准确的芯片型号;
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 7.26mb Publisher : smren

DL : 5
、 先在microchip网站上找到,这个包中有 can18xx8.h,can18xx8.c,将其复制到一个你要编写程度的子目录中,例如C:\testcan下,这个时候这个东东是不能直接用的。 2、 下载一个MPLAB 7.10,直接安装(要求直接下载) 3、 再下载一个PICC18 (HI-TECH的),要正版哦(支持正版,买不起的想其它办法吧) 4、在你的头文件上写上如下的样式: #include "stdio.h" #include "can18xx8.h" #include "pic18fxx8.h"//可能是“pic.h”不太好包含,因此常会报错,直接包含克服之 5、然后设置好PICC和MPLAB,如果MPLAB上没有PICC18,则到PICC的网上下一个安装软件,可以直接运行安装就有了。 6、按照工程的基本要求把你的源代码、添加上两个库(不加也可以) 然后就可以写如下代码了:下面是一个完整版,可以直接使用microchip的库函数,本程序只是仿真调试过,未在多个芯片通信过,仍在制作中。 #include "stdio.h" #include "can18xx8.h" #include "pic18fxx8.h" unsigned long NewMessage; BYTE NewMessageData[8]; BYTE MessageData[8]; BYTE NewMessageLen; enum CAN_RX_MSG_FLAGS NewMessageFlags=1; BYTE RxFilterMatch; void main() { //int a; //int b; CANInitialize(1, 5, 7, 6, 2, CAN_CONFIG_VALID_XTD_MSG); while(1) { // Application specific logic here // Check for CAN message if ( CANIsRxReady() ) { CANReceiveMessage(&NewMessage,NewMessageData,&NewMessageLen,&NewMessageFlags); if ( NewMessageFlags & CAN_RX_OVERFLOW ) { // Rx overflow occurred; handle it } if ( NewMessageFlags & CAN_RX_INVALID_MSG ) { // Invalid message received; handle it } if ( NewMessageFlags & CAN_RX_XTD_FRAME ) { // Extended Identifier received; handle it } else { // Standard Identifier received. } if ( NewMessageFlags & CAN_RX_RTR_FRAME ) { // RTR frame received } else { // Regular frame received. } // Extract receiver filter match, if it is to be used RxFilterMatch = NewMessageFlags & CAN_RX_FILTER_BITS; } // Process received message // Transmit a message due to previously received message or // due to application logic itself. if ( CANIsTxReady() ) { MessageData[0] = 0x01; CANSendMessage( 0x02,MessageData,1,CAN_TX_PRIORITY_0 &CAN_TX_STD_FRAME & CAN_TX_NO_RTR_FRAME); } // Other application specific logic } // Do this forever // End of program } 以上均是参考文档并进行了修正,由于中间总是报错,为了大家让CAN更容易,谢谢大家!
Update : 2009-05-25 Size : 10.43kb Publisher :

DL : 0
1 安装:首先安装MPLAB IDE V7.42的程序,然后再安装C的组件PICC8.05-PL.安装过程中全部确认选择,完毕后重启计算机。 2 激活:(PICC8.05-PL) 运行“开始”菜单下的“HI-TECH SOFTWARE”中的 激活(Complier Activation)程序, 再同时启动算号器程序(HtkeyGen.exe),将Last Name前的勾去掉,填入公司名称,算出相应内 容填入激活程序相应栏目,OK即可完成激活。 3 设置: 3.1 将MPLAB 7.42启动后,在文件栏中打开C的桌面项目文件,在Project栏目中 检查 select language Toolsuite...中的选项,所有路径须指向安装路径如C:\HT-PIC\BIN\PICC.EXE; 3.2 在Project栏目中检查 setlanguage Tool Locations中的HI-TECH ToolsuiteXDGR 相关选项,executables中各程序应指向picc.exe Default Search Paths & Directories中 的相关路径应为安装目录如C:\HT-PIC\include 和C:\HT-PIC\lib; 3.3 设置programmer中的select programmer选项为"MPLAB IED 2"(经验:如果不打开编译器,此选项无法选中)。 3.4 设置单片机型号,在Congfigure中的Select Device选择准确的芯片型号;
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 7.26mb Publisher : smren

DL : 0
PIC单片机C语言学习教程.pdf PIC单片机C语言学习教程.pdf-PIC Singlechip C Language Learning Course. Pdf PIC Singlechip C Language Learning Course. Pdf
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 143kb Publisher : 张掖

DL : 0
PIC的C语言学习及注意点,欢迎初学者下载-It is a good pdf for sudy picc ,welcom to load it
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 4.71mb Publisher : 小林

DL : 0
PIC18F2520与时钟芯片PCF8563的I2C例程序。此为测试版,有好多无用的参数/函数,根据自己情况修改。RB0:SDA RB1: SCL ,单片机:PIC18F2520,编译环境:MPlab+PICC18. I2C芯片: PCF8563 ,软件模拟I2C总线设置和读取时钟芯片。工程包括5个文件:delay.h delay.c I2c.h I2c.c I2c_demo.c 是用PICC18提供的I2C例程,用的内部时钟,仅供参考,好多参数没优化,特别是延时和内部时钟。 -PIC18F2520 and the clock chip PCF8563 I2C-amendment process. This is a test version, there are a lot of useless parameters/functions, according to its own changes. RB0: SDA RB1: SCL, MCU: PIC18F2520, build environment: MPlab+ PICC18. I2C chips: PCF8563, software simulation set-up and read the I2C-bus clock chip. The works include five files: delay.h delay.c I2c.h I2c.c I2c_demo.c is PICC18 provided I2C routines, using the internal clock, only for reference, not a lot of parameters optimization, in particular the delay and internal clock.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 174kb Publisher : 吴明

Directories The compiler will search the following directories for Include files. Directories listed on the command line Directories specified in the .PJT file The same directory as the source file By default, the compiler files are put in C:\Program Files\PICC and the example programs and all Include files are in C:\Program Files\PICC\EXAMPLES. The compiler itself is a DLL file. The DLL files are in a DLL directory by default in C:\Program Files\PICC\DLL. Old compiler versions may be kept by renaming this directory. -Directories The compiler will search the following directories for Include files. Directories listed on the command line Directories specified in the .PJT file The same directory as the source file By default, the compiler files are put in C:\Program Files\PICC and the example programs and all Include files are in C:\Program Files\PICC\EXAMPLES. The compiler itself is a DLL file. The DLL files are in a DLL directory by default in C:\Program Files\PICC\DLL. Old compiler versions may be kept by renaming this directory.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : ss

Directories The compiler will search the following directories for Include files. Directories listed on the command line Directories specified in the .PJT file The same directory as the source file By default, the compiler files are put in C:\Program Files\PICC and the example programs and all Include files are in C:\Program Files\PICC\EXAMPLES. The compiler itself is a DLL file. The DLL files are in a DLL directory by default in C:\Program Files\PICC\DLL. Old compiler versions may be kept by renaming this directory. -Directories The compiler will search the following directories for Include files. Directories listed on the command line Directories specified in the .PJT file The same directory as the source file By default, the compiler files are put in C:\Program Files\PICC and the example programs and all Include files are in C:\Program Files\PICC\EXAMPLES. The compiler itself is a DLL file. The DLL files are in a DLL directory by default in C:\Program Files\PICC\DLL. Old compiler versions may be kept by renaming this directory.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 295kb Publisher : ss

Directories The compiler will search the following directories for Include files. Directories listed on the command line Directories specified in the .PJT file The same directory as the source file By default, the compiler files are put in C:\Program Files\PICC and the example programs and all Include files are in C:\Program Files\PICC\EXAMPLES. The compiler itself is a DLL file. The DLL files are in a DLL directory by default in C:\Program Files\PICC\DLL. Old compiler versions may be kept by renaming this directory. -Directories The compiler will search the following directories for Include files. Directories listed on the command line Directories specified in the .PJT file The same directory as the source file By default, the compiler files are put in C:\Program Files\PICC and the example programs and all Include files are in C:\Program Files\PICC\EXAMPLES. The compiler itself is a DLL file. The DLL files are in a DLL directory by default in C:\Program Files\PICC\DLL. Old compiler versions may be kept by renaming this directory.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 13kb Publisher : ss

Directories The compiler will search the following directories for Include files. Directories listed on the command line Directories specified in the .PJT file The same directory as the source file By default, the compiler files are put in C:\Program Files\PICC and the example programs and all Include files are in C:\Program Files\PICC\EXAMPLES. The compiler itself is a DLL file. The DLL files are in a DLL directory by default in C:\Program Files\PICC\DLL. Old compiler versions may be kept by renaming this directory. -Directories The compiler will search the following directories for Include files. Directories listed on the command line Directories specified in the .PJT file The same directory as the source file By default, the compiler files are put in C:\Program Files\PICC and the example programs and all Include files are in C:\Program Files\PICC\EXAMPLES. The compiler itself is a DLL file. The DLL files are in a DLL directory by default in C:\Program Files\PICC\DLL. Old compiler versions may be kept by renaming this directory.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 8kb Publisher : ss

该文件为PICC8.05安装文件,里面包括了破解软件以及整个安装的具体流程,对新手来说是很好的东西。-The file is PICC8.05 installation files, which include cracking software and the installation of the specific process for newcomers is a good thing.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 7.54mb Publisher : 王薇

首先,你用的C18编译器只能编译PIC高端的8位单片机PIC18系列单片机。不建议初学者开始就先学PIC18单片机,建议先学PIC10、PIC12、PIC16系列单片机。如需要编译C文件,可以在Microchip的官网下载HT-PICC for PIC12/16那个。但也不建议初学者开始学就用C编写。如果你不了解单片机内部结构和指令(指令就是汇编),那你永远也没法学懂单片机(不管是否PIC的)。啰嗦的话说完了,现在说一下你的问题。装好以后,先要建立好一个项目,在建立项目的时候需要你指定编译器,则找到Microchip C18 toolsuite,并且确认下面的编译器和连接器的路径都指向MCC18目录下。-Make: The target "D:\equipment\410\MXPR-410\tmp\USERSPC3.o" is out of date.Executing: "C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPLAB C30\bin\pic30-gcc.exe"-mcpu=generic-16bit-x c-c "USERSPC3.C"-o"D:\equipment\410\MXPR-410\tmp\USERSPC3.o"-I"D:\equipment\410\MXPR-410\h"-g-WallIn file included from D:/equipment/410/MXPR-410/h/p33f_device.h:24, from D:/equipment/410/MXPR-410/h/p33f_Tasks.h:15, from USERSPC3.C:14:D:/equipment/410/MXPR-410/h/p33FJ256GP710.h:8:2: error:#error "Include file does not match processor setting"In file included from D:/equipment/410/MXPR-410/h/p33f_device.h:26, from D:/equipment/410/MXPR-410/h/p33f_Tasks.h:15,
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 10kb Publisher : yb
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