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Description: 用汇编语言写的PIC16系列PID算法。适合用于温度PID控制。
Platform: | Size: 10844 | Author: eugene.he@163.com | Hits:

[Windows DevelopPID水量控制仿真演示系统

Description: PID水量控制仿真演示系统,很全面很实用的工业控制程序,功能强大,稳定,内配备相应的第三方组件
Platform: | Size: 492791 | Author: lmj_zhang@yahoo.cn | Hits:


Description: Fuzzy PID control program
Platform: | Size: 3628182 | Author: petertang1975 | Hits:

[Embeded Linux增量型PID程序

Description: 增量型PID程序增量型PID程序
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: 394942950@qq.com | Hits:


Description: 利用单片机,对加热器温度进行PID调节控制,以达到平衡状态,精华在于PID算法的实现和PID参数的计算,同时还外加有显示程序和键盘程序等外围辅助电路的程序设计。
Platform: | Size: 4698 | Author: forrest7507 | Hits:

[Program doc智能车PID调节的经验方法.doc

Description: 这是一篇关于智能车如何调节PID的文章,很有借鉴意义!
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: qqhengg | Hits:


Description: PID算法及应用详细说明
Platform: | Size: 4478247 | Author: xtao_111 | Hits:


Description: 8051单片机PID算法实现
Platform: | Size: 47233 | Author: 943321456@qq.com | Hits:

[DocumentsFuzzy PID Controller

Description: An optimal Fuzzy PID Controller
Platform: | Size: 139715 | Author: bluefish001 | Hits:

[Software Engineering增量式PID控制算法汇编程序

Description: 增量式PID控制算法汇编程序
Platform: | Size: 47616 | Author: blue.qu@163.com | Hits:

[Program docPID source

Description: 电动车控制器开发时用的PID算法
Platform: | Size: 450470 | Author: huang_hzl | Hits:


Description: C语言实现PID算法
Platform: | Size: 98816 | Author: gfswzy1110 | Hits:


Description: 标准增量PID算法的C实现
Platform: | Size: 98816 | Author: gfswzy1110 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developpid学习资料代码

Description: pid学习资料代码-the code of study information of PID
Platform: | Size: 166912 | Author: chlh | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Develop伺服系统分区PID调节实例

Description: 这是偶编写的伺服系统一个数字PID调节程序,希望对大家有用-This is even prepared a digital servo system PID adjustment procedures in the hope that it may be useful to
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 唐晓辉 | Hits:


Description: 工业控制中的一种常用控制算法PID运算-industrial control of a common computing PID control algorithm
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 林王 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Develop数字PID及其算法1、2

Description: 数字PID及其算法--Number PID and its algorithm 1 and 2.
Platform: | Size: 1045504 | Author: 李可 | Hits:


Description: 遗传算法对PID参数的优化,这是在Matlab下编写的!-genetic algorithm to optimize the parameters of PID, which is prepared in Matlab!
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 郭伟 | Hits:


Description: 简单明了的PID控制算法,可以参考一下-simple PID control algorithm, a reference
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 宋向东 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个比较典型的PID处理程序,在使用单片机作为控制cpu时,请稍作简化,具体的PID 参数必须由具体对象通过实验确定。由于单片机的处理速度和ram资源的限制,一般不采用浮点数运算,而将所有参数全部用整数,运算 到最后再除以一个2的N次方数据(相当于移位),作类似定点数运算,可大大提高运算速度,根据控制精度的不同要求,当精度要求很 高时,注意保留移位引起的“余数”,做好余数补偿。这个程序只是一般常用pid算法的基本架构,没有包含输入输出处理部分。-This is a typical PID process, as in the use of SCM control cpu, please slightly simplified, specific PID parameters to be specific targets identified by experiments. As SCM processing speed and ram resource constraints, generally do not use floating-point operations, and will use all the parameters of all integers, and the final calculations to divide one of the Nth 2 data (the equivalent displacement), will count for a similar operation, it will greatly increase the computing speed, control Accuracy of different requirements and high precision, displacement caused reservations to the attention of the "I", which I do several compensation. This procedure is commonly used algorithm pid the basic structure does not include input and output processing.
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 伊强 | Hits:
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