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[Other Embeded programweik_I2c

Description: The I2C Memory Model is a generic Proteus VSM model designed to model the timing and functionality of I2C memory devices from a wide range of manufacturers.
Platform: | Size: 92160 | Author: 阿炳 | Hits:


Description: ATmega8-Protues仿真之六 串口通信-ATmega8-Protues simulation of the six serial communication
Platform: | Size: 280576 | Author: 一清 | Hits:


Description: PROTEUS下仿真ARM应用系统,支持UCOS操作系统。-PROTEUS under the ARM simulation applications, operating system support uCOS.
Platform: | Size: 482304 | Author: liuxing | Hits:


Description: proteus library for everyone
Platform: | Size: 386048 | Author: ss | Hits:


Description: This proteus lib.-This is proteus lib.
Platform: | Size: 269312 | Author: val tosev | Hits:

[Other Embeded programOPTOCOUPLER_NPN_4

Description: Proteus 光耦元件模型 TLP521 PC817 四脚光耦 OPTOCOUPLER NPN 4 -Proteus OPTOCOUPLER NPN 4 TLP521 PC817
Platform: | Size: 119808 | Author: o0pingu0o | Hits:


Description: proteus File list(Click to check if it s the file you need, and recomment it at the bottom): USERSYM.LIB wyh.BAK wyh.IDX wyh.LIB USERDVC.IDX USERDVC.LIB USERPKG.IDX USERPKG.LIB-proteusproteusFile list(Click to check if it s the file you need, and recomment it at the bottom): USERSYM.LIB wyh.BAK wyh.IDX wyh.LIB USERDVC.IDX USERDVC.LIB USERPKG.IDX USERPKG.LIB
Platform: | Size: 44032 | Author: Dimass | Hits:

[Software EngineeringDXP-LIB-PROTEUS

Description: DXP中的集成库,是proteus与DXP结合的好东西。-proteus and DXP line student, very good!
Platform: | Size: 1421312 | Author: 依由萍 | Hits:


Description: 1. copas ARDUINO.LIB dan ARDUINO.IDX ke folder library di direktori instal Proteus. 2. buka ISIS lalu pada mode komponen ketikan ARDUINO pada kolom device selektornya. 3. letakan gambar Arduino ke bidang kerja ISIS 4. tambahkan LED atau componen lain yang ingin kita buat. 5. klik 2x gambar arduino tsb. lalu isi kan file *.HEX atau *.ELF beda nya: *.HEX tidak menampilkan source kode seperti *.ELF saat di simulasikan.-1. copas ARDUINO.LIB dan ARDUINO.IDX ke folder library di direktori instal Proteus. 2. buka ISIS lalu pada mode komponen ketikan ARDUINO pada kolom device selektornya. 3. letakan gambar Arduino ke bidang kerja ISIS 4. tambahkan LED atau componen lain yang ingin kita buat. 5. klik 2x gambar arduino tsb. lalu isi kan file *.HEX atau *.ELF beda nya: *.HEX tidak menampilkan source kode seperti *.ELF saat di simulasikan.
Platform: | Size: 33792 | Author: CsZoli ti | Hits:


Description: proteus 8 lib activation mostafa thabet-proteus 8 lib activation mostafa thabet
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: mostafa thabet | Hits:

[Other Embeded programTM1638

Description: 用VC2010实现的proteus可仿真元件库TM1638。包含: TM1638元件库USERDVC.LIB(在proteus\LIBRARY下,需要拷贝到proteus安装目录的LIBRARY文件夹下) TM1638仿真程序TM1638.DLL(在proteus\MODELS下,需要拷贝到proteus安装目录的MODELS文件夹下) TM1638测试程序 基于STC89C52的DS3231实时钟程序(DS3231目录) 用VC2010元件写的仿真源代码(TM1638目录)-proteus device lib:TM1638
Platform: | Size: 11055104 | Author: Rogue | Hits:


Description: ARDUINO与ArduinoTEP的IDX和LIB文件下载,解压到proteus的LIBRARY文件夹即可使用
Platform: | Size: 36077 | Author: 984556194@qq.com | Hits:

[SCMProtues 新增元件库

Description: protues新增元器件 使用说明: 1 TFT 将TFT320240.LIB 复制到 C:\Program Files\Labcenter Electronics\Proteus 7 Professional\LIBRARY 目录下 将TFT320240A.dll 复制到C:\Program Files\Labcenter Electronics\Proteus 7 Professional\MODELS 2 Proteus disamfang (1) 将其解出来。把LIBRARY 复制到C:\Program Files\Labcenter Electronics\Proteus 7 Professional\LIBRARY 目录下 (2)Proteus第三方元件库 解压出来MODELS 复制到C:\Program Files\Labcenter Electronics\Proteus 7 Professional\MODELS (3)将DEV_OPTICAL.rar 解压出来 复制到 C:\Program Files\Labcenter Electronics\Proteus 7 Professional\LIBRARY 目录下 (4)其余的复制到C:\Program Files\Labcenter Electronics\Proteus 7 Professional\SAMPLES目录下即可。。(Protues new components)
Platform: | Size: 2111488 | Author: 梁大眼 | Hits:


Description: proteusTFT320240彩屏仿真模型,把解压出来的TFT320240.LIB文件放到proteus安装目录的LIBRARY文件夹里,TFT320240A.dll放到proteus安装目录的MODELS文件夹里,然后再proteus的器件窗口搜索TFT320240 即可找到彩屏。(ProteusTFT320240 color model, the extracted TFT320240.LIB file into the Proteus installation directory LIBRARY folder, TFT320240A.dll into the Proteus installation directory MODELS folder, then Proteus search TFT320240 can find the screen window device.)
Platform: | Size: 524288 | Author: 呗呗 | Hits:


Description: PWM Lib for Isis proteus
Platform: | Size: 11553792 | Author: DroG | Hits:


Description: vsm lib mdels proteus
Platform: | Size: 2736128 | Author: diegofervel | Hits:

[Linux driverArduino Library for Proteus

Description: 用于protues 仿真的arduino元件库(arduino lib for protues)
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: okoko123 | Hits:

[OtherProteus LIB Collection

Description: Proteus LIB Collection
Platform: | Size: 16697800 | Author: Monstro | Hits:

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