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1.选择一幅图像,对该图像进行DCT块操作(将图像分成8×8小块,对每个小块进行DCT变换)。 2.利用屏蔽矩阵对DCT系数进行区域选择,然后进行逆变换(IDCT),合成原图像,计算合成图像的PSNR。 3.选择一小波函数,对一幅图像进行分解,显示各变换系数,观察其规律,并进行小波逆变换,合成原图像。 -1. Select an image, the image DCT block operations (the image is divided into 8 × 8 small pieces of each small piece for DCT transform). 2. The use of shielding on the DCT coefficient matrix of regional choices, and then inverse transform (IDCT), synthesis of the original image, calculating the synthetic image PSNR. 3. To select a wavelet function, decomposition of an image to show the transform coefficients, to observe its laws, and inverse wavelet transform, the original synthetic image.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : syq

这个是一个获取两个图像相似度的函数,对于图像处理和数字水印方面的编程者来说,会经常去计算两个图像的psnr值,从而来确定图像的相似度,使用matlab可以很方便的计算两个图像的psnr,但是由于matlab专业性很强,而且有没有版权保护,所以对于大批的使用VC语言的这方面的编程者,由于要经常使用而显得很麻烦。 通过调用get_psnr函数可以很方便的就得到两个图像的相似度。 -This is a similarity to obtain a function of two images for image processing and programming aspects of digital watermarking are concerned, will keep the two images to calculate the PSNR value, thereby to determine the similarity of images, the use of matlab can be easily the calculation of the two images psnr, but because matlab highly professional, and has no copyright protection, and therefore the use of a large number of VC language programming in this area, and due to frequent use, there appears to be very troublesome. Get_psnr by calling the function can be easily obtained from the two images on the similarity.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 莫雨

DL : 0
对图像进行二维离散小波变换, 变换级数大于等于3级,然后统计系数中0的个数(百分比表示),并进行重构, 最后计算重构图像的峰值信噪比(PSNR). 里面还附上了我写的实验报告,对大家理解Mallat算法和图像压缩很有帮助-Image two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform, transform series greater than or equal to 3, and then statistics of the number of coefficients in 0 (expressed as a percentage), and reconstruction, the final calculation of reconstructed image of the peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR). which also includes the experimental report I wrote to all of us understand the Mallat algorithm and image compression helpful
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 963kb Publisher : zhang

编程实现基于8×8子块的DCT图像变换,基于JPEG量化矩阵的量化与反量化,基于8×8子块DCT的图像重建;以一幅512×512、8比特/象素的图像为实验对象,计算重建后的PSNR。-Programming based on 8 × 8 sub-block of the DCT image transform, quantization matrix based on the JPEG quantization and anti-quantitative, based on the 8 × 8 sub-block DCT of the image reconstruction to a 512 × 512,8 bits/as Su-image for the experiment, re-calculation of PSNR.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 109kb Publisher : zfyplay

结合离散小波变换(DWT)技术,利用DWT与HVS相结合的良好特性,探索和建立了一种新的图像质量客观评价方法-taking advantage of the similarities of discrete wavelet transform (DWT) with HVS,a new methods for integrated image quality assessment
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 196kb Publisher : 朱建伟

Block Matching Algorithms for Motion Estimation This project contains the project report and source code by Aroh Barjatya for Digital Image Processing Class at Utah State University. Following is a short description of the m files in this zip motionsEstAnalysis.m Script to execute all Algorithms motionEstES.m Exhaustive Search Algorithm motionEstTSS.m Three Step Search Algorithm motionEstNTSS.m New Three Step Search Algorithm motionEstSESTSS.m Simple And Efficient Search Algorithm motionEst4SS.m Four Step Search Algorithm motionEstDS.m Diamond Search Algorithm motionEstARPSm Adaptive Root Pattern Search Algorithm costFuncMAD.m Mean Absolute Difference Function minCost.m minimum cost among macro blocks motionComp.m motion compensated image creator imgPSNR.m finds image PSNR w.r.t. reference image The test images can be found at Matching Algorithms for Motion Estimation This project contains the project report and source code by Aroh Barjatya for Digital Image Processing Class at Utah State University. Following is a short description of the m files in this zip motionsEstAnalysis.m Script to execute all Algorithms motionEstES.m Exhaustive Search Algorithm motionEstTSS.m Three Step Search Algorithm motionEstNTSS.m New Three Step Search Algorithm motionEstSESTSS.m Simple And Efficient Search Algorithm motionEst4SS.m Four Step Search Algorithm motionEstDS.m Diamond Search Algorithm motionEstARPSm Adaptive Root Pattern Search Algorithm costFuncMAD.m Mean Absolute Difference Function minCost.m minimum cost among macro blocks motionComp.m motion compensated image creator imgPSNR.m finds image PSNR w.r.t. reference image The test images can be found at
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 116kb Publisher : Yashil

Median filter 3x3,Median filter 5x5, mean filter, wiener filter, PSNR, MSE -a simple gui for image noise removal
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14kb Publisher : torto

运动估计块匹配算法 以下是工程中m文件的简单注释: main.m 可通过主函数调用各种基本的块匹配算法 FullSearch.m 全搜索法(又称为Exhaustive Search) ThreeStepSearch.m 三步搜索法(Three Step Search) NewTSS.m 新三步搜索法(New Three Step Search Algorithm) SESTSS.m 简便高效的三步搜索法(Simple And Efficient TSS) FourSS.m 四步搜索法(Four Step Search) DS.m 菱形搜索法(Diamond Search) ARPS.m 自适应路径搜索法(Adaptive Root Pattern Search) costFuncMAD.m 绝对误差均值函数 minCost.m 宏块间代价最小块 motionComp.m 图像重建 imgPSNR.m 计算图像的PSNR值-Block matching motion estimation algorithm The following is a simple project m file comments: main.m calls through the main function of basic block matching algorithm FullSearch.m full search method (also known as the Exhaustive Search) ThreeStepSearch.m three-step search method (Three Step Search) NewTSS.m new three-step search method (New Three Step Search Algorithm) SESTSS.m simple and efficient three-step search method (Simple And Efficient TSS) FourSS.m four-step search method (Four Step Search) DS. m diamond search method (Diamond Search) ARPS.m adaptive path search method (Adaptive Root Pattern Search) costFuncMAD.m mean absolute error between the cost of the function minCost.m macroblock most small motionComp.m calculated image reconstruction imgPSNR.m image PSNR value
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.51mb Publisher : alan

main executing reference usage: observeWaveletDecompositionBenchmark_N_levels.m The objective is to illustrate wavelet decomposition, and to describe how operations may be done in the wavelet domain before the reconstruction. The demo decouples the wavelet operations (transform, operation in wavelet domain, and reconstruction) from the plotting. A PSNR and MSE describes the possible distortion (however minimal) of the forward and inverse wavelet transform. * Caveat: The image display may be subjected to the selected target image. The objective is to provide a simple framework for the understanding of working with wavelets.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 206kb Publisher : elfrania

对400幅灰度图像用分块PCA的方法进行压缩,进行通信时只用传输主元和特征向量。其中,pcaxiefangcha.m用于图像压缩,imresume.m用于图像恢复和部分图像的显示,chaweight.m用于绘制特征值比重-主元个数关系图,crdraw.m用于绘制压缩比-主元个数关系图,psnrdraw.m用于绘制总误差PSNR-主元个数关系图,psnrlocation.m用于绘制单幅图像误差PSNR分布图。-On the 400 block with a gray image compression method of PCA, to communicate only the main elements and characteristics of transfer vectors. Which, pcaxiefangcha.m for image compression, imresume.m parts of the image for image restoration and display, chaweight.m characteristic value for the draw weight- the main element number diagram, crdraw.m used to draw the compression ratio- the primary element number diagram, psnrdraw.m used to draw the total number of errors PSNR-principal component diagram, psnrlocation.m PSNR used to draw a single image error distribution.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.99mb Publisher : 刘明

此程序用C语言求取彩色图像的PSNR。psnr是一种评价图像的客观标准。它具有局限性,PSNR是“PeakSignaltoNoiseRatio”的缩写。peak的中文意思是顶点。而ratio的意思是比率或比列的。整个意思就是到达噪音比率的顶点信号,psnr是一般是用于最大值信号和背景噪音之间的一个工程项目。-This program uses the C language to strike a color image PSNR. psnr is an objective criteria to evaluate image. It has limitations, PSNR is "PeakSignaltoNoiseRatio," the abbreviation. the peak of the Chinese meaning is the vertex. The ratio of the mean ratio than the column. The means to reach the vertex of the noise ratio signal, and psnr is generally used for a project between the maximum signal and background noise。
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.39mb Publisher : wangjing

This source code is a matlab code for calculating the difference in image qualities. PSNR and MSE are very helpful for noises and compressions
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : Kassa

DL : 0
对某一标准图像进行二维Mallat小波的3级分解,获得小波高/低频系数,分别 用低频分量LL1、LL2、LL3的小波系数进行图像重建,分别计算这三种情况 和原始图像比较的PSNR。-A standard image 3 2D Mallat wavelet decomposition, wavelet high/low frequency coefficients , respectively Low frequency component LL1 , LL2, LL3 wavelet coefficients for image reconstruction, respectively, to calculate the three And compared to the original image PSNR.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 44kb Publisher : 张聪聪

本程序采用JPEG算法对静止图像进行编解码,采用Matlab仿真平台。程序的品质因数可以自行调整,并附有性能参数分析(采用PSNR作为评判依据)。这是我研一的课程作业程序,自己写的,希望有需要的同学下载!-This procedure uses the JPEG algorithm for still image coding and decoding, using Matlab simulation platform. Program can adjust the quality factor, together with the performance parameters analyzed (using PSNR as criterions). This is what I study a course work program, write your own, and I hope there is a need for students to download!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 12kb Publisher : 杨建

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运用matlab对图像进行放大:像素复制法和双线性插值法。像素复制方法的图像缩放的原理主要是对原来输入图像的整行或是整列像素进行简单的复制与删除,达到改变图像大小的目的。双线性插值放大算法中,目标图像中新创造的象素值,是由原图像位置在它附近的小区域象素的值通过加权平均计算得出的。-Write MATLAB function to zoom a grayscale image from original size to the given output size through two different methods: a) pixel repetition and b) bilinear interpolation. Zoom the images processed in the Task 2 back to the original size using above mentioned methods. Calculate MSE and PSNR for the original and zoomed images using MATLAB methods written for the Task 1. Plot the MSE and PSNR as function of the size reduction ratio respectively. Define what combination of shrink/zoom methods provides the minimal MSE and maximal PSNR for the same size reduction ratio.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : 宁可

DL : 0
calculation PSNR for a noisy image
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : Yana

测试以下图像信息 1。结构内容(SC) 2。均方误差(MSE) 3。峰值信噪比(PSNR值) 4。归一化互相关(NCC) 5。平均差(AD) 6。最大的差异(MD) 7。归一化绝对误差(NAE)-Image/Picture Quality Measures In this application, different image quality measures are calculated for a distorted image with reference to an original image. To test the application, a set of 20 distorted images is included in this package. The list of Image Quality measures implemented in this package include, 1. Structural Content (SC) 2. Mean Square Error (MSE) 3. Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR in dB) 4. Normalized Cross-Correlation (NCC) 5. Average Difference (AD) 6. Maximum Difference (MD) 7. Normalized Absolute Error (NAE) Refer Reference.png for the mathematical expressions implemented in this package. Original images are kept in the folder OriginalImages . Distorted images are kept in the folder DistortedImages .
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.02mb Publisher : 陈芳洲

DL : 0
this file inciudes the signalto noise ratio of a steganographic scheme which is being used for embeding message in a jpeg image.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : amirkamtarin

Image / Picture Quality Measures In this application, different image quality measures are calculated for a distorted image with reference to an original image. To test the application, a set of 20 distorted images i ncluded in this package. The list of Image Quality measures implemented in this package include, 1. Structural Content (SC) 2. Mean Square Error (MSE) 3. Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR in dB) 4. Normalized Cross-Correlation (NCC) 5. Average Difference (AD) 6. Maximum Difference (MD) 7. Normalized Absolute Error (NAE) Refer Reference.png for the mathematical expressions implemented in this package. Original images are kept in the folder OriginalImages . Distorted images are kept in the folder DistortedImages . -Image / Picture Quality Measures In this application, different image quality measures are calculated for a distorted image with reference to an original image. To test the application, a set of 20 distorted images is included in this package. The list of Image Quality measures implemented in this package include, 1. Structural Content (SC) 2. Mean Square Error (MSE) 3. Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR in dB) 4. Normalized Cross-Correlation (NCC) 5. Average Difference (AD) 6. Maximum Difference (MD) 7. Normalized Absolute Error (NAE) Refer Reference.png for the mathematical expressions implemented in this package. Original images are kept in the folder OriginalImages . Distorted images are kept in the folder DistortedImages .
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.02mb Publisher : Emad Taha

MATLAB实现PSNR 和SSIM算法和一种针对模糊图像的无参考评价。(图像像素需要相同)(MATLAB realizes PSNR and SSIM algorithm and a non reference evaluation for fuzzy image. (image pixels need to be the same))
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : Qtzdlbt
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