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Description: 直流电机速度闭环PWM控制——PWM方面 直流电机速度闭环PWM控制——PWM方面-Closed-loop PWM DC motor speed control- PWM connection speed closed-loop PWM DC motor control- PWM area
Platform: | Size: 165888 | Author: talent8791 | Hits:


Description: PWM整流器的直接电流控制,采用双闭环控制,调试通过,效果一般-PWM rectifier direct current control, dual-closed-loop control, debug is passed, the effect of general
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: yuguo | Hits:

[DSP programdianjizhuangbihuan

Description: DSP2812用于电机双闭环控制的程序,分成九块,包括PWM,QEP,ADC-DSP2812 for motor dual closed-loop control procedure is divided into nine, including PWM, QEP, ADC
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 甘家飞 | Hits:


Description: 普通有刷直流电机PWM闭环控制C51完整源程序-Brush DC Motor has ordinary PWM closed-loop control C51 complete source
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: cfh | Hits:


Description: 在计算机上实现直流电动机的脉宽调速、双闭环晶闸管调速的Simulink仿真,可以较为形象的观察电动机的调速全过程,同时可以改变相关参数来实现不同情况下的调速过程。-The computer realization of the PWM DC Motor Speed Control, dual-closed-loop speed control thyristor Simulink simulation, the image can be observed the whole process of motor speed, while the relevant parameters can change under different circumstances to achieve the speed control process.
Platform: | Size: 419840 | Author: 张鹏 | Hits:


Description: 直流电机的闭环控制,包括初始化设置定时器,初始化设置设定INT0的工作方式,设置PWM的脉冲宽度和设定方向等-Closed-loop DC motor control, including the initialization settings timer, initialization settings set INT0 work, set PWM pulse width and set the direction
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 小亮 | Hits:


Description: 加入了积分运算,高速震荡变小了,选择了积分系数是0.1,和采样周期一样。但是高速震荡还是存在,超调基本上没有了。 当把积分数值除以十的时候,你会发现输出的震荡明显减少了,和开环控制的时候差不多,由此可以猜测,震荡有可能是由测试信号的精度决定的,另一方面可能是 因为PWM所引起的。通过综合比较发现,闭环系统的启动速度很快,比开环的快很多,但是加装了积分部分后,输出似乎变小了。-Add the integral operator, high-speed shocks become smaller, select the integral coefficient is 0.1, and the same sampling period. But there is still some high-speed shocks, basically there is no overshoot. When the integral value divided by ten, you will find that the output shocks significantly reduced, and the open-loop control is almost time, it can be speculated that turbulence could be the accuracy of signals from the testing decision, on the other hand may be arising because PWM. Through a comprehensive comparison, the closed-loop system to start fast, faster than the open-loop, but after the installation of an integral part of, the output seems to become smaller.
Platform: | Size: 80896 | Author: 张子凤 | Hits:


Description: 介绍了一种闭环智能数控直流电流源的设计原理和实施方案,该方案采用自行设计制作的高精度电压源,利用单片机、PWM和运算放大器构成A/DD/A转换器来控制场效应管导通状态的原理,达到了输出恒流的目的。整个系统采用89C58单片机作为主控部件,将预置电流值数据送入D/A转换器,经硬件电路变换为恒定的直流输出,同时使用采样电阻将实际输出电流转换成电压送入A/D转换器,并将其反馈到单片机中构成闭环系统,进而实现预设值和实际值的比较,再通过调整D /A转换器输出的电压来改变场效应管的导通状态,减小了实际值与预设值之间的误差,实现了电流可预置、可步进调整、输出的电流信号可直接数字显示的功能。采用硬件闭环、软件闭环、软件实时积分、实时滤波的方法,锁定输出电流,从而实现了高精度恒流源的目的。此次所设计的电流源具有精度高、结构简单、工作稳定、操作方便、成本低廉、带负载能力强等优点-The scheme adapts high precision voltage source designed by ourselves Micro Control Unit (MCU) D/A converter and amplifier to control the transmitting state of field effect transistor which attains constant current. The system adapts MCU 89c52 as main control part the output current is transformed into the voltage by sample resistant and the voltage is sent to D/A converter and then sent to the MCU compared with the setting current. If there exist errors we should adapt D/A converter output and change the transmitting state of field effect transistor. The actual value is directed to the setting value. The direct current reaches the constant value. The closed loop control and PID arithmetic is used to realize high precision and wide range in the software design part. The intelligent current source realizes that the output current can be preset adjusted step by step and displayed in digit directly. Above functions are operated by keyboard within the current source. The stability of this
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: zhendongzhao | Hits:

[Software Engineeringdainlu

Description: 此开关稳压电源由AT89S52单片机作为控制核心。系统包括AD采样,PID控制,PWM输出,构成闭环系统。交流电源输入到整流模块,经整流滤波后输出平稳的直流电压。该直流电压直接输出至IGBT全桥变换器模块。高精度AD转换器将后端输出的电压电流信号由模拟信号量变为数字量供给单片机进行数字PlD运算,经过PID控制运算后,由控制模块输出PWM调制波形至IGBT栅极,构成一个闭环系统,控制电压稳定输出,从而实现开关稳压电源控制系统。此外,可由键盘输入欲得电压值,从LCD显示实际电压值,人机交互界面友好。-This switching power supply control by the core as a single-chip AT89S52. AD sampling system, PID control, PWM output, constitute a closed-loop system. AC power input to the rectifier module, after filtering by the rectifier output DC voltage stable. The output DC voltage directly to the IGBT full-bridge converter modules. Precision will be the back-end AD converter output voltage and current signals from the analog signal into a digital quantity to supply the number of single-chip computing PlD, after PID control algorithms, the control module from the output PWM waveform modulation IGBT gate to form a closed-loop system, the control voltage output, in order to achieve switching power supply control system. In addition, by欲得keyboard input voltage from the LCD displays the actual voltage value, user-friendly human-computer interaction.
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: 周陶钧 | Hits:


Description: 实现PWM三相输出,并且闭环控制,必要可以调整输出六项-The realization of three-phase PWM output, and closed-loop control, if necessary, can adjust the output of six
Platform: | Size: 428032 | Author: 毛航银 | Hits:


Description: 学习三相无感无刷(BLDC)电机的基础驱动程序和电路.应用实例为迈拓40G硬盘的主轴电机.改变输入电压可以改变转速.如应用自动控制,可以用pwm来控制输入电压来达到速度控制.如有闭环反馈,即可实现恒速运转-Learning without a sense of three-phase brushless (BLDC) motor driver and circuit basis. Application examples for the Maxtor 40G hard disk spindle motor. To change the input voltage can change the speed. Such as the application of automatic control, you can use pwm to control the input voltage to achieve the speed control. If the closed-loop feedback, constant speed operation can be achieved ..
Platform: | Size: 56320 | Author: 王海涛 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringPWM

Description: 关于各种电机的PWM程序: 工程1,采用C语言完成的主要功能有 1:用定时器1中断让LED闪烁; 2:用定时器2的比较单元产生一路PWM; 3:用EVB模块产生6路PWM; 另外四个汇编程序依次分别是: SVPWM(软件法)程序, 交流异步矢量程序, 直流双极性双闭环可逆控制程序, 和采样SPWM程序。 -PWM motor on a variety of programs: Project 1, using C language to complete the main functions 1: The Timer 1 interrupt enable LED blinking 2: Timer 2 compare unit produces all the way PWM 3: EVB module produces 6 Road PWM Followed by four other assembler are: SVPWM (software method) program, Induction vector process Double Closed Loop DC bipolar reversible control procedures, And sampling SPWM procedures.
Platform: | Size: 81920 | Author: bullwell | Hits:


Description: This simulation demonstrates the use of the PMSM in a closed-loop speed and current control on a 1.1 kW 3000 rpm industrial motor. A three-phase motor rated 1.1 KW, 220 V, 3000 rpm is fed by a PWM inverter. In this simulation, the whole system is built entirely with standard Simulink blocks (without resort to blocksets). -This simulation demonstrates the use of the PMSM in a closed-loop speed and current control on a 1.1 kW 3000 rpm industrial motor. A three-phase motor rated 1.1 KW, 220 V, 3000 rpm is fed by a PWM inverter. In this simulation, the whole system is built entirely with standard Simulink blocks (without resort to blocksets).
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: fozzie | Hits:

[Program docStudy-on-the-Control-Scheme

Description: 恒频恒压(CVCF)逆变电源的输出电压波形质量是衡量其性能的重要指标之一。文章采用一种重复控制和双闭环控制相结合的电压波形控制策略,以重复控制器提高逆变电源输出电压的稳态精度,减小总谐波畸变率;以双闭环控制器达到较快的动态响应速度。该方案在一台采用TMS320F240 DSP控制芯片的50 Hz三相PWM逆变器上得到验证。-Constant voltage constant frequency (CVCF) Inverter output voltage waveform quality is an important measure of its performance indicators. Paper using a repetitive control and the combination of double closed loop control voltage waveform control strategy to improve the repetitive controller output voltage inverter steady-state accuracy and reduce total harmonic distortion to achieve a faster dual-loop controller dynamic response speed. The program uses TMS320F240 DSP in a 50 Hz phase control chip PWM inverter has been to verify.
Platform: | Size: 405504 | Author: Jew | Hits:


Description: 采用51单片机PWM方式控制直流电机转速,闭环系统,转速采用数码管显示,采用PROTEUS仿真-With 51 single-chip PWM control of DC motor speed, closed-loop system, the use of digital speed display, using PROTEUS simulation
Platform: | Size: 76800 | Author: 陈永煌 | Hits:


Description: 双闭环可逆直流脉宽调速系统的MATLAB/Simulink仿真模型。系统无静差、电流超调量σi≤5 、可逆运行。额定负载启动到额定转速时的转速超调量σn≤10 。-Double Closed Loop Reversible MATLAB/Simulink simulation model DC PWM speed control system. No static error system, current overshoot σi≤5 , reversible operation. Rated load speed overshoot starting to rated speed when σn≤10 .
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 陈煜 | Hits:


Description: 使用stm32开发板做的pwm输出控制buck电路,反馈使用PID算法,实现闭环控制(The use of STM32 development board to do PWM output control buck circuit, feedback using PID algorithm to achieve closed-loop control)
Platform: | Size: 10725376 | Author: cheers | Hits:


Description: PWM电动机调速 采用光电盘测速 信息反馈 液晶屏显示(PWM motor speed control, closed loop control, photoelectric disk, speed measurement)
Platform: | Size: 12938240 | Author: 一克拉臭臭 | Hits:


Description: 电机位置PID闭环控制,采用PWM控制电机转速,基于STM32单片机平台(Motor position PID closed-loop control, using PWM to control motor speed, based on STM32 microcontroller platform)
Platform: | Size: 2362368 | Author: pizzymmm | Hits:

[DSP program基于DSP28335的单相PWM整流 双闭环PI控制

Description: 利用DSPF28335实现单相桥式PWM整流器的双闭环PI控制,用到AD7606和数字锁相(Double-closed-loop PI control of single-phase bridge PWM rectifier using DSPF28335, using AD7606 and digital phase lock)
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: 糊涂小兵 | Hits:
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