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atmega16 用pwm 产生正弦波 示波器观察ok-ATmega16 generate sine wave using pwm oscilloscope observation ok
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 17kb Publisher : sjhdu

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[AVR源代码]快速PWM模式产生正弦波-[AVR source code] Express sinusoidal PWM model
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : zgw

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AVR通过ICL7135的busy引脚采集的源程序。AVR的pwm提供ICL7135的时钟,并通过捕捉busy的宽度获得转换结果。编译环境是GCC-AVR-the source code of AVR-Mega48,the clock of ICL7135 is generated by M48,and its busy signal is used for the result of conversion by capture is width。
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : banygreen

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包含各种使用的MEGA16源程序代码,1602LCD的操作,对DS18B20的操作,PWM输出等等.-This file includes several kinds of code for MEGA16 processing, such as code about 1602LCD,DS18B20,PWM OutPut.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 238kb Publisher : fisher

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Operate RGB led with 3 pwm channel used AVR Mega 8
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 16kb Publisher : ferdoo

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AVR MEGA8 servo motor pulse generator procedures, issued by PWM inverter for the pulse, can control the startup speed, plus or minus the speed of parameters such as maximum speed, there are back to zero function. SPI control interface. With Emulation PROTEUS document
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 57kb Publisher : anh

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相位修正PWM mega 单片机源码 带仿真-Phase correct PWM mega SCM
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 29kb Publisher : 姜虫虫

mega 88v PWM控制直流电机 开发板例程-mega 88v PWM DC motor control development board routines
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 34kb Publisher : yu

Initial Repository creation 20100214: initial push - code is lash-up of Compact Flash project. Most functions incomplete. Goals: * Support GCode from Skeinforge right out of the box * Use novel ultra-ultra-simple mechanical scheme using only hinge joints for horizontal positioning * Smooth, silent and accurate motion using 1/256 detent-force-corrected microsteps and 10 bit pwm Status: * Runs on Arduino Mega / atmega1280 * GCode interpreter complete * Linear interpolation machine control complete * Buffered, non blocking, asynchronous stepping so the rest of the system is free to generate new steps and parse g-code while the steppers are still steppin * Dynamic speed control with lookahead to avoid jerky cornering * Basic serial protocol complete -Initial Repository creation 20100214: initial push - code is lash-up of Compact Flash project. Most functions incomplete. Goals: * Support GCode from Skeinforge right out of the box * Use novel ultra-ultra-simple mechanical scheme using only hinge joints for horizontal positioning * Smooth, silent and accurate motion using 1/256 detent-force-corrected microsteps and 10 bit pwm Status: * Runs on Arduino Mega / atmega1280 * GCode interpreter complete * Linear interpolation machine control complete * Buffered, non blocking, asynchronous stepping so the rest of the system is free to generate new steps and parse g-code while the steppers are still steppin * Dynamic speed control with lookahead to avoid jerky cornering * Basic serial protocol complete
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 41kb Publisher : CYBERAX

一个pWM 捕捉程序 用以捕捉来自接收机的12 路PWM 信号-A pWM capture process
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 157kb Publisher : YimingLi
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