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搜索引擎个性化查询服务研究-search engine for personalized service study
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.07mb Publisher : none

tGou商城购物系统是一款功能强大完善、操作界面友好、可扩展性好、专门针对个人和企业进行网上销售而开发的一套商城购物系统。 它具有完善的商品管理、订单管理、销售统计、新闻管理、结算系统、税率系统、模板系统、搜索引擎支持,可生成Html静态页面、数据备份恢复..... NetGou商城购物系统还支持多语言,系统内自带英文、简体中文、繁体中文,可在三种语言之间随意切换。系统采用Smarty官方模板引擎,模板文件可以实现在线/离线修改,不需要熟练PHP就可以轻松创建属于自己的个性化用户界面-tGou Mall Shopping System is a powerful sound, friendly user interface, scalability, and specific individuals and businesses on-line sales and the development of a shopping mall system. It is the perfect commodity management, order management, sales statistics, news management, clearing system, tax system, template system, Search engine, can generate static HTML pages. data backup and recovery ..... NetGou Mall shopping system also supports multiple languages and system onboard English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, in three languages, switching between random. The official system uses Smarty template engine, template files can be achieved online / offline changes no need for skilled PHP can easily create their own personalized user interface
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1mb Publisher : 程朗

搜索引擎个性化查询服务研究 -search engine for personalized service study
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.07mb Publisher : kekeko

NetGou商城购物系统是一款功能强大完善、操作界面友好、可扩展性好、专门针对个人和企业进行网上销售而开发的一套商城购物系统。 它具有完善的商品管理、订单管理、销售统计、新闻管理、结算系统、税率系统、模板系统、搜索引擎支持,可生成Html静态页面、数据备份恢复..... NetGou商城购物系统还支持多语言,系统内自带英文、简体中文、繁体中文,可在三种语言之间随意切换。系统采用Smarty官方模板引擎,模板文件可以实现在线/离线修改,不需要熟练PHP就可以轻松创建属于自己的个性化用户界面-NetGou Mall Shopping System is a powerful sound, friendly user interface, scalability, and specific individuals and businesses on-line sales and the development of a shopping mall system. It is the perfect commodity management, order management, sales statistics, news management, clearing system, tax system, template system, search engine, can generate static HTML pages, data backup and recovery ..... NetGou Mall shopping system also supports multiple languages and the Department of EC within its own English, simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, in three languages, switching between random. The official system uses Smarty template engine, template files can be achieved online / offline changes do not need skilled PHP can easily create their own personalized user interface
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.56mb Publisher : 李急

搜索引擎个性化查询服务研究 -search engine for personalized service study
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.07mb Publisher : kekeko

NetGou商城购物系统是一款功能强大完善、操作界面友好、可扩展性好、专门针对个人和企业进行网上销售而开发的一套商城购物系统。 它具有完善的商品管理、订单管理、销售统计、新闻管理、结算系统、税率系统、模板系统、搜索引擎支持,可生成Html静态页面、数据备份恢复..... NetGou商城购物系统还支持多语言,系统内自带英文、简体中文、繁体中文,可在三种语言之间随意切换。系统采用Smarty官方模板引擎,模板文件可以实现在线/离线修改,不需要熟练PHP就可以轻松创建属于自己的个性化用户界面-NetGou Mall Shopping System is a powerful sound, friendly user interface, scalability, and specific individuals and businesses on-line sales and the development of a shopping mall system. It is the perfect commodity management, order management, sales statistics, news management, clearing system, tax system, template system, search engine, can generate static HTML pages, data backup and recovery ..... NetGou Mall shopping system also supports multiple languages and the Department of EC within its own English, simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, in three languages, switching between random. The official system uses Smarty template engine, template files can be achieved online/offline changes do not need skilled PHP can easily create their own personalized user interface
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.56mb Publisher : 李急

搜索引擎个性化查询服务研究-search engine for personalized service study
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.07mb Publisher :

tGou商城购物系统是一款功能强大完善、操作界面友好、可扩展性好、专门针对个人和企业进行网上销售而开发的一套商城购物系统。 它具有完善的商品管理、订单管理、销售统计、新闻管理、结算系统、税率系统、模板系统、搜索引擎支持,可生成Html静态页面、数据备份恢复..... NetGou商城购物系统还支持多语言,系统内自带英文、简体中文、繁体中文,可在三种语言之间随意切换。系统采用Smarty官方模板引擎,模板文件可以实现在线/离线修改,不需要熟练PHP就可以轻松创建属于自己的个性化用户界面-tGou Mall Shopping System is a powerful sound, friendly user interface, scalability, and specific individuals and businesses on-line sales and the development of a shopping mall system. It is the perfect commodity management, order management, sales statistics, news management, clearing system, tax system, template system, Search engine, can generate static HTML pages. data backup and recovery ..... NetGou Mall shopping system also supports multiple languages and system onboard English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, in three languages, switching between random. The official system uses Smarty template engine, template files can be achieved online/offline changes no need for skilled PHP can easily create their own personalized user interface
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1mb Publisher : 程朗

本书比较系统地介绍了互联网搜索引擎的工作原理、实现技术及其系统构建方案。全书分三篇共13章内容,从基本工作原理概述开始,到一个小型简单搜索引擎实现的具体细节,进而详细讨论了大规模分布式搜索引擎系统的设计要点及其关键技术;最后面向主题和个性化的Web信息服务,阐述了中文网页自动分类等技术及其应用。本书层次分明,由浅入深;既有深入的理论分析,也有大量的实验数据,具有学习和实用双重意义。-The book systematically introduce the Internet search engine s working principle, the realization of technology and its system builder program. Encyclopedia sub-3 content of 13 chapters, from the basic principle outlined in the beginning, to a small simple search engine to achieve the specific details, which are discussed in detail the large-scale distributed search engine system design features and key technologies Finally subject-oriented and personalized Web information service, on Chinese Web Page Automatic Classification, such as technology and its applications. Book structured, easy-to-digest both depth theoretical analysis, there are a large number of experimental data, with the double meaning of learning and practical.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.9mb Publisher : 肖裕洪

个性化搜索引擎中用户兴趣模型的研究 试验分析 设计方案-Personalized search engine users interested in model test analysis and design program
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 192kb Publisher : 吴晓

就当前搜索引擎存在滞后性、缺乏个性化的问题给出了一种实时的、个性化的搜索引擎 的Personal IntelligentSearchEngine (PISE)爬虫算法。PISE可以实时地返回给用户查询结果,爬行虫根据用户输入的关键字直接到网上搜寻与之相关的信息,保证将最新结果返回给用户。爬虫算法通过一定的初始策略,运用使爬虫的搜索精益求精的思想,达到与用户的需求逐步接近的目的,从而实现搜索的智能化。实验证明PISE能够实现这一功能。 -Search engine on the current existence of the lag, the problem of the lack of personalized paper presents a real-time, personalized search engine Personal IntelligentSearchEngine (PISE) algorithm reptiles. Pise can return to the user in real-time query results, crawling insects according to keywords entered by the user directly to the online search related information, to ensure that the latest results will be returned to the user. Reptiles algorithm through a certain initial strategy, the use of reptiles in english so that the idea of excellence to the needs of the user step by step closer to the purpose, thus realize the intelligent search. Pise proved able to achieve this functionality.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 258kb Publisher : 李强

This document includes the use of Web data mining expertise to carry out the search engine design, and personalized search engine based on the study of documents, rich, do not miss!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9.79mb Publisher : likechao

This document includes the use of Web data mining expertise to carry out the search engine design, and personalized search engine based on the study of documents, rich, do not miss!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 611kb Publisher : likechao

This document includes the use of Web data mining expertise to carry out the search engine design, and personalized search engine based on the study of documents, rich, do not miss!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.21mb Publisher : likechao

DL : 0
This document includes the use of Web data mining expertise to carry out the search engine design, and personalized search engine based on the study of documents, rich, do not miss!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.08mb Publisher : likechao

DL : 0
This document includes the use of Web data mining expertise to carry out the search engine design, and personalized search engine based on the study of documents, rich, do not miss!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.41mb Publisher : likechao

This document includes the use of Web data mining expertise to carry out the search engine design, and personalized search engine based on the study of documents, rich, do not miss!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 418kb Publisher : likechao

为解决传统搜索引擎个性化的局限性问题,在研究用户感兴趣搜索引擎现状基础上,通过多Agent较全面记录、分析用户搜索的行为,提出了一种新的综合用户搜索行为,构建用户感兴趣搜索引擎研究框架—— 基于多Agent搜索行为分析的用户兴趣模型。研究结果表明,依据用户搜索行为构建用户兴趣模型,使搜索引擎返回结果更贴近用户需求。满足用户个性化服务,提高了信息搜索的查全率和查准率。-In order to solve the limitations of search engine personalization issues of interest to users in the study based on the status of the search engine, through a more comprehensive record of more than Agent, analysis of user search behavior, a new integrated user search behavior, build the user a sense of Research interest in the framework of the search engine- search for Behavior Analysis Based on Multi-Agent user interest model. The results show that the user search behavior based on user interest model is constructed so that the search engine returns results more close to user needs. Personalized services to meet customers and improve the information search recall and precision.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 371kb Publisher : abby

基于WWW缓冲的用户实时二维兴趣模型,文章不错,对个性化搜索引擎感兴趣的可以-WWW-based real-time two-dimensional buffer user interest model, a good article on personalized search engine can be of interest to see
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 382kb Publisher : hailong

DL : 0
官方主页启用新域名,即mp3试听,方便大家记忆,原252u.cn仍可使用. 底部请自己修改,代码加在</html>上面,上次发布的音乐小偷,有部分人只改了 域名,名字就用了,这样大家都一样,没个性,所以以后发布的作品都不会加上头 底部文件,这次的DJ小偷头部是直接采集对方网站的,所以不用改,也不能改.总 之,希望大家尽量多改一些再用,个性化一下,减少被搜索引擎K的风险.-The official home of the opening of the new domain name to, i.e. MP3, facilitate memory, the original can use. Please modify the bottom, add code in </HTML > above, the last release music thieves, some people only changed Domain name, name used, so are all the same, no personality, so later published works will not add up The bottom file, the DJ thief head is the direct acquisition of website of the other side, it does not need to change, cannot change the total. We hope that as many as possible, instead of some use, personalized search engine, reduce risk of K.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 34kb Publisher : jjp
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