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Description: Amarok是一款在LINUX或其他类UNIX操作系统中运行的音频播放器软件。 经过两年开发后,Amarok 项目团队宣布 Amarok 的 2.0 版本正式发布。得益于 KDE 4 的跨平台特性,Amarok 2.0 除了可在 Linux 系统上运行之外,也能够在其他系统上使用,包括 Windows 和 Mac OS X。Amarok 2.0 相比 Amarok 1.x 而言,它是一个革新的版本。Amarok 2.0 对用户界面(UI)进行了完全的重新设计,集成了 Magnatune、Jamendo、MP3tunes、Last.fm、Shoutcast 等在线服务,对脚本 API 和插件支持进行了修订,从 KDE 3 迁移到了 KDE 4 框架,以及使用了 Solid、Phonon、Plasma 等核心技术。 Amarok 开发者说,发布 Amarok 2.0 仅仅只是一个开始,他们将继续增强和改进 Amarok 的功能。-err
Platform: | Size: 15618048 | Author: look | Hits:

[Multimedia Developphonon

Description: phonon media player source codes
Platform: | Size: 7431168 | Author: zentor | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4QTPlayerLingouPhonon

Description: 使用Qt phonon编程,使用mplayer作后端,实现异形界面,歌词文件lrc解析,ktv式歌词显示,类似ttplayer(千千静听)或是kugou(酷狗),功能强大,可使用QT CSS配置皮肤,可以进行文件编码转换,自动下载歌词-Programming using the Qt phonon, use mplayer as backend, the achievement of special-shaped interface, lrc lyrics file analysis, ktv-type lyrics display, similar ttplayer (thousands of listening) or kugou (cool dog) and powerful, you can use to configure QT CSS skin, can file encoding conversion, automatically download the lyrics. . . .
Platform: | Size: 650240 | Author: weitidong | Hits:

[Multimedia programphonon-mplayer

Description: 嵌入式播放器 Phonon是什么?Qt从4.4版本开始提供的一套多媒体框架,提供多媒体回放的功能。 -Embeddable Player Phonon What is this? Starting from the 4.4 version of Qt provides a set of multimedia framework, and providing multi-media playback functions.
Platform: | Size: 441344 | Author: Junior | Hits:

[Shell apiphonon

Description: This program calculate the conductivity of cylindrical metal nanowire using the phonon approximation in a core-shell structure, in this code, the diameter, and the metal can be changed to simulated other metals. the calculated dispersion relation of the resistivity of a single band is saved as data file. to use the program, run g_E2.m-This program calculate the conductivity of cylindrical metal nanowire using the phonon approximation in a core-shell structure, in this code, the diameter, and the metal can be changed to simulated other metals. The calculated dispersion relation of the resistivity of a single band is saved as data file. to use the program, run g_E2.m
Platform: | Size: 1200128 | Author: li dong | Hits:

[Multimedia programmediaPlayer

Description: QT + phonon 编写的多媒体播放程序-QT and phonon
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: baiqiliang | Hits:

[Other Embeded programmedia

Description: QT 基于phonon的多媒体播放器,能播放视频和音频,能跨平台在windows\linux\塞班\winCE下编译-QT based on phonon multimedia player that can play video and audio, can be cross-platform windows \ linux \ Symbian \ winCE compile
Platform: | Size: 2170880 | Author: | Hits:

[Multimedia programVideoPlayer.tar

Description: Qt Video Player based on Phonon module.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: vardan | Hits:

[Multimedia DevelopMediaPlayer

Description: 用Qt4 phonon实现的一个多媒体播放器,支持播放器基本操作功能,以及双击全屏,播放列表,播放器窗口大小记忆,文件拖拽。当播放的是音频文件时,显示music player界面,当播放的是视频文件时显示vedio player界面。-This is media player based on Qt4 phonon framwork. It includes the basic functionalities of media player. And all so support double click show full screen, file drag and drop, Ui size memorize and so on. When the playing media file is a audio file the Ui is a music player UI, and when the playing meida file is a vedio file the UI is a vedio player UI.
Platform: | Size: 1201152 | Author: 杨志刚 | Hits:


Description: 测试QT phonon安装的mp3插件是否成功,配合gstreamer插件要使用。使用此文件时去掉后面的rar-Test mp3 plug-in installed QT phonon success, with the gstreamer plug-in to use. Use this file to remove the back of the rar
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 李天 | Hits:


Description: 测试QT phonon安装的视频插件是否成功,配合gstreamer插件要使用。使用此文件时去掉后面的rar-Testing video plug-in installed QT phonon success, with the gstreamer plug-ins to use. Use this file to remove the back of the rar
Platform: | Size: 16833536 | Author: 李天 | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4qt_Mplayer

Description: 这个是一个基于Qt4 Phonon的多媒体播放器。基本上包含了多媒体播放器的一般功能。适合phonon的初学着作为参考。-this is a demo made by QT4 with Phonon!
Platform: | Size: 331776 | Author: zhenglin2393 | Hits:


Description: use QT phonon to make a media player
Platform: | Size: 379904 | Author: ls | Hits:


Description: Phonon 库的代码 在一般的Qt网络教程中,需要编译Qt的Phonon源文件。但这里的Pro文件提供了一个方案,可以直接调用Phonon代码。 读懂这段代码以及Pro设置,可以马上Phonon速成。-Phonon library network code in general Qt tutorial, Qt' s Phonon need to compile the source files. But here' s Pro document provides a program, you can directly call the Phonon code. Read the code, and Pro settings, you can immediately Phonon crash.
Platform: | Size: 669696 | Author: Edwin Lee | Hits:

[Multimedia Developviedos

Description: qt phonon mplayer 视频播放器,支持多路视频 网络流,支持linux windows 下编译成功-qt phonon mplyer linux windows
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 曾庆国 | Hits:


Description: phonon库大全说明,应用于QT流媒体-phonon library Daquan
Platform: | Size: 1085440 | Author: blue | Hits:

[Graph Drawingphonon-dispersion

Description: 一维声子晶体的色散,可以计算一维声子晶体的能带-One-dimensional phonon dispersion crystal
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: 席锋 | Hits:


Description: 基于Linux的MP3播放软件,需要用到phonon插件,操作简单。-Linux-based MP3 player software, you need to use phonon plug-in, easy to operate.
Platform: | Size: 901120 | Author: 章芷言 | Hits:

[Multimedia DevelopQt-Phonon-music-player

Description: 针对传统播放器的只能在单一系统平台运行的不足进行了改进,运用 Qt 作为系统开发平台、Phonon 作为后台解码组件,设计和实现了跨平台多媒体播放器。随着跨平台应用软件的广泛应用,系统中运用跨平台的设计思想和方法,能作为跨平台软件开发的一个有效的解决方案-The traditional media player running only in a single system platform,and designed and implementeda cross-platform of media player using Phonon as the background decoder based on Qt platform is described toimprove. With the widely applying to cross-platform software,the ideas and methods which designed cross-platform software in the thesis system can be a effective solution to cross-platform software development.
Platform: | Size: 306176 | Author: 李雅 | Hits:

[Windows Developphonon-vlc

Description: phonon-vlc-backend,最新版,可配合QT4.8.4-phonon-vlc-backend, the latest version can be used with QT4.8.4
Platform: | Size: 82944 | Author: zorro | Hits:
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