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Matlab Code for Poisson Image Reconstruction from Image Gradients
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 5kb Publisher : jon connor

当前论文主要考虑的是非信号依赖的高斯噪声下的图像恢复,本程序实现了泊松噪声下的图像恢复,泊松噪声为信号依赖噪声,能够更加有效逼近实际成像系统噪声。- This is the code that was used in the papers "A Nonnnegatively Constrained Convex Programming Method for Image Reconstruction", "Total Variation-Penalized Poisson Likelihood Estimation for Ill-Posed Problems", "Tikhonov Regularized Poisson Likelihood Estimation: Theoretical Justification and a Computational Method", "An Efficient Computational Method for Total Variation with Poisson Negative-Log Likelihood", "An Analysis of Regularization by Diffusion for Ill-Posed Poisson Likelihood Estimation," "An Iterative Method for Edge-Preserving MAP Estimation when Data-Noise is Poisson", and finally, "Regularization Parameter Selection Methods for Ill-Posed Poisson Maximum Likelihood Estimation". See my publications page for more details. The main algorithm is for nonnegatively constrained, regularized Poisson likelihood estimation. At this point you can choose Tikhonov, total variation regularization, and diffusion regularization. A number of other methods are also implemented. Regularizatio
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 422kb Publisher : sun

Poisson surface reconstruction creates watertight surfaces from oriented point sets. In this work we extend the technique to explicitly incorporate the points as interpolation constraints. The extension can be interpreted as a generalization of the underlying mathematical framework to a screened Poisson equation. In contrast to other image and geometry processing techniques, the screening term is defined over a sparse set of points rather than over the full domain. We show that these sparse constraints can nonetheless be integrated efficiently. Because the modified linear system retains the same finite-element discretization, the sparsity structure is unchanged, and the system can still be solved using a multigrid approach. Moreover we present several algorithmic improvements that together reduce the time complexity of the solver to linear in the number of points, thereby enabling faster, higher-quality surface reconstructions.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 160kb Publisher : 青竹居士
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