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Description: 继承和多态 实验目的: 1、 掌握继承和多态的概念与实现方法 2、 掌握如何从已有的类中派生子类并继承父类 3、 掌握方法的覆盖和重载 实验内容: 设计一个通用的排序算法,作为验证,自定义学生类、矩形类,可以利用该排序算法对学生按照ID以及Name进行排序;对矩形按照面积排序。 -Inheritance and polymorphism of the experiment was: 1, inheritance and polymorphism to master the concept and realization method 2, how to have the class from the derived subclass and inherit the parent category 3, to master methods of experimental heavy-duty coverage and content: the design of a common sorting algorithm, as verified, since the definition of student-type, rectangular type, you can use the sorting algorithm to students in accordance with the ID and Name sort of rectangular area in accordance with the order.
Platform: | Size: 66560 | Author: ruohana | Hits:


Description: 请设计 3 个类 , 分别是学生类 Student, 本科生类 Undergaduate, 研究生类 Postgraduate, 其中 Student 类是一个抽象类 , 它包含一些基本的学生信息如姓名、所学课程、课程成绩等 , 而 Undergraduate 类和 Postgraduate 都是 Student 类的子类 , 它们之间的主要差别是计算课程成绩等级的方法有所不同 , 研究生的标准要比本科生的标准高一些-Polymorphism.java
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 晨曦 | Hits:

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