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[Graph program多项式回归法得色彩空间转换

Description: 多项式回归法得色彩空间转换(色彩信息处理)-polynomial regression in color space conversion (Color Information Processing)
Platform: | Size: 53610 | Author: 戢亮子 | Hits:

[Other resource2296_Regression

Description: Polynomial fit functions === === RegressionObject.cls contains a class that provides an easy way to add polynomial regression functionality to any application. If you just want linear regression or a very high degree, no matter: this class has good performance and scales seamlessly with the complexity of your problem.-Polynomial fit functions === === === === RegressionObject.cls contains a class that provides an easy way to add polynomial regression functionality to any application. If you just want linear regression or a very high degree, no matter: this class has good performance and scales seamlessly with the complexity of your problem.
Platform: | Size: 5122 | Author: qiao | Hits:

[Graph program多项式回归法得色彩空间转换

Description: 多项式回归法得色彩空间转换(色彩信息处理)-polynomial regression in color space conversion (Color Information Processing)
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: 戢亮子 | Hits:


Description: Locally weighted polynomial regression LWPR is a popular instance based al gorithm for learning continuous non linear mappings For more than two or three in puts and for more than a few thousand dat apoints the computational expense of pre dictions is daunting We discuss drawbacks with previous approaches to dealing with this problem
Platform: | Size: 745472 | Author: 陈月辉 | Hits:


Description: Polynomial fit functions === === RegressionObject.cls contains a class that provides an easy way to add polynomial regression functionality to any application. If you just want linear regression or a very high degree, no matter: this class has good performance and scales seamlessly with the complexity of your problem.-Polynomial fit functions === === === === RegressionObject.cls contains a class that provides an easy way to add polynomial regression functionality to any application. If you just want linear regression or a very high degree, no matter: this class has good performance and scales seamlessly with the complexity of your problem.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: qiao | Hits:


Description: MATLAB插值与拟合(线性拟合函数:regress() 多项式曲线拟合函数:polyfit( ) 多项式曲线求值函数:polyval( ) 多项式曲线拟合的评价和置信区间函数:polyconf( ) 稳健回归函数:robust( ) 向自定义函数拟合 )-MATLAB interpolation and fitting (linear fitting function : regress () function polynomial curve fitting : polyfit () polynomial curve function : polyval () polynomial curve fitting and evaluation function confidence interval : polyconf () function Robust Regression : robust () function to define fitting)
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: 廖政 | Hits:


Description: Ridge Regression RR 岭回归估计,是非常有用的非线性时间序列算法,在局部多项式预测中非常有用。-Ridge Regression RR ridge regression estimates, it is useful to nonlinear time series algorithms, in Local Polynomial prediction in very useful.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: zhxj | Hits:


Description: 强局部加权回归算法由Cleveland[7]提出,主要利用局部观测数据对欲拟合点进行多项式加权拟合,并用最小二乘法进行估计.它综合了传统的局部多项式拟合,局部加权回归以及具有强鲁棒性的拟合过程 -Strong locally weighted regression algorithm by Cleveland [7] proposed, mainly using local observational data points on the polynomial fitting For weighted fitting, and estimated by least square method. It combines the traditional local polynomial fitting, locally weighted regression as well as strong robustness of the fitting process
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: wanghuaqiu | Hits:


Description: 工量预测.xls 截面扭转特性.xls 截面特性一.xls 截面特性二.xls 最优化问题.xls 最值问题.xls 牛顿法解方程.xls 矩阵运算.xls 线性拟合.xls 解线性方程组.xls 解线性方程组(二).xls 辛普森法积分.xls 频率与振型求解.xls 双变量模拟运算.xls 多元线性回归.xls 多项式拟合.xls 实例1.xls 实例2.xls 实例3.xls 实例4.xls 实例5.xls 实例6.xls 实例7.xls 实例8.xls 是学习excel计算及其在土木工程中应用的绝好资料。不容错过。-Public forecasts. Xls reverse features section. Xls characteristics of a cross-section. Xls sectional characteristics of the second. Xls optimization problem. Xls most value problems. Xls Newton Method equation. Xls matrix calculation. Xls linear fit. Xls solution of linear equations group. xls solution of linear equations (b). xls Simpson integral method. xls Solving frequency and vibration mode. xls bivariate simulation. xls multivariate linear regression. xls polynomial fitting. xls examples 1.xls Example 2 . xls examples 3.xls examples 4.xls examples 5.xls examples 6.xls examples 7.xls learning excel examples 8.xls is calculated and its applications in civil engineering excellent information. Should not be missed.
Platform: | Size: 114688 | Author: 张力 | Hits:


Description: Matlab数据统计和分析的程序,包含下面所列的多种算法的 MultiLineReg 用线性回归法估计一个因变量与多个自变量之间的线性关系 PolyReg 用多项式回归法估计一个因变量与一个自变量之间的多项式关系 CompPoly2Reg 用二次完全式回归法估计一个因变量与两个自变量之间的关系 CollectAnaly 用最短距离算法的系统聚类对样本进行聚类 DistgshAnalysis 用Fisher两类判别法对样本进行分类 MainAnalysis 对样本进行主成分分析-Matlab data and analysis procedures, listed below contain a variety of algorithms MultiLineReg estimated by linear regression of a dependent variable with a number of independent variables of the linear relationship between PolyReg estimation using a polynomial regression with dependent variable a variable relationship between CompPoly2Reg using quadratic polynomial regression method is estimated that fully a dependent variable and the two since the relationship between variables with the shortest distance CollectAnaly hierarchical clustering algorithm for clustering of samples with Fisher two types of DistgshAnalysis discriminant method to classify samples on the samples MainAnalysis principal component analysis
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: Wade | Hits:

[Technology Managementc

Description: 空间插值方法汇总 Inverse Distance to a Power(反距离加权插值法) Kriging(克里金插值法) Minimum Curvature(最小曲率) Modified Shepard s Method(改进谢别德法) Natural Neighbor(自然邻点插值法) Nearest Neighbor(最近邻点插值法) Polynomial Regression(多元回归法) Radial Basis Function(径向基函数法) Triangulation with Linear Interpolation(线性插值三角网法) Moving Average(移动平均法) Local Polynomial(局部多项式法) -Spatial Interpolation Methods Summary
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: bushyao | Hits:

[source in ebookshujufenxiyutongji

Description: 这是用matlab实现的数据分析和统计程序,包括:用线性回归法估计一个因变量与多个自变量之间的线性关系,用多项式回归法估计一个因变量与一个自变量之间的多项式关系等-This is achieved using matlab data analysis and statistical procedures, including: linear regression estimation one dependent variable with more than a linear relationship between the independent variables, polynomial regression is estimated that a dependent variable and an independent variable of the polynomial relationship between the
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 王磊 | Hits:


Description: a modified method for polynomial regression is described in a very simple matlab program. easy to understand
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: sanjeev | Hits:


Description: Least-square curve fitting using polynomials is probably the most basic way to perform some parametric regression analysis. Foor basic tools for polynomial curve fitting are provided here. I also strongly recommend the exhaustive function POLYFITN
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: Karthikeyan | Hits:

[Multi MonitorPloynomialsRegression

Description: 用多项式回归的方法编程实现了从设备相关颜色空间RGB到设备无关颜色空间Lab之间的转换。-Polynomial regression method with programming from the device-dependent RGB color space to device-independent color space conversion between Lab.
Platform: | Size: 105472 | Author: fynh | Hits:


Description: A goodness-of-fit test for normality based on polynomial regression pdf file
Platform: | Size: 156672 | Author: essi | Hits:


Description: 线性回归的学习算法。包括数据分析、线性回归、在线梯度下降、多项式回归。压缩包中给出.txt数据文件及说明文档。-Linear regression learning algorithm. Including data analysis, linear regression line gradient descent, polynomial regression. Compressed data given .txt file and documentation.
Platform: | Size: 67584 | Author: 安静 | Hits:


Description: this code helps to find answer through polynomial regression method
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: tomcruise | Hits:


Description: 一元线性回归,多元线性回归,广义线性回归,多项式回归-Linear regression, multiple linear regression, generalized linear regression, polynomial regression
Platform: | Size: 101376 | Author: 余波 | Hits:


Description: 一元多项式回归模型及其Matlab程序,已知各年度的税收数据见表11,预测第15年的税收-One dollar polynomial regression model and its Matlab program, known tax data for each year in Table 11, forecast the 15th year of tax
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: 李亭亭 | Hits:
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