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SQLDirect Component Library is a light-weight Borland Database Engine replacement for Borland Delphi v.4 - 9(2005) and C++Builder v.4 - 6. It uses the native application programming interfaces to access to the following SQL-servers: * Centura (formerly, Gupta) SQLBase Server * IBM DB2 Universal Database * Informix Server * Interbase/Firebird Server * Microsoft SQL Server * MySQL Server * Oracle Database Server * PostgreSQL Server * Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise and Adaptive Server Anywhere * ODBC datasources * OLEDB datasources-SQLDirect Component Library is a light-weight Borland Database Engine replacement for Borland Delphi v.4 - 9(2005) and C++Builder v.4 - 6. It uses the native application programming interfaces to access to the following SQL-servers: * Centura (formerly, Gupta) SQLBase Server * IBM DB2 Universal Database * Informix Server * Interbase/Firebird Server * Microsoft SQL Server * MySQL Server * Oracle Database Server * PostgreSQL Server * Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise and Adaptive Server An
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 8.61mb Publisher : akay

unix/linux平台下流行的数据库软件postgresql-8.2.3-unix / linux platform of popular database software postgresql - 8.2.3
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 11.89mb Publisher : 郎风华

SQLite 2.8.6 源代码,用来在Linux/Unix/Windows上编译安装.它是一个小型的数据库,但是非常好用,速度也快,一般的数据库查询之类的操作据统计比MySQL,PostgreSQL都快,PHP5中直接绑定了它.最大可访问的数据量是2T.不需要安装,解压缩之后就可以用了.在命令行中输入 sqlite **,其中的**是文件名,如果不存在,会自动创建,这个文件就是数据库文件,它代表了一个数据库.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 811.71kb Publisher : kingmax

征服服务端需要的东西!1、framework 2.0 2、PostgreSQL 8.2 3、征服服务端模拟器 4、征服最新客户端 5、征服1.6版补丁
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.3mb Publisher : 123

SQLDirect Component Library is a light-weight Borland Database Engine replacement for Borland Delphi v.4 - 9(2005) and C++Builder v.4 - 6. It uses the native application programming interfaces to access to the following SQL-servers: * Centura (formerly, Gupta) SQLBase Server * IBM DB2 Universal Database * Informix Server * Interbase/Firebird Server * Microsoft SQL Server * MySQL Server * Oracle Database Server * PostgreSQL Server * Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise and Adaptive Server Anywhere * ODBC datasources * OLEDB datasources-SQLDirect Component Library is a light-weight Borland Database Engine replacement for Borland Delphi v.4- 9(2005) and C++Builder v.4- 6. It uses the native application programming interfaces to access to the following SQL-servers:* Centura (formerly, Gupta) SQLBase Server* IBM DB2 Universal Database* Informix Server* Interbase/Firebird Server* Microsoft SQL Server* MySQL Server* Oracle Database Server* PostgreSQL Server* Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise and Adaptive Server An
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8.61mb Publisher : akay

PostgreSQL 8.0.0 中文文档-PostgreSQL 8.0.0 Chinese Documents
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.19mb Publisher : 苏宏义

PostgreSQL 8.1.4的源码 适用于Linux下的开源数据库系统-PostgreSQL 8.1.4 apply to the Linux source of revenue database system
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13.85mb Publisher : yamiyami

unix/linux平台下流行的数据库软件postgresql-8.2.3-unix/linux platform of popular database software postgresql- 8.2.3
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11.89mb Publisher : 郎风华

PostgreSQL实用实例参考,PostgreSQL是个免费高性能的数据库,若要使用免费数据库,不妨试一下.-PostgreSQL practical examples of reference, PostgreSQL is a free high-performance database, in order to use the free database, may wish to try.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.86mb Publisher : hello500

SQLite 2.8.6 源代码,用来在Linux/Unix/Windows上编译安装.它是一个小型的数据库,但是非常好用,速度也快,一般的数据库查询之类的操作据统计比MySQL,PostgreSQL都快,PHP5中直接绑定了它.最大可访问的数据量是2T.不需要安装,解压缩之后就可以用了.在命令行中输入 sqlite **,其中的**是文件名,如果不存在,会自动创建,这个文件就是数据库文件,它代表了一个数据库.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 812kb Publisher : kingmax

征服服务端需要的东西!1、framework 2.0 2、PostgreSQL 8.2 3、征服服务端模拟器 4、征服最新客户端 5、征服1.6版补丁 -To conquer the server needs! 1, framework 2.0 2, PostgreSQL 8.2 3, to conquer the server simulator 4, conquest最新客户端5, conquest version 1.6 patch
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.3mb Publisher : 123

postgresql8.3.4源码,开源数据库 -postgresql8.3.4 source, open-source database
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 16.71mb Publisher : tony

PostgreSQL 8.2中增加了很多企业用户所需要的功能和性能上的提高,其开发团队说,该版本将加速更多企业向该数据库移植.核心开发成员之一Bruce Momjian表示,在新版PostgreSQL中,包含了所有命令和数据库工具,而且可以让新手轻松的了解和使用它的新的高级功能. -PostgreSQL 8.2 in the increase in the number of enterprise users need the functionality and performance improvement, and its development team, said that the version will be more enterprises to accelerate the transfer to the database. The core of the development of a member of the Bruce Momjian said that in the new version of PostgreSQL includes all the command and database tools, but also allows novice easy to understand and use its new advanced features.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 12.81mb Publisher : 张力

一个跨平台的数据库操作库文件,可以轻松在linux和windows下进行数据库读写以及其他的操作,支持多种数据库,代码包含很多example,初学者很容易上手. OTL 是 Oracle, Odbc and DB2-CLI Template Library 的缩写,是一个C++编译中操控关系数据库的模板库,它目前几乎支持所有的当前各种主流数据库,例如Oracle, MS SQL Server, Sybase, Informix, MySQL, DB2, Interbase / Firebird, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SAP/DB, TimesTen, MS ACCESS等等。OTL中直接操作Oracle主要是通过Oracle提供的OCI接口进行,进行操作DB2数据库则是通过CLI接口来进行,至于MS的数据库和其它一些数据库,则OTL只提供了ODBC来操作的方式。当然Oracle和DB2也可以由OTL间接使用ODBC的方式来进行操纵。 在MS Windows and Unix 平台下,OTL目前支持的数据库版本主要有:Oracle 7 (直接使用 OCI7), Oracle 8 (直接使用 OCI8), Oracle 8i (直接使用OCI8i), Oracle 9i (直接使用OCI9i), Oracle 10g (直接使用OCI10g), DB2 (直接使用DB2 CLI), ODBC 3.x ,ODBC 2.5。-err
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 801kb Publisher : 刘火明

DL : 0
架设关键部分开始了。点击开始——程序,选择PostgreSQL 8.2,打开pgAdmin III软件,也就是你安装的PostgreSQL 8.2数据库软件。点 击档案选项,点击“新增服务器”。在出现的新增服务器登陆界面中,名称填写“postgres”,主机填写“”,用户名填写 “postgres”,密码填写“postgres”。这个用户名和密码就是安装PostgreSQL 8.2时让你默认的那个用户名和密码,如果你安装PostgreSQL-Set up a key part of the beginning. Click start- process, select PostgreSQL 8.2, open the pgAdmin III software, which you installed PostgreSQL 8.2 database software. Click on File option, click the " Add server." In the new server landing interface, fill in the name " postgres" , fill in the host "" , fill in user name " postgres" , password fill out the " postgres" . This user name and password to install PostgreSQL 8.2 is when you default that user name and password, if you install PostgreSQL
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 988kb Publisher : 陈彬

PostgreSQL是迄今为止最为先进的开源数据库管理系统,此为postgresql源码-PostgreSQL is by far the most advanced open source database management system, the source code for postgresql
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14.86mb Publisher : tiny

phpPgAdmin是一个基于网页的全功能PostgreSQL数据库管理工具,它可以对数据库进行许多基本操作和一些高级操作。多国语言版本(包含简、繁中文),支持PostgreSQL 7.4.x,8.0.x,8.1.x,8.2.x,8.3.x,8.4.x,9.0.x。 phpPgAdmin 5.0.2版本主要是bug修复,兼容性的改进以及代码的清理。-phpPgAdmin is a fully functional Web-based PostgreSQL database management tool, it can be a number of basic operations on the database and some advanced operations. Multi-language versions (including Simplified and Traditional Chinese), supports PostgreSQL 7.4.x, 8.0.x, 8.1.x, 8.2.x, 8.3.x, 8.4.x, 9.0.x. phpPgAdmin 5.0.2 release is primarily bug fixes, compatibility improvements and code cleanup.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 653kb Publisher : son yet-sian

FUDforum是一个基于PHP+MySQL/PostgreSQL构建的开源论坛系统。提供i18n支持当前FUDforum2.3已经翻译成8种语言包括中文;采用模板系统来控制界面外观;基于角色的权限控制系统;提供短消息发送平台;提供审查和回收站系统;支持附件/投票/全文搜索/IP跟踪/用户禁用/电子报/自定义Tag/排列用户等级等。   新版本增加对 Oracle 数据库的支持,可自定义用户资料域、任务调度、搜索带附件的消息、新的BBcode标签、可通过POP3/SSL 和 IMAP/SSL 导入邮件列表;支持 OpenID ,支持 Google 网站分析和 Google AdSense集成等等。 -FUDforum is based on PHP+ MySQL/PostgreSQL open source forum system built. To provide i18n support current FUDforum2.3 has been translated into eight languages ​ ​ including Chinese use template system to control the look and feel role-based access control system provide a short message platform to provide review and recycle bin system support annex/vote/text Search/IP tracking/user to disable/newsletter/Custom Tag/arrangement of the user level and so on. The new version adds support for Oracle databases, users can customize the information domain, task scheduling, search messages with attachments, the new BBcode tags can be POP3/SSL and IMAP/SSL to import mailing lists support OpenID, support for Google Web Analytics and Google AdSense integration and more.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.2mb Publisher : hellovip

FbConsole is management tool for Firebird (, like IBConsole for InterBase or pgAdmin for PostgreSQL. But it works only MS Windows variant, because it is .NET Forms application written by IronPython.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 153kb Publisher : izrada sajtova

DL : 0
支持多种数据库,MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, IBM DB2, SQLite, Firebird, Sybase和SAP MaxDB。 支持不同的注入模式 1、基于布尔的盲注,即可以根据返回页面判断条件真假的注入。 2、基于时间的盲注,即不能根据页面返回内容判断任何信息,用条件语句查看时间延迟语句是否执行(即页面返回时间是否增加)来判断。 3、基于报错注入,即页面会返回错误信息,或者把注入的语句的结果直接返回在页面中。 4、联合查询注入,可以使用union的情况下的注入。 5、堆查询注入,可以同时执行多条语句的执行时的注入。-Support for multiple s, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server Microsoft, Access Microsoft, DB2 IBM, SQLite, Firebird, Sybase, and MaxDB SAP. Support different injection modes 1, based on the Boolean blind note, that can be based on the return of the page to determine the conditions of the injection. 2, based on the time of the blind, that can not be returned to the content of the page to judge any information, use the conditional statement to see whether the time delay statement execution (that is, whether the page return time increases) to judge. 3, based on the error injection, that the page will return the wrong information, or the results of the injected statement directly back to the page. 4, joint query injection, can be used in the case of union injection. 5, heap query injection, you can multiple statements at the same time the implementation of the injection.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 15.54mb Publisher : 123123
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