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<胡海岩-应用非线性动力学>全书共分8章。第1章阐述非线性动力系统的理论与实验建模方法,第2章和第3章分别介绍单自由度自治系统的定性和定量分析方法,第4章和第5章侧重于分析单自由度非自治系统和多自由度系统的非线性动力学行为。第6章介绍非线性系统的运动稳定性及分叉理论。第7章阐述混沌现象及混沌的控制。第8章阐述如何运用数值方法分析非线性动力系统的行为,特别是系统的周期运动、分叉与混沌。书末附录阐述了如何借助计算机代数软件MAPLE分析非线性动力学问题。-Book is divided into 8 chapters. Chapter 1 described the theory of nonlinear dynamic system modeling and experimental methods, Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, respectively, introduce a single degree of freedom autonomous system of qualitative and quantitative analysis methods, Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 focuses on the analysis of single-Freedom degree of non-autonomous systems and multi-degree-of-freedom nonlinear dynamic behavior. Chapter 6 of the introduction of nonlinear system stability and bifurcation theory of sport. Chapter 7 on the situation of chaos and chaos control. Chapter 8 on how to use numerical method analysis of nonlinear behavior of power systems, especially systems cycle exercise, bifurcation and chaos. Book at the end of the appendix describes how to use computer algebra software MAPLE analysis of nonlinear dynamics problem.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 7mb Publisher : 何红亚

The MINI2440 is an effecient ARM9 development board with a comprehensive price, it characterizes simple method and high performance-price ratio. Based on the Samsung S3C2440 microprocessor, it embodies professional stable CPU core power source chip and reset chip to ensure the stability of the system operation. The PCB on the MINI2440 board is designed to be 4-layers board, adopting the ENIG technology and professional equal-length wiring to ensure the completeness of the signals of the key signal wires and manufactured and released under stringent quality control plans. With the help of this detailed manual, users are supposed to become proficient in the development process of embedded Linux and WinCE operating system, they are supposed to get the foundation, so long as they have obtained the basic and necessary knowledge about the C language, in two weeks.-The MINI2440 is an effecient ARM9 development board with a comprehensive price, it characterizes simple method and high performance-price ratio. Based on the Samsung S3C2440 microprocessor, it embodies professional stable CPU core power source chip and reset chip to ensure the stability of the system operation. The PCB on the MINI2440 board is designed to be 4-layers board, adopting the ENIG technology and professional equal-length wiring to ensure the completeness of the signals of the key signal wires and manufactured and released under stringent quality control plans. With the help of this detailed manual, users are supposed to become proficient in the development process of embedded Linux and WinCE operating system, they are supposed to get the foundation, so long as they have obtained the basic and necessary knowledge about the C language, in two weeks.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 312kb Publisher : Thiago

本文主要介绍的是采用直接数字频率合成的短波信号发生器,它主要以微电脑控制部分、直接数字频率合成(DDS)部分、数字锁相环频率合成部分、背光液晶显示部分、功率放大部分等组成。该软件系统采用菜单形式进行操作,操作方便明了,增加了很多功能。它通过启动DDS后,把内存缓存区的数据送到DDS后输出相应的频率,并把数据转换为BCD码,送到液晶显示器进行显示。该系统输出稳定度、精度极高,适用于当代的尖端的通信系统和精密的高精度仪器。-This paper describes the use of direct digital frequency synthesis of short-wave signal generator, which is part of a micro-computer control, Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) of the digital part of PLL frequency synthesizer, backlit liquid crystal display of the power amplifier, etc. composition. The menu system uses the form of software to operate, easy to operate and clear, increase in the number of features. DDS through start after the memory cache after the data to the DDS output corresponding frequency, and the data is converted to BCD code to the LCD display. The output of the system stability, high precision for cutting-edge contemporary and sophisticated communication systems high-precision instruments
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 456kb Publisher : xiang

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无功优化IEEE论文With the increased loading of existing power system, the problem of voltage stability and voltage collapse has become a major concern in power system planning and operation. The dependence of the system voltage profile on reactive power distribution forms the basis for reactive power optimisation. The technique attempts to utilises fully the reactive power sources in the system to improve the voltage profile and also to meet the reactive power requirements at the AC–DC terminals to facilitate the smooth operation of DC links. The method involves successive solution of steady-state power flows and optimisation of reactive power control variables with unified power flow controllers using linear programming technique. The proposed method has-With the increased loading of existing power system, the problem of voltage stability and voltage collapse has become a major concern in power system planning and operation. The dependence of the system voltage profile on reactive power distribution forms the basis for reactive power optimisation. The technique attempts to utilises fully the reactive power sources in the system to improve the voltage profile and also to meet the reactive power requirements at the AC–DC terminals to facilitate the smooth operation of DC links. The method involves successive solution of steady-state power flows and optimisation of reactive power control variables with unified power flow controllers using linear programming technique. The proposed method has been tested on a real life equivalent 96-bus AC and a two terminal DC system.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 459kb Publisher : liuzhaohua

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Power system stability and control
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1.48mb Publisher : Julian Cristian

电力系统小信号稳定的经典算例,两区域4机三模式,来自《电力系统稳定与控制》-Power system small signal stability of the classic examples, the two regions 4 machine with three modes, from " Power System Stability and Control"
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 6kb Publisher : h

Frequency control as a major function of automatic generation control is one of the important control problems in electric power system design and operation, and is becoming more significant today because of the increasing size, changing structure, emerging new uncertainties, environmental constraints and the complexity of power systems. In the last two decades, many studies have focused on damping control and voltage stability and the related issues, but there has been much less work on the power system frequency control analysis and synthesis. While some aspects of frequency control have been illustrated along with individual chapters, many conferences and technical papers, a comprehensive and sensible practical explanation of robust frequency control in a book form is necessary
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2.98mb Publisher : riahiriahi

《电力系统稳定与控制》原著为 坤德尔,本书是翻译版本-This book introduce power system stability and its control method
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 16.5mb Publisher : twlsunny

Introduction • The micro-grid will be an important part of a future power system • The micro-grid contains the typical elements in present and future power systems • The micro-grid also contains some renewable energy sources, e.g., wind power,photovoltaic energy, and energy storage • Power electronic devices/converters as interface between the renewable energy sources and the power grid • An intelligent controller will be designed to ensure the stability of the micro-grid
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 583kb Publisher : 起个名字真难

This paper discusses the impact of HVDC on Power System Stability and proposes a new control mechanism based on Fuzzy set theory to augment dynamic performance of a multi-machine power system. To have good damping characteristics over a wide range of operating conditions, deviations in speed and acceleration of the machines are chosen as the input signals to the fuzzy controller. These input signals are first characterized by a set of linguistic variables using fuzzy set notations .The fuzzy relation matrix allows a set of fuzzy logic operations that are performed on controller inputs to obtain the desired output. The effectiveness of the proposed controller is demonstrated by a multi-machine system example. The performance of this fuzzy controller, in comparison to the conventional fixed gain controller, demonstrates the efficacy of this new fuzzy PID controller. Index Terms—HVDC, Eliminated variable
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 481kb Publisher : india

很详细的一篇研究双馈风力发电 风速扰动、风电场出口故障、系统线路故障三种状态下对电力系统的影响,且通过MATLAB仿真验证。-A very detailed study of the doubly-fed wind power wind disturbances affecting the wind farm exports fault line fault systems in three states of the power system, and through MATLAB simulation.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 3.21mb Publisher : starcool

CAP01 - General Characteristics of Modern Power Systems - Power System Stability and Control - P. Kundur
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2.76mb Publisher : fafa

CAP07 - Power System Loads - Power System Stability and Control - P. Kundur
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 5.94mb Publisher : fafa

CAP06 - AC Transmission - Power System Stability and Control - P. Kundur
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 9.6mb Publisher : fafa

cap11 - control of active power and reactive power- power system stability and control - p. kundur-cap11 - control of active power and reactive power- power system stability and control - p. kundur...
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 17.75mb Publisher : fafa

cap03 - synchronous machine theory and modelling - power system stability and control - p. kundur
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 12.03mb Publisher : fafa

CAP10 - High-Voltage Direct-Current Transmission - Power System Stability and Control - P. Kundur(1)-CAP10 - High-Voltage Direct-Current Transmission - Power System Stability and Control - P. Kundur(1)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 18.07mb Publisher : fafa

电力系统稳定与控制学习PPT,有助于学习了解。-Stability and control of electric power system
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 652kb Publisher : Dirac

North of Norway has extremely good conditions for wind power generation. As the existing main grid will not be able to integrate all the wind parks, the alternative to build a new corridor with multi-terminal HVDC Light North of Norway to Middle of Norway, is under study. HVDC Light is more and more concerned recently to improve power system stability due to its supreme controllability. The thesis will be directed towards investigating the possible problems to be encountered in an HVDC Light installation. A platform for the control of HVDC Light based on the vector control principle will be first established. With a good understanding of this control platform, the model will then be tested under several circuit conditions, to test the capability and robustness of the controller to handle these situations.-North of Norway has extremely good conditions for wind power generation. As the existing main grid will not be able to integrate all the wind parks, the alternative to build a new corridor with multi-terminal HVDC Light North of Norway to Middle of Norway, is under study. HVDC Light is more and more concerned recently to improve power system stability due to its supreme controllability. The thesis will be directed towards investigating the possible problems to be encountered in an HVDC Light installation. A platform for the control of HVDC Light based on the vector control principle will be first established. With a good understanding of this control platform, the model will then be tested under several circuit conditions, to test the capability and robustness of the controller to handle these situations.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1.52mb Publisher : live

《电力系统稳定与控制》的影印版,作者是加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省电力技术实验室公司的总裁及首席执行官Prabha Kundur- Power System Stability and Control, the author of the Canadian Columbia Electric Power Technology Laboratory Company President and Chief Executive Officer Prabha Kundur
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 31.9mb Publisher : 汪洋
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