Description: 模拟蚂蚁和食蚁兽的生存规律。在20X20的网格世界里,每个生物每次可向四个方向移动(但不会移除网格边缘),食蚁兽会吃掉在他目标处的蚂蚁-The goal for this programming project is to create a simple 2D predator-prey simulation.
In this simulation the prey are ants and the predators are doodlebugs.
These critters live in a world composed of a 20x20 grid of cells.
Only one critter may occupy a cell at a time. The grid is enclosed, so a critter is not allowed to move off the edges of the world.
Time is simulated in time steps.
Each critter performs some action every time step. Platform: |
Size: 101376 |
Author:crystalever |