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[Web ServerZope-2.6.2-src

Description: 2003年最新的Zope版本。这个是它的源代码,可以在任意支持的平台上编译。需要Python2.1.*的支持。(我已经在UNIX上成功编译过了)编译方法:如果是做为独立的web服务器,只需要在命令行中输入python wo_pcgi.py就可以了;如果是要和其他服务器一起用,输入python w_pcgi.py,之后它就会自动编译。完成后./start就可以了。其中的var目录要把所有者设为root,Linux中要chmod o+t var,FreeBSD中应该是chmod 1000 var。Zope 是一个面向对象的服务器软件,它可以在所有Unix/Linux/Windows上运行,而且可以集成到其他流行的 Web 服务器。 Zope 采用 Python 语言编写,在性能敏感的部件上采用了 C 语言编写。目前有美国海军,美国航空与宇宙航天局,法国原子能研究会,Bank of America,北约组织官方网站,SGI,通用电气,上海电信,富兰克林大学,大连理工大学等使用它做Web应用。
Platform: | Size: 2347004 | Author: kingmax | Hits:

[Web ServerZope-2.6.2-src

Description: 2003年最新的Zope版本。这个是它的源代码,可以在任意支持的平台上编译。需要Python2.1.*的支持。(我已经在UNIX上成功编译过了)编译方法:如果是做为独立的web服务器,只需要在命令行中输入python wo_pcgi.py就可以了;如果是要和其他服务器一起用,输入python w_pcgi.py,之后它就会自动编译。完成后./start就可以了。其中的var目录要把所有者设为root,Linux中要chmod o+t var,FreeBSD中应该是chmod 1000 var。Zope 是一个面向对象的服务器软件,它可以在所有Unix/Linux/Windows上运行,而且可以集成到其他流行的 Web 服务器。 Zope 采用 Python 语言编写,在性能敏感的部件上采用了 C 语言编写。目前有美国海军,美国航空与宇宙航天局,法国原子能研究会,Bank of America,北约组织官方网站,SGI,通用电气,上海电信,富兰克林大学,大连理工大学等使用它做Web应用。
Platform: | Size: 2347008 | Author: kingmax | Hits:

[Windows Developscintilla[1].dll

Description: 修复python2.6 pythonWin 死机问题-Python2.6 pythonWin the issue of restoration of Death
Platform: | Size: 76800 | Author: yimos | Hits:


Description: vim72 python 2.6 重编译版本。支持python 2.5 2.6 3.0 win32环境下python脚本配置文件-vim72 python 2.6 re-compiled version. Support for python 2.5 2.6 3.0 win32 environment python script configuration file
Platform: | Size: 4620288 | Author: zuyf | Hits:


Description: This the python 2.6 documentation-This is the python 2.6 documentation
Platform: | Size: 9264128 | Author: Bill | Hits:


Description: 由于网络上这些安装文件很,而且版本不一致还不能用,开始下了个3.1的,它的打印语句还要加括号才能用,而且还找不到配套的pythonwin,最后找了好久才找到一个2.6版本的,和配套的pythonwin,传上来给有同样需要的。-Because of these installation files are on the network, and the version of the inconsistency is not yet able to start down a 3.1, it also added a print statement in brackets can be used, but can not get the pythonwin, finally found a long time to find a 2.6 version, and a matching pythonwin, pass up to the same need.
Platform: | Size: 19946496 | Author: 符观辉 | Hits:

[Graph Drawingpychartdir

Description: PyCharDir是python开发的实现图表工具,附带的包要先导进目录方可运行,运行的版本python2.6-PyCharDir is the realization of the chart python development tools included with the package into the directory to be the pilot run, run the version of python2.6
Platform: | Size: 7255040 | Author: light | Hits:

[Windows Developkaixin

Description: python写的开心脚本,使用python3.1编写(花园精灵模块基于python2.6,需要PIL),xml解析需要安装模块lxml,windows下需要pywin32(不喜欢可以自己改掉) 功能: 支持windows和linux,命令行界面,可修改ini文件配置 可全局限速以避免因访问频繁而被封帐号,可以统计访问次数以自动调整访问频率,到达每日限制后可自动退出; 偷菜 1. 定时偷花园的菜,偷牧场的动物和农副产品,支持摇钱树和蜂蜜,可避开巡查员,支持回答花园精灵; 2. 可设定只偷价值大于某值的产品,可以设定跳过不偷的好友,也可以忽略价值强制偷指定的产品; 3. 可自动更新新品种;可以更新已知产品的价格; 4. 收获/播种自家菜地,可配置每个地块要种植的作物; 5. 正确收获自家世博花,但不收获其他家的世博花(因为需要回答世博类问题); 餐厅 1. 可以设置可以在不同阶段做不同的菜(目前分为三个阶段);可以批量消费菜; 2. 可以恢复坏菜,可以判断使用大厨; 3. 可以根据菜谱计算经验值最高的菜; X世界 1. 定时自动战斗,战斗时自动医疗; 2. 自动升级;-happy to write python scripts written using python3.1 (Garden Wizard module is based on python2.6, need to PIL), xml parsing module to install lxml, windows required under pywin32 (do not like to get rid of their own) Features: support for windows and linux, command line interface, you can modify the ini file configuration Speed limit can be global in order to avoid frequent access to blocked accounts, you can count the number of visits to automatically adjust the frequency of visits to reach the daily limit to automatic withdrawal Stealing food 1. Time to steal the food garden, stealing farm animals and agricultural products to support the cash cow and honey, you can avoid the inspectors to support the answer garden wizard 2. Can be set only to steal the product value greater than a value can be set to skip the friends do not steal, you can also ignore the value of the force to steal the specified product 3. Can automatically update the new varieties can upd
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: kevin | Hits:


Description: python2.6-6安装文件,用于使用libsvm的.py文件。-installation file of python
Platform: | Size: 14734336 | Author: 田乐逍 | Hits:


Description: 嵌入式数据库命令行版\sqlite-shell-win32-x86-3070500.zip-Embedded database command-line version of \ sqlite-shell-win32-x86-3070500.zip
Platform: | Size: 282624 | Author: fandayu | Hits:


Description: libsvm2.9,python2.6,gp373w32,学习和使用libsvm必备的资料集成-libsvm2.9, python2.6, gp373w32, learning and integration of information necessary to use libsvm
Platform: | Size: 17115136 | Author: 刘威 | Hits:


Description: 用python2.6写的LLC计算工具,使用了numpy,matplotlib和wxpython。能够根据参数绘制LLC图形-LLC python2.6 caculator
Platform: | Size: 12407808 | Author: wangzr | Hits:

[Ftp Clientfeitp-server.V3

Description: 高性能的Ftp服务器,使用Python的环境,改进了pyftpdlib源码 结合使用了python2.6版本以后的多进程编程(非多线程) 实现了高并发的FTP服务器,具有很好的可扩展性!-1.Very high performance FTP Server about 10X than vsFTP server 2.Base on pyhton lib (pyftpdlib) 3.Use Multi-CPU Tech on python lib(multiprocess) 4.stable and expand your own logic with high-pressure test 5.Document in English/Deutsch/Chinese
Platform: | Size: 256000 | Author: long | Hits:

[Other Embeded programscons_STM32_Template

Description: 【简介】 这是一个用scons生成stm32 mdk工程的模板,现在芯片都指定好了,stm32f103ze 【使用方法】 1、准备工作:安装scons、安装python2.7 2、运行project目录下的scons-build.bat即可创建工程project.uvproj 3、如果想添加目录,参照drivers目录的Sconscript文件的编写,修改一下目录名即可。另外还需要修改一下project目录下的Sconstruct文件。 4、修改project目录下的template.uvproj文件可修改工程的配置模板。-[Introduction] This is a scons build stm32 mdk project templates, chips are now designated Well, stm32f103ze [Use] 1, the preparatory work: Install scons, install python2.7 2, run the project directory scons-build.bat to create works project.uvproj 3, if you want to add directories, reference drivers directory Sconscript document preparation, modify the directory name. You also need to amend the project directory Sconstruct file. 4, modify the project directory template.uvproj file can modify the project configuration template.
Platform: | Size: 376832 | Author: buwangyu | Hits:


Description: 用python实现了一个从云平台下载资源的程序-it can run in the python2.6.6
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 向云峰 | Hits:


Description: python2.6开发资料,非常齐全,给爱好python的开发人员参考.-Python2.6 development information, very complete, like the developers Python reference.
Platform: | Size: 26665984 | Author: iseehe | Hits:


Description: Python中的一个web应用开发框架——Django的安装包。此安装包使用于Python2.7,解压之后用setup.py安装即可。- A web application development framework of Python Django installation package. This installation package for use in Python2.7, the user can extracting it then use setup.py to install.
Platform: | Size: 7601152 | Author: yi | Hits:

[Other Riddle gamesrussian_box

Description: 这是实现一款俄罗斯方块的游戏源码,用python+pyqt实现。在安装了python的电脑上即可运行。在教程的基础上稍微做了些改变-i call it russian box ,because everybody may have played it in their years. the source code is wrriten in python. the computer installed with python2.7x will access to it .the tutorial and code are all in .zip
Platform: | Size: 35840 | Author: 马也 | Hits:


Description: python2.7的编辑器eric6,界面清晰,蛮好用的,尤其是断点查错功能确实不错-eric6 for python2.7
Platform: | Size: 12607488 | Author: cjr | Hits:

[Windows DevelopPython

Description: vs2012 c++调用python2.6和3.5-vs2012 c++ call python2.6 and 3.5
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: jimmy | Hits:
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