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[Other resourceMPSK_sim

Description: 这是一个非常好的mpsk仿真程序。其中包括BPSk,QPSK,8PSK,16PSK的BER和EB/N0曲线,SER和ES/N0曲线。
Platform: | Size: 1901 | Author: 杨丽 | Hits:


Description: 主函数Alamouti(Nr,max_snr,max_err_symbol,symbol_per_frame) 调用函数QpskMapping(psudo_bit_sequence)--二进制数据到QPSK信号的变换 调用函数RayleighCH(Nr,Nt)--瑞利衰落信道模拟 仿真示例: Alamouti(1,12,20,24) 说明: 1.2根发射天线、1根接收天线 2.最高信噪比为12dB,即仿真范围为0dB到12dB 3.在每个信噪比条件下,误符号数超过20即停止该信噪比条件下的仿真 4.每一帧数据为24个QPSK符号 综合仿真函数SimAlamouti(max_snr,max_err_symbol,symbol_per_frame) 具有一根接收天线系统的SER性能与二根接收天线的系统SER性能比较 SimAlamouti(12,20,24)
Platform: | Size: 205151 | Author: 老何 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个非常好的mpsk仿真程序。其中包括BPSk,QPSK,8PSK,16PSK的BER和EB/N0曲线,SER和ES/N0曲线。-This is a very good MPSK simulation program. Including BPSk, QPSK, 8PSK, 16PSK the BER and EB/N0 curve, SER and ES/N0 curve.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 杨丽 | Hits:


Description: 主函数Alamouti(Nr,max_snr,max_err_symbol,symbol_per_frame) 调用函数QpskMapping(psudo_bit_sequence)--二进制数据到QPSK信号的变换 调用函数RayleighCH(Nr,Nt)--瑞利衰落信道模拟 仿真示例: Alamouti(1,12,20,24) 说明: 1.2根发射天线、1根接收天线 2.最高信噪比为12dB,即仿真范围为0dB到12dB 3.在每个信噪比条件下,误符号数超过20即停止该信噪比条件下的仿真 4.每一帧数据为24个QPSK符号 综合仿真函数SimAlamouti(max_snr,max_err_symbol,symbol_per_frame) 具有一根接收天线系统的SER性能与二根接收天线的系统SER性能比较 SimAlamouti(12,20,24)-The main function Alamouti (Nr, max_snr, max_err_symbol, symbol_per_frame) function call QpskMapping (psudo_bit_sequence)- binary data to the QPSK signal transformation function call RayleighCH (Nr, Nt)- Rayleigh fading channel Simulation Example: Alamouti (1,12 , 20,24) Description: 1.2 transmission antennas, a receiving antenna 2. the highest SNR 12dB, that is, simulation range of 0dB to 12dB 3. in each signal to noise ratio conditions, the misuse of symbols that stop a few more than 20 The signal to noise ratio under the conditions of simulation 4. each frame of data for the 24 QPSK symbols integrated simulation function SimAlamouti (max_snr, max_err_symbol, symbol_per_frame) with a receiving antenna system SER performance and two receive antenna system SER performance comparison SimAlamouti (12,20,24)
Platform: | Size: 204800 | Author: 老何 | Hits:

[3G developMultipathChannelVerification

Description: Single/Multipath Channel Model Verificaiton EbNo vs. BER/SER under AWGN BPSK vs. QPSK Theory vs. Simulation AWGN vs. Flat Fading Channel Most files are written by myself, enjoy it. Figures are attached.
Platform: | Size: 74752 | Author: tornado22222 | Hits:


Description: Calculate SER of Qpsk in presense of awgn
Platform: | Size: 425984 | Author: ashish | Hits:


Description: *Demonstrate convolutional encoding and decoding *Simulate BER for QPSK and BPSK, plot and then **compare the result with the theoretical value. *compare SER of the Rake and ML. – Symbols are taken randomly from QPSK. – Run the simulation for different SNR until at least 50 symbol errors are found – Plot the figure with x-coordinate in SNR (dB) and ycoordinate in SER. (Matlab function semilogy)
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: inbustrious | Hits:


Description: 这个程序是用格雷码的基带仿真,在加高斯白噪声的情况下仿真ber和ser曲线-the purpose of this m-file is to show a baseband simulated version of QPSK with Gray coding( Rayleigh multipath and AWGN added) which may give valid results
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: bujingyun | Hits:


Description: Takes random binary serial bit sequence and generates the QPSK modulated signal after converting ser
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: dzemo | Hits:


Description: QPSK ser matlabcode share
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Daniel | Hits:


Description: 主函数Alamouti(Nr,max_snr,max_err_symbol,symbol_per_frame) 调用函数QpskMapping(psudo_bit_sequence)--二进制数据到QPSK信号的变换 调用函数RayleighCH(Nr,Nt)--瑞利衰落信道模拟 仿真示例: Alamouti(1,12,20,24) 说明: 1.2根发射天线、1根接收天线 2.最高信噪比为12dB,即仿真范围为0dB到12dB 3.在每个信噪比条件下,误符号数超过20即停止该信噪比条件下的仿真 4.每一帧数据为24个QPSK符号 综合仿真函数SimAlamouti(max_snr,max_err_symbol,symbol_per_frame) 具有一根接收天线系统的SER性能与二根接收天线的系统SER性能比较 SimAlamouti(12,20,24) 参数说明: 1.max_err_symbol的取值直接影响了仿真的精度:取值越大,精度越高,误符号率曲线也更平滑;但需更长的仿真 时间 2.一般max_snr小于15dB,程序中snr为信号噪声功率比 3.本程序仿真时未考虑帧与帧之间,信道衰落系数的相关性,因此symbol_per_frame一定程度上表征了信道相关时 间的大小,即在symbol_per_frame个QPSK信号发送时间内,信道衰落系数是不变或缓变的,而在下一帧数据中, 信道衰落系数可以认为已变成另一值 4.本程序假定在接收端已通过信道估计获得信道衰落系数-ALAMOUTI performs Monte-Carlo simulation and estimates Bit Error Rate (BER) of Alamouti Scheme [1] over Rayleigh channel. The scheme presumes 2 transmit (Tx) and arbitrary number of receive (Rx) elements. If Rx=1 (one receive element) ALAMOUTI is transformed to the order 2 transmit diversity scheme with Maximum Ratio Combining (MRC). The modulation format is MPSK with arbitrary order M which can be controlled by user.
Platform: | Size: 203776 | Author: chenyiren | Hits:


Description: Gray码的QPSK,8PSK,16QAM在AWGN下的调制解调程序,给出了BER,SER性能,做了理论曲线的对比,结果与理论值一致。三种调制方式都可以。程序注释详细,并附说明文档。 hcq908@163.com 20120509 - QPSK,8PSK,16QAM modulation and demodulation in AWGN channel with Gray coding. The BER and SER performance are presented and compared to thearotic value. The simulation results show that all of the matlab code is correct. Codes programed by Henry Cinque, hcq908@163.com 20120509
Platform: | Size: 58368 | Author: hcq | Hits:


Description: 含有已知信道下BPSK,QPSK,8PSK,16QAM的MLSE均衡,MMSE(频域)均衡SER,BER性能的对比。-SER,BER performance coparing of BPSK,QPSK.8PSK,16QAM modulation of block transmission in MMSE or MLSE equalizer on known channel.
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: hcq | Hits:

[3G developAmplify-and-Forward

Description: This programe provides SER analysis of amplify and forward cooperative protocol using QPSK modulation .Results are compared with theoratical results for QPSK modulation with AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Waheed | Hits:


Description: This programe provides SER analysis of amplify and forward cooperative protocol using QPSK modulation. Results are compared with theoratical results for QPSK modulation with AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: katy | Hits:


Description: 实现随机信号序列的QPSK调制和相干解调,观察信号的星座图,计算误比特率和误码率。-this code is designed for the signal s QPSK modulation and demodulation exactly. Meanwhile, the BER and SER were estimated and drawed.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: chenwei | Hits:

[Program docbodysensornetworkserrordetectionandcorrectionjour

Description: This programe provides SER analysis of amplify and forward cooperative protocol using QPSK modulation. Results are compared with theoratical results for QPSK modulation with AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels- This programe provides SER analysis of amplify and forward cooperative protocol using QPSK modulation. Results are compared with theoratical results for QPSK modulation with AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels
Platform: | Size: 2118656 | Author: bostoncrap | Hits:

[Software Engineeringraptorcodematerial

Description: This programe provides SER analysis of amplify and forward cooperative protocol using QPSK modulation Results are compared with theoratical results for QPSK modulation with AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels- This programe provides SER analysis of amplify and forward cooperative protocol using QPSK modulation Results are compared with theoratical results for QPSK modulation with AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels
Platform: | Size: 1102848 | Author: bostoncrap | Hits:


Description: QPSK SER and BER simulation
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Mehmet | Hits:


Description: qpsk analysis of ber and ser with theoritical values using matlab
Platform: | Size: 347136 | Author: udaya | Hits:
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