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Openfire是一个开源即时通讯服务器软件,采用Java开发,基于XMPP(Jabber)协议。Openfire安装和使用都非常简单,并利用Web进行管理。单台服务器可支持上万并发用户。客户端可用Spark搭配,组建企业自己的QQ/MSN交流环境。-Openfire is an open source instant messaging server software, the use of Java development, based on the XMPP (Jabber) protocol. Openfire installation and use are very simple, and take advantage of Web management. A single server can support thousands of concurrent users. Spark can be used with the client, set up their own enterprises QQ/MSN exchange environment.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.7mb Publisher : cj31415

xmpp协议的客户端软件,非常好用。很好的聊天工具。-XMPP protocol client software is very easy to use. Good chat tool.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.65mb Publisher : 石磊

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AnyQ这款产品是按照国际标准XMPP协议开发的一套即时通讯系统,XMPP已经成为兼容ICQ,Msn messenger, Yahoo messenger, AIM的事实标准。anyQ该平台除了传统的文字,音频、视频通讯外,其中的共同浏览、协同演示、大容量的文件交换,同时利用 了p2p来优化传输效率。 最有意思的是该系统已经完全实现和QQ、MSN、ICQ等几大即时通讯软件的互联互通”。 -AnyQ this product is in accordance with international standards to develop a set of protocol XMPP instant messaging systems, XMPP has become compatible with ICQ, Msn messenger, Yahoo messenger, AIM the de facto standard. anyQ the platform in addition to traditional text, audio, video communications, the one common browsing, collaborative presentations, large volumes of file exchange, at the same time to optimize the use of p2p transfer efficiency. The most interesting is that the system has been fully realized and QQ, MSN, ICQ and so on several major instant messaging software interoperability.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.38mb Publisher : cbsquan

XMPP的前身是Jabber,一个开源形式组织产生的网络即时通信协议。XMPP目前被IETF国际标准组织完成了标准化工作。标准化的核心结果分为两部分; 核心的XML流传输协议 基于XML流传输的即时通讯扩展应用 XMPP的核心XML流传输协议的定义使得XMPP能够在一个比以往网络通信协议更规范的平台上。借助于XML易于解析和阅读的特性,使得XMPP的协议能够非常漂亮。 XMPP的即时通讯扩展应用部分是根据IETF在这之前对即时通讯的一个抽象定义的,与其他业已得到广泛使用的即时通讯协议,诸如AIM,QQ等有功能完整,完善等先进性。-XMPP is the predecessor of Jabber, an open source network forms of organizations real-time communication protocol. XMPP is being ISO IETF standardization work has been completed. The results of the standardization of the core is divided into two parts The core XML streaming protocol XML-based streaming real-time communications applications to expand XMPP s core XML streaming protocol allows the definition of XMPP to the network than ever before in a more standardized communication protocol platform. Through the use of XML parsing and easy to read features, the XMPP makes a very good agreement. XMPP instant messaging application part of the expansion is based on IETF in this real-time communications prior to the definition of an abstract, and has been widely used in other real-time communication protocols, such as AIM, QQ, such as functional integrity and perfect nature.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 691kb Publisher : 徐友

Jabber是一款用C写的IM(即时通信)服务器,类似于QQ的服务器(不过QQ的服务器是如何工作的不太清楚哦),使用开放的XMPP协议,信息流采用XML格式,可实现跨平台通信。通过Jabber转换器,Japper还可与MSN,Yahoo等即时通信服务器连接。一举打破现时IM平台互不兼容的格局。Google talk就是使用Jabber/XMPP来实现的。欢迎C++的高手们共同研究。-Jabber is a C written by IM (instant messaging) server, the server is similar to QQ (QQ server but is not sure how to work oh), the use of open XMPP protocol, the flow of information using XML format, can be inter- communications platform. Through Jabber converter, Japper also with MSN, Yahoo and other instant messaging server. One IM platform to break the current pattern of mutually incompatible. Google talk is the use of Jabber/XMPP achieved. Welcome to C++ to study the masters.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.59mb Publisher : 994

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一个基于XMPP协议的webim,充分的展示了JS的各种实用技巧-Based on the XMPP protocol webim
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.65mb Publisher : zl

仿qq通讯,xmpp协议 openfire服务器,实现即时通讯,群组聊天等功能-Imitation qq communication, XMPP protocol openfire server, instant communication, group chat and other functions
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.9mb Publisher : 天睿

基于web socket7原理,以及xmpp协议等即时通讯协议,ras base64加密算法,实现的类似qq的通讯软件-Based on the socket7 web principle, as well as the XMPP protocol, such as instant messaging protocol, Base64 Ras encryption algorithm, to achieve a similar QQ communications software
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.33mb Publisher : sdfg
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