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这是一个调色板取值程序,该程序能够实现红绿蓝三色的配色演示,主要用于程序中去色参考RGB值,提供了十进制和16进制,便于软件开发和网页制作。-This is a palette value process, which can realize three-color red-green-blue color of the demonstration, mainly used to process RGB color reference value, provided the metric system and 16-band, easy software development and web production.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 141kb Publisher : 王辉

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由多光谱图像的3个波段构成的RGB分量经IHS变换后,可将图像的空间特征(,)和光谱特征(H、S)分离-From multi-spectral image consisting of three-band RGB components by the IHS transform, may be characteristic of the image space (,) and spectral characteristics of (H, S) Separation
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5kb Publisher : wangshy2046

一个用IDL编写的GUI视图工具 详细源代码与工程文件 包含加载影像 RGB波段合成列表选择 放缩与全图漫游 鹰眼图 矢量数据空间叠加等视图处理功能 按照说明书操作即可!-IDL prepared using a GUI tool to view a detailed source code and project file contains the load image list to select RGB-Band Synthetic zoom map with roaming space Hawkeye map overlay vector data such as view processing functions can be operated in accordance with the Manual!
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.85mb Publisher : 李晓亮

玩转颜色是个免费的颜色软件。拥有友好的界面和小巧的身躯,可以获取屏幕上的任何颜色,以RGB,网页,16进制,色素代码,Delphi颜色输出。更可以输入颜色代码调配颜色;自带颜色收藏夹。更可以获取网页中的配色方案,保存起来。适用于编程,网页制作等。-Topsy color is the color of free software. Has a friendly interface and compact body, you can access any on-screen color to RGB, web page, 16-band, color code, Delphi color output. Can enter the color code deployment color bring their own favorite colors. Can access the page in the color scheme, save up. Applies to programming, web production and so on.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 146kb Publisher : luo

BMP图像RGB三个波段分解和结合的小程序,分解后的单波段图像经处理后可使用该程序结合成新的图像,简单易用。-BMP image RGB three-band decomposition and combination of a small process, decomposition of the single-band image can be treated using the program together to form a new image, easy to use.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 30kb Publisher :

The img2tif program converts an Imagine .img file into one or more GeoTIFF files. Usage: img2tif [-i img_filename] [-o tif_basename] [-c] [-v n...] [-rgb [red_band green_band blue_band]] [-?] [-quiet] Arguments: -i input .img file -o output base file name Output files will be named base_name1.tif ... base_nameN.tif, where N = no. of bands. -rgb produce an RGB image file from the indicated band numbers within an existing imagine file. -s output file is in strips (tiles is default) -c packbits compress flag (def=uncompressed) -v overview sampling increment(s) (0=single, 98=full set minus 2x, 99=full set) Examples: -v 2 4 8 -v 0 -v 99 -quiet Don t produce a translation report. -? Print this explanation of command line arguments-The img2tif program converts an Imagine .img file into one or more GeoTIFF files. Usage: img2tif [-i img_filename] [-o tif_basename] [-c] [-v n...] [-rgb [red_band green_band blue_band]] [-?] [-quiet] Arguments: -i input .img file -o output base file name Output files will be named base_name1.tif ... base_nameN.tif, where N = no. of bands. -rgb produce an RGB image file from the indicated band numbers within an existing imagine file. -s output file is in strips (tiles is default) -c packbits compress flag (def=uncompressed) -v overview sampling increment(s) (0=single, 98=full set minus 2x, 99=full set) Examples: -v 2 4 8 -v 0 -v 99 -quiet Don t produce a translation report. -? Print this explanation of command line arguments
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.31mb Publisher : Alex

VC实现真彩色图像转换为8位图像,RGB三个波段的灰度通过一个线性变换式计算为单波段灰度。 -VC to achieve true color image is converted to 8-bit images, RGB three bands of gray calculated by a linear transformation of a single-band grayscale.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : 黄小伟

彩色RGB图像小波变换,并且重构出低频、中频、高频各个频带子块的图像。-RGB image wavelet and restruct the different frequency band
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.29mb Publisher : 张晓亮

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由多光谱图像的3个波段构成的RGB分量经IHS变换后,可将图像的空间特征(,)和光谱特征(H、S)分离-From multi-spectral image consisting of three-band RGB components by the IHS transform, may be characteristic of the image space (,) and spectral characteristics of (H, S) Separation
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5kb Publisher : ywere

图像融合评价指标,包括有:均值,标准差,信息熵,平均梯度,相关系数,扭曲程度,偏差指数。每个指标都分别对RGB三个波段进行评价。-This file refers to the ution factor of image fusion,which including:mean,standard deviation,information entropy,average gradient,correlation cofficient,distortion and bias index.Each factor is used to ute every band of RGB of fusion results.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : 在人间

这个函数分配一个数据缓冲区与多个颜色指定系统上的乐队。这种类型的缓冲区允许表示彩色图像(例如,RGB)。 这个函数为每个指定分配缓冲区,一个二维表面颜色乐队。您可以使用MbufAlloc1d()和MbufAlloc2d()来创建单独的乐队一或二维 数据缓冲区,分别。 分配一个缓冲区后,我们建议您检查是否操作成功,使用MappGetError(),或通过验证,不是M_NULL返回的缓冲区的标识符。-This function allocates a data buffer with multiple color bands on the specified system. This type of buffer allows for the representation of color images (for example, RGB). This function allocates buffers that have a two-dimensional surface for each specified color band. You can use MbufAlloc1d() and MbufAlloc2d() to create single band one- or two-dimensional data buffers, respectively. After allocating a buffer, we recommend that you check if the operation was successful, using MappGetError(), or by verifying that the buffer identifier returned is not M_NULL.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 243kb Publisher : 蓝梦

给定一幅单波段影像imgData.txt(ASCII格式),实现对图像的处理和显示。 已知条件: (1)clrTbl.txt文件是一个颜色查找表,大小是256X3,即可表示256中RGB的颜色。 (2)ImgData.txt文件中是图像的数据,每个值代表一个像素的颜色索引号,通过索引号到颜色查找表(clrTbl.txt文件)中找到相应的RGB颜色值。 (3)中值滤波:一种非线性平滑技术,它将每一像素点的灰度值设置为该点某邻域窗口内(这里选择3X3)的所有像素点灰度值的中值。 (4)屏幕上显示像素点的函数:SetPixel(HDC drawDevice, long X, long Y, COLORREF rgbVal);(Given a single band image imgData.txt (ASCII format), to achieve the image processing and display. Given condition: (1) clrTbl.txt file is a color look-up table, size is 256X3, you can represent the color of RGB in 256. (2) the data in the ImgData.txt file is the image, each of which represents the color index number of a pixel, and the corresponding RGB color value is found in the color lookup table (clrTbl.txt file) through the index number. (3) median filtering: a nonlinear smoothing technique that sets the gray value of each pixel to the median of all pixel gray values within a neighborhood window (here, 3X3). (4) functions that display pixels on the screen: SetPixel (HDC, drawDevice, long, X, long, Y, COLORREF, rgbVal);)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 楚子航
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