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利用RSA对称算法实现文件加密,密钥512位,比较安全。但不是特别安全。因为推荐2048位的密钥目前是很安全的。-use RSA asymmetric encryption algorithm document, the key 512, relatively safe. But it is not particularly safe. Since 2048 recommended the key now is very safe.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 140.18kb Publisher : 海贵

密聊是文件密使的一部份,为了保护通讯的安全,为此文件密使新添加了实时安全通讯工具密聊,"密聊"采用 2048bit 的 RSA 资料加密算法对资料进行加密和数字签名。在此公开源程序并希望对信息安全有兴趣的朋友进行改进,或提供宝贵的意见。希望密聊能成为一个稳定、安全、公开的通讯工具。-little secret documents secret is a part, in order to protect the security of communications, for the secret document to add a new real-time secure communications tools secret chat about, "little secret" using information 2048bit RSA encryption algorithm for data encryption and digital signatures. In open source and hopes to information security are interested in improving friends, or to provide valuable advice. Chat secret hope will become a stable, secure and open communications tools.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 130kb Publisher : 孙鸿志

利用RSA对称算法实现文件加密,密钥512位,比较安全。但不是特别安全。因为推荐2048位的密钥目前是很安全的。-use RSA asymmetric encryption algorithm document, the key 512, relatively safe. But it is not particularly safe. Since 2048 recommended the key now is very safe.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 140kb Publisher : 海贵

密聊"采用 2048bit 的 RSA 数据加密算法对数据进行加密和数字签名,由于 RSA 加密少量的信息需要大量的时间,适合用来传递密钥或对重要而敏感且较少的信息通讯.实现的消息通讯安全功能包括 1. 身份验证,使收件人确信发件人就是他或她就是公开密钥所对应的那个人 2. 机密性,确保只有预期的收件人能够阅读邮件 3. 完整性,确保消息在传输过程中没有被更改 4. 消息到达确认,发件人确认收件人收到了消息.-Micronesia chat using 2048bit of RSA data encryption algorithm for data encryption and digital signatures, RSA encryption as a result of a small amount of information requires a large amount of time, suitable for transmission of key or less important and sensitive information and communications. The realization of the news communications security features include 1. authentication, so that the recipient is convinced that the sender is that he or she is the public key corresponding to that person 2. confidentiality, to ensure that only the desired recipient can read the e-mail 3. integrity, to ensure that information during transmission has not been altered 4. confirm the news arrived, the author confirmed that the recipient received the message.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 99kb Publisher : ivan

RSA算法是第一个能同时用于加密和数字签名的算法,也易于理解和操作。 RSA是被研究得最广泛的公钥算法,从提出到现在已近二十年,经历了各种攻击的考验,逐渐为人们接受,普遍认为是目前最优秀的公钥方案之一。RSA的安全性依赖于大数的因子分解,但并没有从理论上证明破译RSA的难度与大数分解难度等价。即RSA的重大缺陷是无法从理论上把握它的保密性能如何,而且密码学界多数人士倾向于因子分解不是NPC问题。RSA的缺点主要有:A)产生密钥很麻烦,受到素数产生技术的限制,因而难以做到一次一密。B)分组长度太大,为保证安全性,n 至少也要 600 bits以上,使运算代价很高,尤其是速度较慢,较对称密码算法慢几个数量级;且随着大数分解技术的发展,这个长度还在增加,不利于数据格式的标准化。目前,SET(Secure Electronic Transaction)协议中要求CA采用2048比特长的密钥,其他实体使用1024比特的密钥。   这种算法1978年就出现了,它是第一个既能用于数据加密也能用于数字签名的算法。它易于理解和操作,也很流行。算法的名字以发明者的名字命名:Ron Rivest, AdiShamir 和Leonard Adleman。但RSA的安全性一直未能得到理论上的证明。 -RSA encryption C++ to achieve balance
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 3.6mb Publisher : w

本聊天程序采用2048bit 的RSA 数据加密算法对数据进行加密和数字签名后发出,因为RSA加密信息需要大量的时间,因此本程序适合用来传递密钥或对非常重要且信息量较少的网络通讯。本程序编译后运行界面如上所示,正常聊天需要进行设置,设定对方IP地址,QQ号或电子邮件地址,接下来就可以发消息了,程序还可以完成如图所示的其它功能。 -2048bit the chat program using the RSA encryption algorithm for data encryption and digital signatures issued because RSA encrypted information requires a large amount of time, this program suitable for transmission of the key or the amount of information is very important and less network communication . After compiling the program to run the interface as shown above, the need for set up regular chats, set the IP address of the other side, QQ number or e-mail address, followed by a message on the can, the program can also be completed by the other functions as shown.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 122kb Publisher : lll

DL : 0
实现加密解密的功能,密码强度2048,速度非常的快,用时极短-Encrypt and decrypted
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 13kb Publisher : wang

DL : 0
software rsa 2048bit
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : amir

RSA加解密算法源码,linux下实现,支持1024密钥长度-RSA formula source code
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 194kb Publisher : leowang

RSA加密算法,可以实现实现128,256,512,1024,2048位的RSA加密解密运算-Use vc++ Realize RSA encryption and decryption algorithm source code.RSA digital signature algorithm of RSA
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 23kb Publisher :

CipherWall Client, code to work with sockets, sqlite database and CA realization: - RSA 2048-4096 bit - digit auth on RSA - 3-step cert auth - Blowfish in CFB mode (448 bit) - SHA-256 и SHA-512 - HMAC on base SHA-256 - random-digit genereator ANSI X9.17 - CRC32 - DoD-5220.22-M
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 92kb Publisher : Andrey

CipherWall Client, code to work with sockets, sqlite database and CA realization: - RSA 2048-4096 bit - digit auth on RSA - 3-step cert auth - Blowfish in CFB mode (448 bit) - SHA-256 и SHA-512 - HMAC on base SHA-256 - random-digit genereator ANSI X9.17 - CRC32 - DoD-5220.22-M
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 128kb Publisher : Andrey

DL : 0
编程实现RSA算法。包括:生成公钥(e, n)和私钥d,对明文m加密,对密文m解密。 注:实际应用中,512比特的n 已经不够安全,所以建议公司用1024比特的n,及其重要的场合用2048比特的 n。所以大家要选择大整数n。-Programming RSA algorithm. Include: Creation of a public key (e, n) and private key d, m the plaintext encryption, decryption of ciphertext m. Note: The actual application, the 512-bit n is not secure, it is recommended that companies with 1024-bit n, and the important occasion with a 2048-bit n. Therefore, we should choose a large integer n.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 44kb Publisher : semmir

DL : 0
用RSA算法实现加解密的功能,可支持128-2048位,RELEASE版本,无问题。还有可支持大数运算的计算功能-RSA encryption algorithm with the functionality to support 128-2048 bit, RELEASE version, no problem. There can support large numbers of computing operations
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 5.41mb Publisher : 张友乔

DL : 0
RSA加密解密, 调用汇编,2048位1秒内搞定 源码+演示(转载:非本人原创)-RSA encryption decryption, call assembly, 2048 1 seconds fix
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 441kb Publisher : aopo

CA认证系统中使用最广泛的证书载体是USBKEY,国内各大产商一般是使用CSP服务来提供加解密服务。这个例子是2048位的RSA数字签名与验证签名,使用厂家自带的csp来实现(若下载者没有安装任何USBKEY的驱动,可将代码中的TEST_CSP_NAME宏改为NULL 即调用微软自带的csp),编译环境VC6.0。-CA authentication system is the most widely used carrier certificate in USBKEY, the major domestic producers are generally use of CSP service to provide encryption services. This example is a 2048- bit RSA digital signature and verifying signature, use the manufacturer s own CSP to achieve (if downloaders not install any driver USBKEY, TEST_CSP_NAME macros in your code can be changed to NULL is called Microsoft s own CSP), the compiler environment VC6.0.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 12kb Publisher : 张磊

rsa加解密工具类,包括2048/1024(RSA encryption and decryption tool class, including 2048/1024)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : smile2134

DL : 0
rsa的加密解密算法,可以实现2048位的,虽然速度有点慢(RSA encryption and decryption algorithm, can achieve 2048 bits, although a bit slow)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 19kb Publisher : NIUJIE

DL : 0
实现加解密功能,自动生成密钥,实现128,256,512,1024,2048位加解密(RSA tencrypto and tdecrypto)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 7kb Publisher : 浅浅儿

DL : 0
1.问题描述 RSA密码系统可具体描述为:取两个大素数p和q,令n=pq,N=(p-1)(q-1),随机选择整数d,满足gcd(d,N)=1,ed=1 modN。 公开密钥:k1=(n,e) 私有密钥:k2=(p,q,d) 加密算法:对于待加密消息m,其对应的密文为c=E(m)=me(modn) 解密算法:D(c)=cd(modn) 2.基本要求 p,q,d,e参数选取合理,程序要求界面友好,自动化程度高。 4. 实现提示 要实现一个真实的RSA密码系统,主要考虑对大整数的处理。P和q是1024位的,n取2048位。(1. problem description The RSA cryptosystem can be specifically described as: take two large prime numbers P and Q, make n=pq, N= (p-1) (Q-1), select integer D randomly, and satisfy GCD (D, N) =1. Public key: k1= (n, e) Private key: k2= (P, Q, d) Encryption algorithm: for the encrypted message M, its corresponding ciphertext is c=E (m) =me (MODN) Decryption algorithm: D (c) =cd (MODN) 2. basic requirements P, Q, D, e parameters are selected reasonably, the program requires friendly interface and high degree of automation. 4. realization hints To implement a real RSA cryptosystem, the main consideration is to deal with large integers. P and Q are 1024 bits, and N takes 2048.)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.06mb Publisher : Appoint
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