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[SCMSmall RTOS 移植至 AVR (第四版)

Description: Small RTOS 移植至 AVR (第四版),其中新加OS_CONTEXT_SWITCH_METHOD,为0任务切换保护全部32个寄存器,SREG,Os_Enter_Sum和返回地址(共36字节),为1 任务切换保只护其中20个寄存器,SREG,Os_Enter_Sum和返回地址(共24字节).
Platform: | Size: 43047 | Author: xyz543 | Hits:


Description: 基于arm核的RTOS-based nuclear arm of RTOS
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: | Hits:

[SCMavr rtos

Description: avr rtos AVR单片机上的实时操作系统-avr Byelorussian AVR on the real-time operating system
Platform: | Size: 48128 | Author: 祥子 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopRTOS 51代码

Description: RTOS 51代码-RTOS code
Platform: | Size: 742400 | Author: 严臣 | Hits:

[OS Developrtos

Description: 一个完整的rtos源代码.运行在嵌入80186 cpu上.提供4个任务,信号灯,定时器,schedule等.-Byelorussian a complete source code. Running on embedded 80186 cpu. For four tasks, lights, timers, etc. schedule.
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: 韩永成 | Hits:

[SCMsmall RTOS在C8051F单片机上的应用

Description: small RTOS在C8051F单片机上的应用-small RTOS in the C8051F Application
Platform: | Size: 44032 | Author: 侯赛 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopRTOS-SinWave

Description: 利用RTOS機制實現機械系統中的質量,阻尼等...也可利用鍵盤輸入m,k,c,來改變sin波的位移量--Use RTOS to implement quality, damp and etc inside mechanic systems. You could also type m, k, c to change sin wave.
Platform: | Size: 179200 | Author: 徐小明 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopRTOS-SquareWave

Description: 這是利用RTOS去實現機械系統,這是方波的--Use RTOS to implement mechanic systems. It is square wave.
Platform: | Size: 177152 | Author: 徐小明 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopSmall RTOS(51)源代码、应用问答集

Description: Small RTOS(51)源代码、应用问答集.zip 可用于嵌入式51系统。--Source code for small RTOS(51), and Q&A. It could be used in embedded 51 system.
Platform: | Size: 668672 | Author: 张强 | Hits:

[OS Developrtos随想曲

Description: rtos 随 想 曲-Byelorussian Capriccio
Platform: | Size: 320512 | Author: 李迪立 | Hits:

[Other Embeded program无需外扩ram即可在51上执行的占先式RTOS

Description: 无需外扩ram即可在51上执行的占先式RTOS 可移植,完全免费,公开源代码 具有详细中文文档和注释 (作者已经把它运用到实际的项目中)-without ram can be extended outside of the 51 on the implementation of preemptive RTOS portable, free, open-source with the Chinese documents and detailed notes (The author has already put it to practical use items)
Platform: | Size: 735232 | Author: 周小川 | Hits:

[SCM基于80C51单片机源码公开的Small RTOS 1.12.1版

Description: 基于80C51单片机源码公开的Small RTOS 1.12.1版-80C51 microcontroller based on the open source version 1.12.1 Small RTOS
Platform: | Size: 215040 | Author: zxf | Hits:

[Other Embeded program基于arm内核的RTOS

Description: 基于arm内核的RTOS,用C语音实现的一个RTOS,具有参考价值-based on arm core RTOS, C achieved a voice RTOS, with reference value
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: 江叶 | Hits:


Description: 一个基于PIC的RTOS实时操作系统源代码,内附说明 -a PIC-based RTOS Real-Time Operating System source code, enclosing Note
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 笑雨 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Develop台湾RTOS讲义

Description: 有关rtos的书,从rtos的组成,特点到如何实现以及同分时系统的区别都做了初步的讲解。-the Byelorussian book, from the Byelorussian composition, characteristics, and to realize how time-sharing system with the distinction has made a preliminary presentation.
Platform: | Size: 679936 | Author: 韩伟 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopOmu68K-Rtos.tar

Description: 用于motorala 68K系列处理器的小实时多任务操作系统 The OMU Kernel was written to provide a cut-down Unix-like O/S for a home-made 6809-based home computer built by me, Steven Hosgood, in the early 1980s. This package contains the RTOS version of omu68k, derived from a port of the original 6809 code to the 68000 done by Terry Barnaby and me.-for motorala 68K processor series of small RTOS The OMU K ernel was written to provide a cut-down Unix-li ke O/S for a home-made 6809-based home computer built by me, Steven Hosgood. in the early 1980s. This package contains the RT OS version of omu68k. derived from a port of the original 6809 code to t he 68,000 Barnaby done by Terry and me.
Platform: | Size: 174080 | Author: 陈智 | Hits:


Description: CMX-RTOS实时多任务操作系统中文使用手册-CMX-RTOS RTOS Chinese Manuals
Platform: | Size: 595968 | Author: gw | Hits:


Description: 毕业设计中移植完成的usb+ADXL+RTOS源代码,自己看看是否有用。-graduation design transplantation completed usb ADXL RTOS source code, to see for yourself whether it is useful.
Platform: | Size: 414720 | Author: 李江 | Hits:


Description: rtos 论文集 介绍RTOS的,收集到的东东 -Essays introduce RTOS RTOS, and collected Dongdong
Platform: | Size: 6774784 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 这是一篇关于rtos的嵌入式开发文档,可以作为开发人员的参考-This is an article on the development of embedded RTOS documents, could serve as a reference for developers
Platform: | Size: 162816 | Author: zhanglei | Hits:
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