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分析了输入信号的频谱,运用的FFT处理数据,外国人设计的 效果不错-This is an experimental work to monitor a spectrum pattern in radio band, and is a continuous project from Audio Spectrum Monitor. To analyze the spectrum of an input signal, I chose an Atmel AVR microcontroller that used in the Audio Spectrum Monitor to process FFT. When think it easy, it can be thought that sample an input RF signal directly and analyze it will do. However, you will able to recoginize that there are some techinical difficulties from following reasons.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 376kb Publisher :

DL : 0
SG12232C graphic LCD液晶编程-This is an evaluation use of a small graphics LCD module. Last summer, SG12232C graphic LCD module has been sold sold for 1500 Yens from Akizuki Denshi and I bought it. However I could not find good application for the LCD module and it was going to go to junk box :-) so that I tried to use the LCD module temporary. Only displaying any still image is not cool, first I tried to display an audio wave form in real-time like a digital oscilloscope, and then an FFT spectrum analysis too. The spectrum monitor seems to achived nice performance, in view of it is realized with a cheap microcontroller. This can also be applied to radio frequency band.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 80kb Publisher : lupo

ATMEL AVR based a spectrum analyser! This 8bit mcu source can be a totarial to understand fruer transform for you
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 292kb Publisher : absolutex1

In this paper, we illustrate the benefits of cooperation in cognitive radio. Cognitive (unlicensed) users need to continuously monitor spectrum for the presence of primary (licensed) users. We show that by allowing the cognitive radios operating in the same band to cooperate we can reduce the detection time and thus increase the overall agility
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 114kb Publisher : venkatasiva

认知无线电中关于信号处理的综述,本人看后获益匪浅,与个人热爱学习认知的人共享。-Signal Processing in Cognitive Radio:To share frequencies without interfering, cognitive radio systems need to constantly monitor for the presence of licensed users and to continuously adjust the spectrum of their transmitted signal.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 485kb Publisher : 段梅
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