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学生信息查询系统C语言实现 包含的功能有: 1、 系统功能选择菜单:提供了5个功能 A、 按“班级+平均成绩”显示原始数据 B、 输入学号,显示学生档案,并可选择用顺序查找或者折半查找去实现 C、 输入不完全的学生姓名即可模糊查找学生档案。 D、 输入班级及课程即可统计平均分,优秀率及及格率。 2、 数据显示函数 3、 学号查找函数 4、 模糊查找函数 5、 成绩统计函数 -Student Information System C language functions are included : one, choose the menu system functions : providing a functional 5 A, according to the "average scores of classes +" B raw data show that the importation of school, that students files, may choose to use only half the order or search Search C to realize that the importation of incomplete names of the students can find fuzzy student files. D, the importation of classes and courses can be statistical average, and excellent passing rate. 2, the data show that three functions, learning search function, four, five fuzzy search function, function scores
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 7.83kb Publisher : 丘方

小波编解码EBCOT编解码文件测试程序 小波编解码EBCOT编解码文件测试程序\\8x8一级至三级测试结果.c 小波编解码EBCOT编解码文件测试程序\\97ldwt.opt 小波编解码EBCOT编解码文件测试程序\\97wave_out.raw 小波编解码EBCOT编解码文件测试程序\\arithdec.c 小波编解码EBCOT编解码文件测试程序\\arithenc.c 小波编解码EBCOT编解码文件测试程序\\arithmetic_out.raw 小波编解码EBCOT编解码文件测试程序\\block_coding_common测试结果.c 小波编解码EBCOT编解码文件测试程序\\block_encode-wavelet codec EBCOT codec test procedure documents wavelet codec EBCOT codec test document procedures \\ 8x8 1-3 test results. c wavelet codec EBCOT codec test procedure documents \\ 97l dwt.opt wavelet codec EBCOT codec test procedure documents \\ 97wave_out.ra w wavelet codec EBCOT codec test procedure documents \\ arithdec.c wavelet codec EBCO T codec test procedure documents \\ arithenc.c wavelet codec EBCOT codec test procedure documents \\ arithmetic_out.raw wavelet codec EBCOT codec test procedure documents \\ b lock_coding_common test results. c wavelet codec EBCOT codec test document test procedures \\ block_encode
Update : 2010-06-29 Size : 97.66kb Publisher : 1

Bing is a point-to-point bandwidth measurement tool (hence the b ), based on ping. Bing determines the real (raw, as opposed to available or average) throughput on a link by measuring ICMP echo requests roundtrip times for different packet sizes for each end of the link-Bing is a point-to-point bandwidth measur ement tool (hence the b), based on ping. Bing determines the real (raw, as opposed to available or average) throughput on a link by measuring ICMP echo requests roundt rip times for different packet sizes for each en d of the link
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 37.94kb Publisher : sdfghj

梅花三弄dezend v1.1
[color=#FF0000]主要增加对用zendguard 4.01进行加密的dezend支持[/color]该类文件开头格式:
<?php @Zend;

梅花三弄dezend v1.0
6.支持dezend后自动执行一批替换,实现扩展式二次dezend,不用于dezend也是一个强大的批量替换工 具,历遍文件夹把选定的后缀文件进行替换
14. 支持双击打开上级目录、双击本窗口打开目录、支持双击调用相应程序打开文件进行编辑(与flashfxp使用方法基本相同)







/h or /? help (帮助信息)
/detail{/d} show detail(显示详细源代码和opcode信息,非常有用)
/opcode show opcode(opcode数值)
/oparray show oparray(oparray信息)
/function show all the function(所有内部函数名)
/class show all the class(所有内部类名)
/hash show all known hash table(所有认识的哈希表)
/info log general infomation(default phpinfo.log)(其他一些信息)
/raw{/r} dump raw op code(显示详细原始opcode信息,遇到exception的时候非常有用)
/execute execute the file(default NOT)(运行源文件)
/backup{/b} backup the file with extension .bak if out file exist(替换前备份)
/append{/a} appaned to previous log file(追加日志,默认是替换)
/tick{/t} show tick span(显示时间消耗)
/noexpire ignore file expire(忽略文件是否过期)
/noindent ignore indent(去掉缩进)
/compact dump with compact style[not support yet](暂未使用)
/classic dump with classic style[not support yet](暂未使用)
/bug dump bug statement(显示BUG)
/full set to full mode(暂未使用)
/force{/f} set to force mode(和/i使用时强制导入config文件)
/import{/i} import class and function name[obfuscate name] from config file(程序根据源文件混淆与否决定导入config文件)
/export{/e} export class and function name[obfuscate name] to config file(导出函数名和类名到config文件)
/obfuscate dump obfuscate name and its url encoded name(显示被混淆的名字)
/dic dump obfuscate name dictionary depend on $level(生成混淆名字典,根据level设置字符数范围)
/tab dump with tab prefix(default space)(使用tab缩进,默认使用空格缩进)
/indent:$i dump with indent $i(default 4)(缩进字符数,默认是4)
/stack:$i dump with stack size $i(default 16)(内部堆栈起始字节数,默认16)
/string:$i dump with stack string length $i(default 4096)(内部字符串堆栈字节数,默认4096,如果内存充裕,可以设大)
/level:$i,$j dump with decode level range $i-$j(default 4-1)(混淆相关的字符数范围,用来猜测名字的字符数范围)
/ext:$ext dump to file with file extension $ext(default .de.php)(输出文件扩展名,*表示使用源文件扩展名)
/root:$root dump to $path + ( $source - $root ) if specified /path:$path(截取路径根路径)
/path:$path dump to $path(输出路径)
/file:$file dump to $file(输出文件名)
/config[:$c] override config file by ?[:phpinfo.log])(config文件名,默认是config.ini)
/log[:$name] override log name by $name([: ?])(日志名)
/logtype:$t override log type by $t<file|registry|debug|messagebox>(输出日志方式,文件、注册表、debug字符串、对话框)
/ini[:$ini] override php.ini search path by $ini([:.], if not specified)(php.ini的优先搜索路径,默认是.,即当前目录)

Enviroment string PHP_DECODE_XXX override default setting, see help(命令行参数都有对应的环境变量)
Command line->Enviroment string->default setting(优先权:命令行 高于 环境变量 高于 默认设置)

if $ext set to *, then keep origin file extension
if $path = 'd:\', $root = 'e:\', then 'e:\php\xxx'=>'d:\php\xxx'


Update : 2009-02-03 Size : 1.01mb Publisher : liu3zy

实现RAW——>BMP文件的转换 包含显示直方图,各种滤波功能 实现对BMP位图做平移,旋转,缩放,转置等功能-achieve RAW-- gt; BMP file conversion include histogram display, various filtering to achieve right from Bitmap to do translation, rotation, zoom, transpose function
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 533kb Publisher : 凌波微步

Bing is a point-to-point bandwidth measurement tool (hence the b ), based on ping. Bing determines the real (raw, as opposed to available or average) throughput on a link by measuring ICMP echo requests roundtrip times for different packet sizes for each end of the link-Bing is a point-to-point bandwidth measur ement tool (hence the b), based on ping. Bing determines the real (raw, as opposed to available or average) throughput on a link by measuring ICMP echo requests roundt rip times for different packet sizes for each en d of the link
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 38kb Publisher : sdfghj

RAW->BMP图片格式之间的转换 功能实现已经达到要求-RAW-
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.02mb Publisher : yyf

awimg=rgb2gray(im1) tic [accum, circen, cirrad] = CircularHough_Grd(rawimg, [20 30],5,50) circen toc figure(1) imagesc(accum) axis image title( Accumulation Array from Circular Hough Transform ) figure(2) imagesc(rawimg) colormap( gray ) axis image hold on plot(circen(:,1), circen(:,2), r+ ) for k = 1 : size(circen, 1), DrawCircle(circen(k,1), circen(k,2), cirrad(k), 32, b- ) end hold off title([ Raw Image with Circles Detected , ... (center positions and radii marked) ]) figure(3) surf(accum, EdgeColor , none ) a
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher : money

DL : 0
本程序能够实现RAW文件和BMP图像的均衡化处理,RAW文件转化为BMP,图像缩放(最近邻差值方式、双线性插值、三次B样条插值),两幅图像的相似度比较-This procedure can be achieved RAW image files and BMP balanced treatment, RAW files into BMP, image scaling (the margin nearest neighbor approach, bilinear interpolation, three B-spline interpolation), two images of the similarity comparison
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 68kb Publisher : qzc

A. 该系统面向的用户是酒店餐饮的前台服务员,厨房管理员,原材料的供货部门以及经理部门的管理人员。 B. 本系统可以在Windows98/ME/2000/XP 以及更高版本系统上稳定运行,有很强的兼容性。 C. 该系统有连网功能便于连锁经营,方便大型连锁企业进行该系统的管理。 -A. The system is user-oriented front hotel and catering staff, kitchen managers, suppliers of raw materials sectors, as well as manager of sector managers. B. This system can, as well as later in the Windows98/ME/2000/XP stable operation of the system, has a strong compatibility. C. The system has networking features to facilitate chain operations to facilitate large chain enterprises in the management of the system.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.65mb Publisher : qiuliankui

A. 该系统面向的用户是酒店餐饮的前台服务员,厨房管理员,原材料的供货部门以及经理部门的管理人员。 B. 本系统可以在Windows98/ME/2000/XP 以及更高版本系统上稳定运行,有很强的兼容性。 C. 该系统有连网功能便于连锁经营,方便大型连锁企业进行该系统的管理。 -A. The system is user-oriented front hotel and catering staff, kitchen managers, suppliers of raw materials sectors, as well as manager of sector managers. B. This system can, as well as later in the Windows98/ME/2000/XP stable operation of the system, has a strong compatibility. C. The system has networking features to facilitate chain operations to facilitate large chain enterprises in the management of the system.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.56mb Publisher : qiuliankui

raw图像格式与bmp图像格式的转换,matlab实现,具体参数详见m文件-raw image format and bmp image format conversion, implementate by matlab, the specific parameters detailed in m file
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : wenwen

某厂生产甲乙两种口味的饮料,每百箱甲饮料需用原料6千克,工人10名,可获利10万元 每百箱乙饮料需用原料5千克,工人20名,可获利9万元.今工厂共有原料60千克,工人150名,又由于其他条件所限甲饮料产量不超过8百箱.问如何安排生产计划,即两种饮料各生产多少使获利最大.进一步讨论: 1)若投资0.8万元可增加原料1千克,问应否作这项投资. 2)若每百箱甲饮料获利可增加1万元,问应否改变生产计划. -Factory production of beverages and B in two flavors, each box 100 need a drink six kilograms of raw materials, workers 10 to 100,000 yuan profit B beverage cartons per cent five kilograms of raw materials needed, workers 20, the profitability of 90,000 yuan. this plant a total of 60 kilograms of raw materials, 150 workers, and because other conditions do not yield a beverage cartons more than 8 per cent. ask what arrangements the production of projects, namely the production of two the number of drinks to make the biggest profit. further discussion : 1) if the investment 08,000 yuan to increase one kilograms of raw materials and asked whether we should make this investment. 2) If a beverage cartons per cent profit increase 10,000 yuan and asked whether or not to change the production plan.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10kb Publisher : mazhen

能够自动制造清单分解出详细的制造材料的代码,譬如: A=2B, B=C+3D....然后能自动推导出A=2C+6D+....,是为了游戏里面计算物品制造的原材料编制的。-Can automatically create a detailed list of decomposition code for the manufacture of materials, such as: A = 2B, B = C+3 D. ... and then automatically derive A = 2C+6 D+...., the game in order to create items inside the calculation of raw materials prepared.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12kb Publisher : 张三

解决WCF在网络传输中的大数据量问题: A. 需要把相关数据序列化成字节流,再对字节流进行压缩,再进行传输,到了客户端再做反向操作便可获得原始数据。 B. 如果压缩后的数据仍然较大时,可以再压缩流后,再对流进行拆分即可。 -WCF in the network to solve a large amount of data transmission problems: A. Relevant data need to sequence into a byte stream, and then to the byte stream compressed, and then transmitted to the client can do the reverse operation to obtain the raw data. B. If the compressed data is still large, it can be further compressed stream, and then convection can be split.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.21mb Publisher : yf

有长度为m的木头若干根,要加工成n种不同长度的短木头,给定每种短木头的长度a,需要的根数b,锯木头时产生的锯缝为5(就是每锯一下损失长度为5),求给定n种不同长度的木头,及相应的长度a和根数b后,所需的最少木头原料数以及切割方法-M length of wood with a number of roots, to process it into a short length of n different wood, given the length of each short-wood, a, number of roots needed b, sawing wood, saw kerf produced by 5 (that is what each saw loss of length 5), the demand for a given n different lengths of wood, and the corresponding length and number of b after a required minimum number of wood raw materials and cutting method
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15kb Publisher : lijuan3623

This c code read raw image file and change it to bmp file
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.79mb Publisher : Kil Jhun Jeong

将Bmp格式转化为raw格式,对于图像处理的入门获得Raw原始矩阵很有好处-Bmp2raw is a tool to convert 24bit BMP file to raw data. It may be useful before generating C arrays for showing a picture in a embeded system. The color order in the output file is (B,G,R),(B,G,R), ...
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12kb Publisher : 张增

企业的库存管理系统,要有效的管理仓库的货物信息,要完成的功能包括仓库内物品信息的修改、物品的删除,物品类别的增加删除,出入库库存数量的增减、供应商的选择,新仓库的创建等。此系统中还要根据不同的用户权限进行不同的操作,当用户非法操作或操作失败以及操作成功时给出相应的提示信息。-Stock management is an important component of the enterprises management. In enterprise production and business activities, stock management must ensure the production workshops demand spare parts of the raw materials, and directly affect the activities of the purchasing and sales departments. This paper has analyzed the stock management system basic functions and composition of the system, including requirements analysis, system structure, function modules, and system design explanation. The system bases on B/S model and uses ASP and SQL Server 2000 database system to achieve articles information management, stock warning, statistic and inquiry, message boards and other functions. The system fully complies with the information management system. And requirements from the system analysis, the outline design, detailed design, implementation of the functional test, the development process strictly adhered to the ideas of software engineering. Key words: Stock Management Database Inf
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.53mb Publisher : li

DL : 0
face recognition is the most important challenging in the research area of computer vision. Different type of illumination takes place from dim light condition to dark light condition. Two types of condition are there. a) Controlled condition b) uncontrolled condition. In this paper we are presenting a detail survey on image based face recognition under such uncontrolled condition. Here we explore different technique proposed for illumination problem and in addition with the classifier that we have been successfully used for the face recognition in general.-face recognition is the most important challenging in the research area of computer vision. Different type of illumination takes place from dim light condition to dark light condition. Two types of condition are there. a) Controlled condition b) uncontrolled condition. In this paper we are presenting a detail survey on image based face recognition under such uncontrolled condition. Here we explore different technique proposed for illumination problem and in addition with the classifier that we have been successfully used for the face recognition in general.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 124kb Publisher : saurabh
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