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[Software EngineeringRefactoring-Chinese

Description: 《重构[改善既有代码的设计中文版]/软件工程系列》中文版,侯捷等译,Martin Fowler和本书另几位作者清楚揭示了重构过程,他们为面向对象软件开发所做的贡献,难以衡量。本书解释重构的原理(principles)和最佳实践方式(best practices),并指出何时何地你应该开始挖掘你的代码以求改善。本书的核心是一份完整的重构名录(catalog of refactoring),其中每一项都介绍一种经过实证的代码变换手法(code transformation)的动机和技术。-" Reconstruction [to improve the design of both the Chinese version of the code]/Software Engineering Series" the Chinese version, Hou Jie, such as translation, Martin Fowler and several other authors of this book clearly reveals the remodeling process, they are object-oriented software development by contribution to make, difficult to measure. Reconstruction of the book to explain the principles [principles] and best practices [best practices], and pointed out that when and where you should start digging your code to make improvements. This book is the core of a complete remodeling List [catalog of refactoring], each of which introduce a code transformation through empirical methods [code transformation] of the motives and techniques.
Platform: | Size: 2000896 | Author: aglaia17 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringRefactoringMartinFowler

Description: Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code by Martin Fowler, Kent Beck (Contributor), John Brant (Contributor), William Opdyke, don Roberts 这是一本相当好的书-Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code by Martin Fowler, Kent Beck (Contributor), John Brant (Contributor), William Opdyke, don Roberts
Platform: | Size: 1868800 | Author: leehomjin | Hits:

[Software Engineeringrefactoring-improving-the-design-of-existing-code.

Description: Techniques to improve the structural integrity and performance of existing software programs-As the application of object technology--particularly the Java programming language--has become commonplace, a new problem has emerged to confront the software development community. Significant numbers of poorly designed programs have been created by less-experienced developers, resulting in applications that are inefficient and hard to maintain and extend. Increasingly, software system professionals are discovering just how difficult it is to work with these inherited, "non-optimal" applications. For several years, expert-level object programmers have employed a growing collection of techniques to improve the structural integrity and performance of such existing software programs. Referred to as "refactoring," these practices have remained in the domain of experts because no attempt has been made to transcribe the lore into a form that all developers could use. . .until now. In Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Software, renowned object technology mentor Martin Fowler bre
Platform: | Size: 1632256 | Author: John | Hits:


Description: 本书由Martin Fowler编写,侯捷 熊节翻译,是与《设计模式》齐名的经典巨著,介绍了超过70种行之有效的重构方法。-This book is written by Martin Fowler, translated by Hou Jie, Xiong Jie. It s as famous as design pattern. It introduces more than 70 solutions for refactoring.
Platform: | Size: 12492800 | Author: ying | Hits:

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