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强大的后台文章编辑器的功能,可方便地用拖动的方式进行图文混排、图片远程上传、上传图片显示效果处理等操作,以及\"从word中粘贴\"功能,能全部清除word排版格式多余代码,自由编辑(HTML)栏目模版,可设置多个模版,可自由增删修改栏目以及设置此栏目模版 比v1.23版本增加了: 1、增加了对数据库的备份、恢复和压缩。 2、增加对二级栏目的相互转移新闻。 3、增加了网站友情链接的管理和调用的功能。 4、修复了框架调用新闻时不能显示分页,以及某些调用新闻错误的BUG。 5、修复了后台评论管理不能搜索的问题。 6、修复了JS调用不能显示时间的问题(t=1) 用户名密码是admin -strong background articles editor functions can be easily used for drag the photo-text, Remote upload pictures, upload pictures show the effects of disposal operations, and "word from the Chinese paste" function, word will remove all redundant code typesetting format, free editing (HTML) column template, multiple templates can be modified to amend the freedom of columns and the installation of this column template than v1.23 versions : an increase of the database backup, recovery and compression. 2, two additional columns on the mutual transfer of information. 3, a website Links management and the calling function. 4, the restoration of the framework called the news not show tabs, and some wrong information call BUG. 5, the restoration of the background search can not comment on
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 503.78kb Publisher : 要相同

能特点: 1.采用 PHP + AJAX 的方式构建。客户端采用缓存技术,减轻服务器的负担。 2.可以远程管理服务器上的文件,包括上传,下载,新建,编辑,复制,粘贴,删除,远程下载等文件操作。 3.实现了远程 ZIP文件打包/解压。 4.多用户,权限管理,可以分配用户各自的操作目录和可操作的文件类型。 5.两种浏览方式:列表模式和图标模式。 6.在图标模式下可以预览图片文件的缩略图。 7.编辑器可以显示行号,字符替换等功能。 8.自定义风格模板。默认管理员:admin 密码:admin-can characteristics : 1. Using PHP AJAX Construction of the way. The client uses caching technology to reduce the burden on the server. 2. Remote management of files on the server, including upload, download, the new, edit, copy, paste, delete, Remote download file manipulation. 3. Within a ZIP file packing / decompression. 4. Multi-user, privilege management, users can be assigned their own catalogs, and operational files. 5. View two ways : List Mode and icon mode. 6. The icon mode can preview the thumbnail pictures. 7. Editors can show OK, characters replace capabilities. 8. Since the definition of style template. Default Administrator : admin Password : admin
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 101.35kb Publisher : hua

DL : 0
ASP网站远程监控超级管理系统!!! 源码介绍: 本系统采用无数据库记录数据以及XMLHTML无刷新的“双无”技术对您的网站实行超级管理。只要将程序代码放入ASP网站或空间,所有浏览你网站的访问者行踪均在你的监视之下。你可以根据实际情况在后台对访问者进行友好或不友好的实时远程控制。 演示地址: 默认用户名:admin 默认密码:admin 联系QQ:174215095 邮箱 website RMON Super management system! ! ! Source introduced : the system by using data and database records updated XMLHTML no "double no" technology on your website implement Super management. If the code Add ASP website or space, all you browse the website visitors in your whereabouts were under surveillance. You can light of the actual situation in the background of visitors for a friendly or unfriendly to the real-time remote control. Presentation Address : default user name : admin Default Password : admin contact QQ : 174215095 mail :
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.46mb Publisher : 徐佳

强大的后台文章编辑器的功能,可方便地用拖动的方式进行图文混排、图片远程上传、上传图片显示效果处理等操作,以及"从word中粘贴"功能,能全部清除word排版格式多余代码,自由编辑(HTML)栏目模版,可设置多个模版,可自由增删修改栏目以及设置此栏目模版 比v1.23版本增加了: 1、增加了对数据库的备份、恢复和压缩。 2、增加对二级栏目的相互转移新闻。 3、增加了网站友情链接的管理和调用的功能。 4、修复了框架调用新闻时不能显示分页,以及某些调用新闻错误的BUG。 5、修复了后台评论管理不能搜索的问题。 6、修复了JS调用不能显示时间的问题(t=1) 用户名密码是admin -strong background articles editor functions can be easily used for drag the photo-text, Remote upload pictures, upload pictures show the effects of disposal operations, and "word from the Chinese paste" function, word will remove all redundant code typesetting format, free editing (HTML) column template, multiple templates can be modified to amend the freedom of columns and the installation of this column template than v1.23 versions : an increase of the database backup, recovery and compression. 2, two additional columns on the mutual transfer of information. 3, a website Links management and the calling function. 4, the restoration of the framework called the news not show tabs, and some wrong information call BUG. 5, the restoration of the background search can not comment on
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 504kb Publisher :

能特点: 1.采用 PHP + AJAX 的方式构建。客户端采用缓存技术,减轻服务器的负担。 2.可以远程管理服务器上的文件,包括上传,下载,新建,编辑,复制,粘贴,删除,远程下载等文件操作。 3.实现了远程 ZIP文件打包/解压。 4.多用户,权限管理,可以分配用户各自的操作目录和可操作的文件类型。 5.两种浏览方式:列表模式和图标模式。 6.在图标模式下可以预览图片文件的缩略图。 7.编辑器可以显示行号,字符替换等功能。 8.自定义风格模板。默认管理员:admin 密码:admin-can characteristics : 1. Using PHP AJAX Construction of the way. The client uses caching technology to reduce the burden on the server. 2. Remote management of files on the server, including upload, download, the new, edit, copy, paste, delete, Remote download file manipulation. 3. Within a ZIP file packing/decompression. 4. Multi-user, privilege management, users can be assigned their own catalogs, and operational files. 5. View two ways : List Mode and icon mode. 6. The icon mode can preview the thumbnail pictures. 7. Editors can show OK, characters replace capabilities. 8. Since the definition of style template. Default Administrator : admin Password : admin
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 101kb Publisher : hua

自动为远程/本地主机创建服务级后门,无须使用任何额外的命令,支持本地/远程模式。重启后,程序仍然自动运行。监听端口20540/tcp。 远程安装/卸载时,需提供管理员权限(Admin)的用户名及密码,若密码为空,请用"NULL"代替。 适应平台:Windows2000/XP。-Automatically for remote/local host service level to create a back door, without the use of any additional orders, in support of the local/long-range model. After the restart, the program continues to run automatically. Monitor port 20540/tcp. Remote Install/Uninstall, the need for administrator rights (Admin) user name and password, if the password is blank, please use NULL to replace. Adaptation platform: Windows2000/XP.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 22kb Publisher : 杨亮

DL : 0
Security 用户: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 计算机: C9D21BEA1BF645B 主要用户名: SYSTEM 主域: NT AUTHORITY 主登录 ID: (0x0,0x3E7) 客户端用户名: SYSTEM 客户端域: NT AUTHORITY 客户端登录 ID: (0x0,0x3E7) 有关更多信息,请参阅在 的帮助和支持中心。 =========================== 在网络走向普及的今天,电脑面临的安全问题尤为突出。本系统经过严格设置,提供了比Windows XP原版更高的安全性,确保用户可以在网络上放心地遨游。 细节处理如下: 1、关闭硬盘各分区的默认共享(如C$、D$、E$ ……)。 2、关闭管理默认共享(ADMIN$)。 3、防止利用IPC$建立空连接。 4、关闭远程注册表服务(Remote Registry)。 5、删除了XP原有的两个隐藏帐户HelpAssistant和SUPPORT_388945a0。 6、用户帐户:无新建用户,仅保留administrator,密码为空。(用户装好系统后请及时加密码) 7、局域网共享:默认不通。请在“装机人员工具”菜单中找到为您准备好的批处理,运行即可。 项目 数据 全局组信息 -Security User: NT AUTHORITY \ SYSTEM Computer: C9D21BEA1BF645B The main user name: SYSTEM Primary Domain: NT AUTHORITY Main Login ID: (0x0, 0x3E7) Client User Name: SYSTEM Client Domain: NT AUTHORITY Client Login ID: (0x0, 0x3E7) For more information, please see at s Help and Support Center. =========================== Networks are moving toward universal in today s computer security problems faced particularly prominent. The system to undergo a rigorous setting, provided the original Windows XP than higher level of security to ensure that users can surf the Web safely. Details of treatment are as follows: 1, turn off the hard disk in various districts to share the default (such as C $, D $, E $ ... ...). 2, turn off the management of the default share (ADMIN $). 3, to prevent the use of IPC $ connection set up empty. 4, turn off Remote Registry Service (Remote Registry). 5, delete the XP
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.87mb Publisher : kua

SmartCity远程数据库管理系统 本系统可使您不打开Microsoft Access也能在线轻松操作Access数据库,是您远程管理数据库的最佳利器! 帐号:admin 密码:admin-SmartCity remote database management system will enable the system you do not open the Microsoft Access is also easy to operate Access to online databases, remote management of your database is the best weapon! Account: admin Password: admin
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 216kb Publisher : smartcity

DL : 0
本程序非常简单..除包含电影程序,还新加入了生活信息查询,MM图片小偷,腾讯小说,网络电台。连接系统!就不做详细说明了.. 如果你喜欢哭下载下来测试一下! 后台管理目录名还有数据库名需要更改一下.其它没什么的了.(这个特别重要) 图片下载到本地的方法是: 点击 【自动下载远程图片】 这样就会一次性把所有的图片全部下载到你空间里面去的. 以后添加电影有两种方法.一种自己用优酷采集助手进行采集添加电影 第二种就是用FLV采集资源库来采集电影. 第三就是拥有土豆,56,6,等多种采集方式 大家自己研究吧. 有问题尽量帮助解决.. 后台地址是 http://你的网址/admin/ 其他程序后台账号密码同下! 用户名:admin 密码: rooder1986-This procedure is very simple .. In addition to the procedures contained in the film, but also the life of the new information, MM picture thief, Tencent novels, radio network. Links! Do not detail .. If you like tears down the test to download! Admin directory name of the database also need to change the look. Nothing of the other. (This is particularly important) Image downloaded to the local way is: Click to download remote images automatically 【】 This will put all the one-time picture of all downloaded to your space to go inside. After the film there are two ways to add. A cool collected their assistants with superior collection to add a movie The second is to use resources to collect FLV movie collection. The third is that we have potatoes, 56,6, and a variety of collection methods We study it themselves. As far as possible to help solve problems .. Background The address is http:// to your URL/admin/ The background of other programs under the same account p
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.89mb Publisher : 丛林

DL : 0
增加远程图片自动上传加水印功能; 增加远程图片自动上传加水印位置随机功能; 文字水印和图片水印不会重叠。 后台默认帐号:admin,后台默认密码,为了系统案例,请登录http://域名/ewebeditor目录/admin/login.asp进入后台修改密码 -Increase the remote images automatically upload add watermark function increase in long-range images automatically upload watermark position plus random function text watermark and image watermark do not overlap. Background default account: admin, default password back:, in order to the system case, please visit http:// domain/ewebeditor catalog/admin/login.asp into the background Change Password
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 837kb Publisher : 徐浩夫

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欢迎大家下载进行测试! 主要功能模块: 1、文章模块 2、自定义标签功能 3、单页功能 4、采集功能 5、全站动态与静态生成功能,可自由切换 6、在线实时统计功能 7、在线模板管理 8、文章评论 9、在线留言 10、实时在线更新升级功能 11、栏目无限子分类 12、自动保存远程图片功能 13、友情连接 14、一键下载数据库中的远程图片功能 15、在线生成rss功能 16、新增后台日志功能 (6月14日) 17、新增广告管理功能 (6月26日) 18、新增动态标签功能 (6月26日) 19、新增回收站功能 (7月30日) 20、新增模板管理功能 (8月6日) 更多功能请大家亲身测试!! 测试期间,请大家不要正式用作建站!以免带来不必要的损失 默认后台:/admin/login.asp 账号密码:admin -Welcome to download the test! Main function modules: 1, the article module 2, custom labels 3, single-page functionality 4, collecting function 5, all stations dynamic and static generation function be free to switch 6, on-line real-time statistical functions 7, on-line template management 8, the article reviews 9, on-line message 10, real-time online updates upgrades 11, columns unlimited sub-categories 12, auto-save the remote picture functions 13, Link 14, a key to download the database in the remote picture capabilities 15, on-line generation rss features 16, the new back-log function (June 14) 17, the new ad management feature (June 26) 18, new dynamic labeling functions (June 26) 19, the new Recycle Bin feature (July 30) 20, new template management functionality (August 6) Please personally tested more features! ! Testing period, please do not officially used as a Jianzhan! So as to avoid unnecessary loss of Default Background:/ad
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.27mb Publisher : sunred89

一套小型但是完整的网吧计费管理系统服务器/客户端管理软件,系统功能挺完善,支持远程结账下机,费用查询,商品销售,客户机登录等。 首先启动网吧计费管理系统服务器端,登录用户名:Admin,密码:Admin 然后启动网吧计费管理系统客户端,可以使用的用户名:yhj01,密码:322167 -Internet cafes in a small but complete billing management system server/client management software, system functions quite perfect, to support remote closing off the plane, cost information, merchandise sales, client login and so on. First, start Internet cafe billing management system for server-side, logged-on user name: Admin, Password: Admin and then start Internet cafe billing management system for clients, you can use the user name: yhj01, password: 322,167
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11.69mb Publisher : 375

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stscc mstsc windows remote admin-stsccc
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 375kb Publisher : steveb

需要 ASP+ACCESS 的环境。98+PWS OR 2000/XP+IIS 均可以正常使用。 本程序没有参照任何脚本,只是傻佳随心所欲之作,所以难免有些不足请指教! 因为站点首页更新只是一个导读,我认为没有必要写过多的内容,所以没有设置连接到下一页! 文件列表如下: add.asp 添加模块 login.htm 管理登陆 chlogin.asp 密码效验默认admin loginerr.asp 密码错误 save.asp 写入数据库 news.asp 首页远程调用文件,默认显示10行,【可修改】 test.htm 首页显示演示注意里边的路径 所有文件必须在同一目录里,调用文件除外。因为数据库的路径都是默认路径! 调用方法<script language=javascript src="news.asp"></script> 密码效验默认admin,在chlogin.asp修改,有调用方法 -Need ASP+ ACCESS environment. 98+ PWS OR 2000/XP+ IIS can both normal use. The program does not refer to any script, just stupid good for arbitrary s, so inevitably some deficiencies Please advise! Because the site home page update is only a REVIEW, I think there is no need to write too much content, it is not set to connect to the next page! List of files as follows: add.asp Add module login.htm Login chlogin.asp efficacy default admin password loginerr.asp password error save.asp written to the database news.asp Home remote call file, the default display 10 lines, can modify】 【 test.htm Home Show Demo Note the path inside All documents must be in the same directory, call the file exception. Because the database path is the default path! Call the method <script language=javascript src="news.asp"> </ script> Efficacy default password admin, in chlogin.asp modification methods are called
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12kb Publisher : 薛梦飞

admin远程控制源代码。上传一个大家分享下-ADMIN remote control code rar
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 366kb Publisher : 张高翔

simple remote admin control
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 479kb Publisher : wr #!d3

QuasarRAT-master IS VERY good remote admin tool. coded in C sharp. english version.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.33mb Publisher : alice

java remote admin tool. simpley!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 27kb Publisher : alice

best app for remote this app very goood for remote guys
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 323kb Publisher : Amirripper

This chapter summarizes the evaluation of the literature relevant to the Admin Portal. It examines theories, concepts, approaches, methods and techniques relevant to the project. Similar existing technologies relating to the development of the portal are discussed. Manual handling of employee information poses a number of challenges. This is evident in procedures such as leave management where an employee is required to fill in a form which may take several weeks or months to be approved. The use of paperwork in handling some of these processes could lead to human error, papers may end up in the wrong hands and not forgetting the fact that this is time-consuming. Many current systems lack employee self-service, meaning employees cannot access and manage their personal information directly without going through their HR departments or managers. Another challenge is that multi-national companies will have all the employee information stored at the company's headquarters, making it difficult to access the employee information from remote places when needed at short notice.
Update : 2023-01-27 Size : 92.7kb Publisher :
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