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[Crack Hacks-des-and-rsa

Description: RSA,S-DES加密算法,实现了加解密,采用加法链求大数的指数及模
Platform: | Size: 2649 | Author: alonealone | Hits:

[Crack Hackdes

Description: DES加密算法实现的C++类 -DES cryptographic algorithm for C
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[OS programs-des算法分析及实现

Description: :DES体制是ISO颁布的数据加密标准,通过对DES算法的分析,提出了用C语言实现数据加密标准DES算法,通过循环或迭代,将简单的基本运算(例如左移、右移、模2加法等)和变换(选择函数、置换函数)构造成数据流的非线性变换(加密变换或解密变换),从而实现对计算机数据进行密码保护。着重介绍了用C语言实现其加密的主要过程。关键词:数据加密 DES C语言-: DES system is ISO issued by the Data Encryption Standard, DES algorithm on the analysis of the C language standard DES data encryption algorithm, or through iterative cycle of simple basic operations (such as bits, death, die two Adder, etc.) and transform (choice function, function replacement) structural data streams into the nonlinear transformation (encryption or decryption transform Transform), thereby achieving data on the computer password protection. Highlights of the C language to achieve its key encryption process. Keywords : DES data encryption C language
Platform: | Size: 549888 | Author: 王冰 | Hits:

[Crack HackS_DES加密解密程序

Description: 按照分组密码运行的CBC方式,将其中的DES算法置换为S-DES,分组长度为8BIT,初始矢量V1分别设置为00H,FFH,及任意8BIT无符号整数,实现该加密/解密模型-running CBC, which will be the replacement for the DES algorithm S-DES, a length of 8BIT initial vector V1 were set to 00H, FFH, and the arbitrary 8BIT unsigned integers, the achievement of this encryption/decryption model
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 胡康康 | Hits:

[Crack Hackprogram_S_DES

Description: 通过编程实现S-DES算法的加密与解密过程,从而加深对这一算法过程的印象,并增强编程解决问题能力,为进行更复杂的算法学习奠定基础。-programming through S-DES algorithm for the encryption and decryption process. enhance the algorithm to process the impression that the enhanced programming and problem-solving abilities, for the more complex algorithm lay the foundation for learning.
Platform: | Size: 2200576 | Author: 林桂川 | Hits:

[Crack Hacks-des

Description: 简单DES的C++代码(8位加密和解密)。 -simple C code (8 encryption and decryption).
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 浪人 | Hits:

[Crack Hackdes

Description: 包括DES算法以及DES算法的测试程序,自我感觉非常不错-Including the DES algorithm and the DES algorithm testing procedures, self-feeling very good
Platform: | Size: 1909760 | Author: zhao | Hits:

[Crack Hacks-des-and-rsa

Description: RSA,S-DES加密算法,实现了加解密,采用加法链求大数的指数及模-RSA, S-DES encryption algorithm, the realization of the encryption and decryption, using addition chains for large numbers of the index and modulus
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: alonealone | Hits:


Description: DES的C语言算法,是一个完整C51工程,直接下载就可以应用了.-DES algorithm in C language, is a complete C51 project, you can directly download the application.
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: 米挂 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopDES

Description: 信息安全实验指导上的DES源程序,纯c编程,可用于各种c编译器。代码结构,流程清晰,有代码解释,还提供了数据测试。希望对广大初学者有用!欢迎下载!-Information security guidance on the DES experimental source, pure c programming, can be used for a variety of c compiler. Code structure, processes explicit and to explain the code, but also provides a data test. I hope the general useful for beginners! Welcome to download!
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: maowu | Hits:

[Crack HackS-DES

Description: 在控制台下用simple DES实现对任意文件的加解密-In the console using simple DES to achieve arbitrary file encryption and decryption
Platform: | Size: 1083392 | Author: 诸姣 | Hits:


Description: 数据加密标准DES算法的Matlab实现 -NEWPNN- Designed probabilistic neural network SIM- on probabilistic neural network simulation
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 阿祥古 | Hits:

[Crack HackDES

Description: DES加密软件 自己写的 还不错的 密码学-DES encryption software
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: whukk | Hits:

[Crack Hacks-des

Description: 功能强大的S-DES,密钥为10bit,经过处理后真正能要到的为8bit,需要加密的明文为8bit,不愧是加密标准。-Powerful S-DES, the key for the 10bit, after proper treatment, can really go to for 8bit, express the need for encryption for 8bit, is indeed the encryption standard.
Platform: | Size: 508928 | Author: 王明华 | Hits:

[Crack HackS-DES

Description: 1996年, E.Schaefer 提出了一个简化的DES加密算法, 即S-DES加密算法。S-DES是一个对称分组加密的简化模型,目的不在于应用,它非常具体地说明了分组密码中如何实施扩散和扰乱, 揭示了设计分组密码算法的基本模式和框架,在密码学习中有着重要的意义。编写一个软件能够实现S-DES分组加解密-In 1996, E. Schaefer proposed a simplified DES encryption algorithm, namely, S-DES encryption algorithm. S-DES is a symmetric block cipher of the simplified model, not to application, it is very specifically to understand how to implement block ciphers in the proliferation and disrupted, revealing the design of the basic mode of block cipher algorithms and framework for learning in the password has an important significance. Write a software to achieve S-DES encryption and decryption Packet
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: atlantis | Hits:

[Crack HackDES

Description: DES key tester and output compare for VB. Based on Christophe Devine´ s DES code-DES key tester and output compare for VB. Based on Christophe Devine´ s DES code
Platform: | Size: 91136 | Author: christian | Hits:

[Crack Hackdes

Description: des算法+代码 // des.cpp - modified by Wei Dai from: /* * This is a major rewrite of my old public domain DES code written * circa 1987, which in turn borrowed heavily from Jim Gillogly s 1977 * public domain code. I pretty much kept my key scheduling code, but * the actual encrypt/decrypt routines are taken from from Richard * Outerbridge s DES code as printed in Schneier s "Applied Cryptography." * * This code is in the public domain. I would appreciate bug reports and * enhancements. * * Phil Karn KA9Q, karn@unix.ka9q.ampr.org, August 1994. */-// des.cpp- modified by Wei Dai from: /* * This is a major rewrite of my old public domain DES code written * circa 1987, which in turn borrowed heavily from Jim Gillogly s 1977 * public domain code. I pretty much kept my key scheduling code, but * the actual encrypt/decrypt routines are taken from from Richard * Outerbridge s DES code as printed in Schneier s "Applied Cryptography." * * This code is in the public domain. I would appreciate bug reports and * enhancements. * * Phil Karn KA9Q, karn@unix.ka9q.ampr.org, August 1994. */
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: 模糊 | Hits:

[Crack Hacks-des

Description: s-des的程序,有读取文件的功能,编译通过。-s-des
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Telya | Hits:

[Crack HackCBC-S-DES

Description: CBC模式--S-DES 实现 简单DES算法CBC模式的实现 C++环境-CBC mode--S-DES implementation
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: shaolong | Hits:

[Crack HackDES

Description: 控制台编程,实现S-DES对文件加密解密(Console programming to implement S-DES encryption and decryption of files)
Platform: | Size: 3957760 | Author: wuciii | Hits:
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