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一个DQPSK信号接收与发送部分的软硬件设计。其中IF=70MHZ,信息速率=10MBS,采用带通信号采样技术,数字正交解调和调制技术。NCO频率分辨率为32位,相位分辨率为10位-A DQPSK signal reception and transmission part of the software and hardware design. Which IF = 70MHZ, information rate = 10MBS, the use of bandpass sampling technique, the digital quadrature demodulation and modulation techniques. NCO frequency resolution of 32, phase resolution of 10
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11kb Publisher : 袁峰

Its a simple SDR to change modulation schemes
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14kb Publisher : Saad

A software defined radio is a transmitter and receiver system that uses digital signal processing (DSP) for coding, decoding, modulating, and demodulating data. This project focused on using the IEEE 802.11a specification to create a software radio.The feasibility of using Mathwork,s Simulink and Texas Instrument¡ ¯ s Code Composer Studio to design, test, and prototype an OFDM.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 91kb Publisher : Rafal

A Matlab/Octave Simulation Environment for SDR with application to OFDM and MIMO
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 506kb Publisher : Sohel

DL : 0
matlab 程序,WCDMA的程序,用MATLAB实现3G手机-SDR based MATLAB program aboutWCDMA. SDR in WCDMA
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 19kb Publisher : 明义

文章讲述了现在韩国的频谱政策和动态频谱接入技术。过去韩国的频谱管理政策需要特权,并且只有一小部分频谱可以公用。随着无线技术的发展,现在,韩国政府,使用了机遇动态频谱接入的新型频谱策略,例如LBT技术用于REID,UWB和FACS等。MIC还考虑如何在DTV过渡完成后,重新分配频谱。新型的无线电技术如认知无线电和SDR将在UHF边带中应用新的服务。MIC试图用一用有效地方式开放频谱并接受新技术用于频谱策略中。-In this paper, we introduce spectrum policies and dynamic spectrum access technologies in Korea. In the past, Korea spectrum management was the command and control with exclusive usage rights and small portions of spectrum commons bands. With the development of the radio technologies, Recently, Korea government, MIC(ministry of information and com- munication), has been adopting new spectrum policies based on dynamic spectrum access technology such as LBT(Listen Before Talk) for RFID, UWB, and FACS(Flexible Access Common Spectrum) etc. MIC is also considering spectrum reallocation of digital dividend bands after DTV transition. New radio techniques such as cognitive radio and SDR will be applied to new services in this UHF band. MIC is trying to open the radio spectrum in an efficient way and adopt new technology into spectrum policy. Thus MIC is extending the open spectrum such as spectrum commons and spectrum liberalization bands.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 666kb Publisher : will

软件无线电发送端系统仿真设计,以及多通道设计,发射机性能讨论-matlab simulation in SDR transmitter
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 414kb Publisher : mini

Matlab 软件无线电 RTL-SDR FM解调。。。。。。。。。。。。(This script can be used to non-coherently demodulate an FM signal. The DSP operations carried out here are identical to those in the "rtlsdr_rx_fm_mono_bbox.slx" Simulink model)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : perter1

DL : 0
Gnss signal generator in MATLAB paper
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 277kb Publisher : saurabhcancerian

附件是《软件定义的GPS和伽利略接收机》一书的matlab代码,开发者可以学习、利用、优化和提升,详细它会给你带来很多灵感。(The appendix is the matlab code of the book "software defined GPS and Galileo Receiver". Developers can learn, use, optimize and upgrade, and it will give you a lot of inspiration in detail.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 25.79mb Publisher : 蜗牛伯爵

MATLAB code for power allocation in V2X networks using SDR and beamforming
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.91mb Publisher : ibtissem
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