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DevEject -- Ger鋞e automatisch abmelden, f黵 Windows 2000/XP/2003 ================================================================= DevEject dient dazu, externe Speicherger鋞e wie FireWire-Platten oder USB-Sticks programmgesteuert beim Betriebssystem abzumelden. Eine n鋒ere Beschreibung finden Sie in c t 16/03, S. 208. DevEject.exe -- das ausf黨rbare Programm DevEject.cpp -- Quelltext in C
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.55kb Publisher : 李廷

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DevEject -- Ger鋞e automatisch abmelden, f黵 Windows 2000/XP/2003 ================================================================= DevEject dient dazu, externe Speicherger鋞e wie FireWire-Platten oder USB-Sticks programmgesteuert beim Betriebssystem abzumelden. Eine n鋒ere Beschreibung finden Sie in c t 16/03, S. 208. DevEject.exe -- das ausf黨rbare Programm DevEject.cpp -- Quelltext in C-DevEject- Ger鋞e automatisch abmelden, f黵Windows 2000/XP/2003 ================================= ================================ DevEject dient dazu, externe Speicherger鋞e wie FireWire-Platten oderUSB-Sticks programmgesteuert beim Betriebssystem abzumelden.Eine n front ere Beschreibung finden Sie in ct 16/03, S. 208.DevEject.exe- das ausf party rbare ProgrammDevEject.cpp- Quelltext in C
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher :

UTMI全称为 USB2.0 Transceiver Macrocell Interface,此协议是针对USB2.0的信号特点进行定义的,分为8位或16位数据接口。目的是为了减少开发商的工作量,缩短产品的设计周期,降低风险。此接口模块主要是处理物理底层的USB协议及信号,可与SIE整合设计成一专用ASIC芯片,也可独立作为PHY的收发器芯片,下以8位接口为例介绍PHY的工作原理及设计特点。 -UTMI called USB2.0 Transceiver Macrocell Interface, this agreement is a signal for USB2.0-defined characteristics, is divided into 8-bit or 16-bit data interface. The purpose is to reduce the workload of developers to shorten product design cycles, reduce risk. This interface module is mainly to deal with the underlying physics of the USB protocol and signaling, can be integrated with the SIE designed a dedicated ASIC chips, can also be independent of the transceiver as a PHY chip, the next eight to PHY interface as an example to introduce the working principle and design features.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 206kb Publisher : leixueyan

经过验证可用,基于CY7C68013的固件源程序;Cypress Semiconductor公司的EZ-USB FX2是世界上第一款集成USB2.0的微处理器,它集成了USB2.0收发器、SIE(串行接口引擎)、增强的8051微控制器和可编程的外围接口-Verified available, based on the CY7C68013 firmware source code Cypress Semiconductor' s EZ-USB FX2 is the world' s first integrated USB2.0 microprocessor, which integrates a USB2.0 transceiver, SIE (Serial Interface Engine ), enhanced 8051 microcontroller and a programmable peripheral interface
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 79kb Publisher : lyd

用4BIT OTP单片机实现USB/PS2 MOUSE的设计 USB 低速设备的设计发展到现在已经有了相当的成熟度。 各家IC公司都推出了USB DEVICE端的解决方案, 一般以8 BIT CPU CORE + USB SIE为主流构架。 SH69P04是中颖电子(Sinowealth)本着丰富USB产品应用,降低USB IC成本而设计的4BIT OTP单片机, 用以开发USB DEVICE设备。-the design of usb or PS2 mouse
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 107kb Publisher : 田野

经过验证可用.基于CY7C68013的固件源程序;Cypress Semiconductor公司的EZ-USB FX2是世界上第一款集成USB2.0的微处理器,它集成了USB2.0收发器、SIE(串行接口引擎)、增强的8051微控制器和可编程的外围接口-Proven available. Based on the CY7C68013 firmware source Cypress Semiconductor' s EZ-USB FX2 is the world' s first to integrate USB2.0 microprocessor, integrated USB 2.0 transceiver, SIE (Serial Interface Engine) enhanced 8051 microcontroller, and a programmable peripheral interface
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 80kb Publisher : 秦明

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The SH6883 is designed for high performance Low-speed USB devices. It contains an 8051 micro-controller, Low-Speed USB SIE, Transceiver and data FIFO, build-in 3.3V regulator, on-chip 8K bytes Mask ROM and internal 256 bytes data RAM, Time capture circuit, Base timer, programmable Watch-dog timer and Wake-up timer, 37 Selectable GPIO (on 48-pin LQFP package), support multiple type LED driving capability for different application, build-in internal 32KHz oscillator, POR and LVR circuit saving your external components cost
Update : 2018-08-11 Size : 2.06mb Publisher : simoon
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