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C51串口扩展5个源代码,可以弥补51单片机串口不足的缺点,-C51 Serial Port Expansion five source code, it could make up for 51 microcontroller serial shortage of shortcomings,
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 29kb Publisher : 天啸

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这个SP2358外扩串口芯片的C语言源程序。非好好用。-Extend outside the SP2358 chip serial C language source code. Non-properly used.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 26kb Publisher :

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^a 01h: sp01 F1 ^b 02h: sp02 F1 ^c 03h: sp03 F3 ^d 04h: sp04 F4 ^e 05h: sp05 F5 ^f 06h: sp06 F6 ^g 07h: sp07 F7 ^h 08h: sp16 BACKSPACE (directly accepted in VT) ^i 09h: sp35 TAB (accepted too) ^j 0Ah: sp08 F8 ^k 0Bh: sp09 F9 ^l 0Ch: sp10 F10 ^m 0Dh: sp13 ENTER (accepted too) ^n 0Eh: sp11 F11 ^o 0Fh: sp12 F12 ^p 10h: sp14 PAGE UP ^q 11h: sp15 PAGE DOWN ^r 12h: sp17 INSERT ^s 13h: sp18 DELETE ^t 14h: sp25 CAPS LOCK (internally handled) ^u 15h: sp26 END ^v 16h: sp27 HOME ^w 17h: sp30 LEFT ARROW ^x 18h: sp31 RIGHT ARROW ^y 19h: sp32 UP ARROW ^z 1Ah: sp33 DOWN ARROW - ^a 01h: sp01 F1 ^b 02h: sp02 F1 ^c 03h: sp03 F3 ^d 04h: sp04 F4 ^e 05h: sp05 F5 ^f 06h: sp06 F6 ^g 07h: sp07 F7 ^h 08h: sp16 BACKSPACE (directly accepted in VT) ^i 09h: sp35 TAB (accepted too) ^j 0Ah: sp08 F8 ^k 0Bh: sp09 F9 ^l 0Ch: sp10 F10 ^m 0Dh: sp13 ENTER (accepted too) ^n 0Eh: sp11 F11 ^o 0Fh: sp12 F12 ^p 10h: sp14 PAGE UP ^q 11h: sp15 PAGE DOWN ^r 12h: sp17 INSERT ^s 13h: sp18 DELETE ^t 14h: sp25 CAPS LOCK (internally handled) ^u 15h: sp26 END ^v 16h: sp27 HOME ^w 17h: sp30 LEFT ARROW ^x 18h: sp31 RIGHT ARROW ^y 19h: sp32 UP ARROW ^z 1Ah: sp33 DOWN ARROW
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : sas
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