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[Windows Developspark

Description: spark源码,和openfire服务器搭配,用来实现即时聊天系统-spark source, and with openfire server, used for real-time chat system
Platform: | Size: 45203456 | Author: 123456789 | Hits:

[Big DataSpark高级数据分析

Description: 这个压缩包包括书和源代码,用于Spark学习和交流。(This compressed package includes books and source code for Spark learning and communication.)
Platform: | Size: 6349824 | Author: PanPanYa | Hits:

[OtherSpark SQL

Description: spark sql, 通过spark处理公交大数据。(spark handle bus data to collect bus speed and so on.)
Platform: | Size: 1134592 | Author: 孟先生 | Hits:

[OtherSpark Ml 源码分析-LogistRegression

Description: spark ml源码分析,逻辑回归源码分析,仅供参考,错误地方多多指教(spark ml source code analysis , this source code is analysis logiest regression)
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: 棉花糖的微笑 | Hits:


Description: spark graph 分析,很有用,供学习和参考,(spark graphx analysis pic and document in it , very useful)
Platform: | Size: 3102720 | Author: 棉花糖的微笑 | Hits:


Description: 利用Python和Spark进行海量数据的实时分析,解决商业方案(Using Python and Spark to do real-time analysis of mass data, and to solve business solutions)
Platform: | Size: 7732224 | Author: seancheny | Hits:


Description: spark开发整体阐述,对于整体原理和二次开发参考(spark model for developers who based on spark modified project for real using)
Platform: | Size: 2870272 | Author: islandso | Hits:


Description: Spark大数据处理:技术、应用与性能优化(全)(Spark large data processing: technology, applications and performance tuning (all))
Platform: | Size: 6102016 | Author: Four。 | Hits:


Description: Spark 2.1.0 源代码,从官网上下载后重新打包,可以直接使用(Spark source code,After downloading from the official website, re packaged, you can use directly)
Platform: | Size: 20191232 | Author: cs5328 | Hits:


Description: spark平台的书,共7本,主要是英文噢(the book on Spark platform, a total of 7, mainly in English.)
Platform: | Size: 37854208 | Author: 我的1919年 | Hits:


Description: spark 图书 SPARK MLLIB机器学习 算法、源码及实战详解 ,黄美灵著 ,P392.pdf(Machine learning algorithms, source code and actual combat detailed, Huang Meiling)
Platform: | Size: 56801280 | Author: lilacs | Hits:


Description: spark企业经典案例之手机app流量统计,大数据应用。(Spark enterprise classic case of mobile app traffic statistics, big data applications.)
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: Amy666 | Hits:


Description: 采用ARIMA模型(自回归积分滑动平均模型)+三次指数平滑法(Holt-Winters),用scala语言实现的在spark平台运行的分布式时间序列预测算法(Using the ARIMA model (autoregressive integral moving average model) + Holt-Winters (Holt-Winters), using scala language to achieve the spark platform to run the distributed time series prediction algorithm)
Platform: | Size: 33792 | Author: 小龙女 | Hits:

[OtherThe environment building process of spark

Description: spark的环境搭建过程 详细 正确 可用(Spark environment building process is detailed, correct and available)
Platform: | Size: 741376 | Author: 仙人掌2017 | Hits:


Description: 12篇Spark的大数据挖掘方面的论文(12 papers related to Spark and data mining)
Platform: | Size: 40740864 | Author: 神武不杀 | Hits:


Description: SPARK开发指南,很实用,欢迎大家下载使用(spark in action,very useful)
Platform: | Size: 19253248 | Author: 梦想斗士 | Hits:

[source in ebookSpark MLlib机器学习实践 源代码

Description: Spark MLlib机器学习实践 源代码(Source code for Spark MLlib machine learning practice)
Platform: | Size: 57344 | Author: jim. | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsdbscan-on-spark-master

Description: 在 spark大数据集群环境下,用于数据聚类分析结果(In spark environment, cluster analysis results)
Platform: | Size: 47104 | Author: 1313222 | Hits:

[Big Dataspring-boot-spark

Description: spring boot 和spark嵌套的demo(spring boot join with spark)
Platform: | Size: 883712 | Author: hzq1992 | Hits:


Description: 这是一位大数据分析开发者的一本Spark入门学习用的总结(Spark Learning Summary - Getting Started)
Platform: | Size: 6902784 | Author: oslake | Hits:
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