DL : 0
·高速流水线结构的8051兼容的CIP-51内核,使用内部集成 PLL时速度可达 100MIPS;2 周期16 x 16 MAC引擎,指令数据高速缓存操作(Cache);
·8448字节内部数据 RAM(8K + 256);
Update : 2009-01-10
Size : 3.58mb
Publisher : changlian
DL : 0
Update : 2010-10-14
Size : 2.92kb
Publisher : z123456789z
DL : 0
IA4420 工作在315/433/868/915MHz 频段(IA4421 工作在433/868/915MHz 频段);
2. 低电压工作,工作电压2.2V~5.4V;
3. 低功耗模式,待机电流0.3uA;
4. 调制模式FSK,并具备高度集成的PLL;
5. 低发射功率、高接收灵敏度设计,发射功率5~10 dbm 可调,接收灵敏度-109 dbm;
6. 内置时钟输出,可省掉MCU 的晶振;
7. 传输数据率高,数字信号可达115.2 kbit/s,模拟信号可达256 kbit/s;
8. 发射频偏与接收带宽可调;
9. 内部有数字滤波器,并可以根据要求选择不同的方式;
10. SPI 的控制接口,方便使用;
11. 接收时有数据同步码识别器,系统检测同步码后将后面的数据输出;
12. 有16 位的收发缓存器,用来缓存接收到或要发送的数据(接收数据有两种方式,用户可以按需选择);
13. 有低电压检测器,从2.2-5.4V 可调;
14. 有定时唤醒功能,定时时间可达几天;
15. 天线的兼容性强,有天线自动调节功能,并可采用PCB 或外置天线;
16. 工作温度范围-40~85,储存温度范围-55~125℃;
17. 采用微小TSSOP16 封装。
-315/433/868/915MHz IA4420 work in the band (IA4421 Working in 433/868/915MHz band); 2. Low-voltage, voltage 2.2 V ~ 5.4V; 3. Low-power mode, standby current 0.3 uA 169* 85*; 4. FSK modulation mode, and highly integrated PLL; 5. Low emission power and high receiver sensitivity, launched power 5 ~ 10 dbm adjustable,-109 dbm receiver sensitivity; 6. Built-in clock output can be saved MCU resonator; 7. Higher data transmission rate, digital signal of up to 115.2 kbit/s, analog signal up to 256 kbit/s; 8. Emission Offset and receiving adjustable bandwidth; 9. Internal digital filters, and may request to have a choice of different ways; 10. SPI control interface, and ease of use; 11. When receiving data synchronization code identifier, the system will detect synchronous code behind the
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 38kb
Publisher :
DL : 0
M25P80是意法半导体公司推出的8M大容量串行接口Flash器件,采用2.7V-3.6V单电源供电,兼容标准的SPI接口,器件在上升沿接收数据,在下降沿发送数据,接口时钟最高为40MHz,支持最大256bytes的快速页面编程操作、快速的块擦除(512Kbit)操作和快速的整体擦除操作具有操作暂停和硬件写保护功能-M25P80 is agreed that the semiconductor company introduced 8M large capacity Serial Interface Flash device, using 2.7 V-single 3.6V power supply, the standard SPI-compatible interface, the device receiving data in the ascending, Send in the down-data interface clock maximum of 40 MHz, support 256 bytes of the largest fast page program, Quick Block Erase (512Kbit) Operation and rapid erasure of the overall operation has suspended operation and hardware write protection Gong can
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 513kb
Publisher : 洪磊
DL : 0
M25P80是意法半导体公司推出的8M大容量串行接口Flash器件,采用2.7V-3.6V单电源供电,兼容标准的SPI接口,器件在上升沿接收数据,在下降沿发送数据,接口时钟最高为40MHz,支持最大256bytes的快速页面编程操作、快速的块擦除(512Kbit)操作和快速的整体擦除(8MHz)操作;具有操作暂停和硬件写保护功能。-M25P80 is agreed that the semiconductor company introduced 8M large capacity Serial Interface Flash device, using 2.7 V-single 3.6V power supply, the standard SPI-compatible interface, the device receiving data in the ascending, Send in the down-data interface clock maximum of 40 MHz, support 256 bytes of the largest fast page program, Quick Block Erase (512Kbit) Operation and the overall rapid erasure (8MHz) operation; has suspended operations and hardware write protection function.
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 2kb
Publisher : 洪磊
DL : 0
-Use microcontroller to read and write sd card
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 5kb
Publisher : 天一
DL : 0
• 高性能、低功耗的8 位AVR® 微处理器
– 256/512/512 字节的EEPROM (ATmega48/88/168)
擦写寿命: 100,000 次
– 512/1K/1K 字节的片内SRAM (ATmega48/88/168)
– 具有独立振荡器的实时计数器RTC
– 六通道PWM
– 8路10 位ADC(TQFP 与MLF 封装)
– 6路10 位ADC( PDIP 封装)
– 可编程的串行USART 接口
– 可工作于主机/ 从机模式的SPI 串行接口-ATmega48/88/168 Product Features • High-performance, low power 8-bit AVR ® microcontroller- 256/512/512 bytes EEPROM (ATmega48/88/168) rewritable Life: 100,000- 512/1K/1K bytes of on-chip SRAM (ATmega48/88/168)- real-time counter with separate oscillator RTC- 6-channel PWM- 8 channel 10-bit ADC (TQFP and MLF packages)- 6-channel 10-bit ADC (PDIP Package )- Programmable Serial USART interfaces- can operate in master/slave mode SPI serial interface
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 2.43mb
Publisher : 贾立伟
DL : 0
2、先往SD里顺序写入0-255共256个数据,然后再读回送数码管显示-Experimental Objective: To learn SD card operation. System Design 1, SD card using SPI communication 2, first write to the SD sequence of 0-255 where a total of 256 data, and then read it back to send digital tube display
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 3kb
Publisher : sean.zheng
DL : 0
example of using SPI EEPROM like 25C128\256 via AVR controllers family.
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 1kb
Publisher : Ihor
DL : 0
OLED 256*64点阵SPI串行驱动程序,采用51系列单片机-OLED 256* 64 dot matrix SPI serial driver, with 51 series
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 24kb
Publisher : 王贵仁
DL : 0
The EN25F32 is a 32M-bit (4096K-byte) Serial Flash memory, with advanced write protection
mechanisms, accessed by a high speed SPI-compatible bus. The memory can be programmed 1 to
256 bytes at a time, using the Page Program instruction.
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 611kb
Publisher : Jefersom Silva
DL : 0
MAX7456单通道单色随屏显示(OSD)发生器省去了外部视频驱动器、同步分离器、视频开关以及EEPROM,有效降低系统成本。MAX7456采用符合NTSC和PAL制式的256个用户可编程字符,适合全球市场。MAX7456能够方便地以任意字符、尺寸显示各种信息,例如公司标识、常用图形、时间、日期等。MAX7456预先装载了256个字符和图形,并可通过SPI™ 接口进行在线编程。-MAX7456 single-channel monochrome on-screen display (OSD) generator eliminates the need for an external video driver, sync separator, video switch, and EEPROM, reduce system costs. MAX7456 NTSC, PAL standard used in line with the 256 user-programmable characters for the global market. MAX7456 can easily to any character, size, display various information such as company logos, common graphics, time, date and so on. MAX7456 pre-loaded with 256 characters and graphics, and online through the SPI ™ interface programming.
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 26kb
Publisher : pengjun
DL : 0
每次最少可擦除 4K ,最大整片擦除
每次最少可写一个 Byte ,最大写 256 Byte-Read operation includes ordinary read and fast read, because of the time, the program involves only ordinary read. Including byte operations and word operations SPI read operation is independent of the CPU, be sure to pay attention to the CPU timing can not conflict each time at least Erasable 4K, the largest full-chip erase each time at least write a Byte, the maximum write 256 Byte
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 55kb
Publisher : tom
DL : 0
MFRC522射频读卡程序,硬件SPI读卡,已成功-Chip type : ATmega16L
Program type : Application
Clock frequency : 8.000000 MHz
Memory model : Small
External SRAM size : 0
Data Stack size : 256
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 89kb
Publisher : 陈辉
DL : 0
使用stm32f05xx驱动qd25q40b,使用dma+spi方式实现其读写功能,用于程序空间比较小,只开辟256字节进行传输,大于256字节的有spi实现-Use stm32f05xx driver qd25q40b, using dma+ spi mode to realize the read and write functions, used in the program space is small, only 256 bytes transmitted, open up more than 256 bytes of spi implementation
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 7kb
Publisher : 武佩
DL : 0
这是一个利用DSPIC33FJ64MC802芯片进行音频AD采样以及FFT变换(得到功率谱)并将得到的数据进行串口发送的程序。该程序用于一个声音功率谱分析的设计中。 使用时需要配合外围的放大,滤波,加法器,以及电源等其他电路。并结合自编的上位机软件进行显示。
本程序在音频分析与传输中,完全做到了实时分析。结合理想的上位机软件,可以进行实时系统的构建。这实在是相当难得的。但是,由于实时性的保证以及串口速率的限制,本系统频率分析的上限只能在5K左右(程序中采用了4K)。如果将通信接口改为SPI或其他高速接口,可以显著提高系统频率分析的上限。-This is a use of DSPIC33FJ64MC802 chip audio AD sampling and FFT transform (power spectrum) and will receive procedures for serial port to send data.The program is used for the design of a sound power spectrum analysis.When using need to cooperate with the periphery of the amplifier, filter, adder, and power, and other circuit.Combined with the feature of PC software for display.
FFT function in Microchip, the 256- point FFT transform problems, cannot get normal data.This is due to the fault of rotating factor table.This program has made a correction on it.In power spectrum calculation function at the same time, also made some optimization, when measuring small amplitude, the result will be more ideal.
This procedure in audio analysis and transmission, completely achieved real-time analysis.In combination with the PC software of ideal, can build the real-time system.This is really quite rare.But, as a result of the limitation of the guaranteed real-time and rate of serial port, the s
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 437kb
Publisher : 五岳之首
DL : 0
单通道、128/256位、I2C / SPI、非易失性数字电位计AD5141-Single-channel, 128/256, I2C/SPI, nonvolatile digital potentiometer AD5141
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 1.54mb
Publisher : fd
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