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使用硬件SPI接口与74HC595连接,控制74HC595驱动8个LED流水灯显示。-use of hardware and Bit SPI interface connectivity, control Bit-eight LED lights indicate water.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 43.79kb Publisher : 伤坠人

使用硬件SPI接口与74HC595连接,控制74HC595驱动8个LED流水灯显示。-use of hardware and Bit SPI interface connectivity, control Bit-eight LED lights indicate water.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 44kb Publisher : 伤坠人

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一个SPI的实例,通过SPI实现两机通讯, 采用中断方式实现双全工通讯。 本例用两MEGA8515实现,C语言版本-an example, the SPI communication between the two machines used interruption means full-duplex communication. The two cases with MEGA8515 achieve, C language version
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : FAN

Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 24kb Publisher :

TMS320X2812 spi显示驱动程序,及显示部分原理图。开发环境为CCS3.1.2812SPI和74hc595通讯,驱动5位LED 数码管。一般做工程都需要有显示部分。这个可以做为公用代码,可以显示小数。已经通过测试。-TMS320X2812 spi display driver, and display portions of the schematic. Development environment for CCS3.1.2812SPI and 74hc595 communications, driving five LED digital tube. Generally carry out engineering work needs to have indicated that some of. This can serve as a common code, you can display a decimal. Has been tested.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 519kb Publisher : Mr.cheng

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4位一体7段数码管显示0~9999;SPI驱动SPI器件74HC595-4 one 7-segment LED display 0 ~ 9999 SPI-driven SPI device 74HC595
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 161kb Publisher : zj

功能:使用硬件SPI接口输出显示,74HC595输出控制数码管D1显示.-SPI code 74HC595 LED show
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : zhangzhu

LPC1100系列Cortex-M0微控制器的SSP模块都相同,该程序实现LPC1100系列微控制器的SSP模块SSP0工作在SPI从机模式下,控制74HC595驱动8盏LED闪烁以形成流水灯.-LPC1100 series microcontrollers Cortex-M0 SSP module are the same, the program to achieve LPC1100 family of microcontrollers SSP module in SPI master mode SSP0 work, the control 74HC595 drive eight LED lights flash to form water.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 232kb Publisher : 李留杰

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实验名称:SPI驱动74HC595,数码管显示实验 功能描述:利用数码管显示数据0~9999。 实验目的:熟悉SPI通信协议。 熟练掌握查表法。 了解人眼对显示的分辨能力。 学习利用SPI驱动SPI器件74HC595。 学会使用定时器定时。 实验说明:MCU--M128 内部8M晶振 如果数码管刷新频率不够高的话将会出现闪烁的现象。-Experiment name: SPI driver 74HC595, digital display experiments Function Description: Using the digital display data from 0 to 9999. Purpose: familiar with the SPI communication protocol. Master look-up table. Understanding of the human eye on the display resolution. Learn to use SPI SPI device driver 74HC595. Learn to use the timer timing. Experiment Description: MCU- M128 Internal 8M crystal If the LED is not high enough refresh rate, then there will be flickering.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 159kb Publisher : octopuszy

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本例子是用硬件SPI接口循环发送一个变量到74HC595,并且在数据发送完毕后通过单片机的另外一个IO接口PB2输出一个“锁存”脉冲 ,使74HC595把移位寄存器的数据输出到锁存寄存器,并驱动8个LED输出,实现来回流水的效果。-This example is using the hardware SPI interface to send a variable to the loop 74HC595, and after the data is sent through the microcontroller interface to another IO PB2 output a " latch" pulse, the 74HC595 shift register to latch the data output to the register, and drive 8 LED outputs, to achieve the effect of water back and forth.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : 张玉坤

四位数码管显示设计(74HC595&SPI)(ICC)附带电路原理图 -Four LED display design (74HC595 & SPI) (ICC) with circuit diagram
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 96kb Publisher : 中方

F2812 SPI (CCS3.3开发环境下)实验说明:主要硬件部分:DSP,74HC595(串入并出的移位器),共阳数码管。SPIMOSI和SPICLK直接从DSP接到了74HC595的SER和SRCLK,作为数据和时钟信号的输入,SPISTE引脚接到了74HC595的RCLK以控制其选通。 实验结果:可看到数码管从0~F循环显示-F2812 SPI experiment shows: The main hardware components: DSP, 74HC595 (serial shifter in and out), common anode LEDs. SPIMOSI and SPICLK 74HC595 received directly from the DSP s SER and SRCLK, as the input data and clock signals, SPISTE 74HC595 received the RCLK pin to control the strobe. The results: You can see the LED display from 0 ~ F cycle
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 334kb Publisher : 奋斗不止

ARM7的SPI控制LED显示 利用74HC595芯片和七段数码管,实现SPI通信并显示-ARM7 SPI LED display control Using 74HC595 chips and seven digital tube, to achieve SPI communication and display
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 174kb Publisher : 季骏鹏

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DSP的SPI工作原理DSP,CPLD,74HC595(串入并出的移位器),共阳数码管。SPIMOSI和 SPICLK直接从DSPJIE接到了74HC595的SER和SRCLK,作为数据和时钟信 号的输入,SPICS由CPLD引出来控制74HC595的选通。-DSP SPI works DSP, the CPLD, 74HC595 (string in and out of the shifter), Yang digital tube. The SPICLK SPIMOSI and directly from the DSPJIE received 74HC595 SER and SRCLK of, as the input data and clock signals, SPICS cited by the CPLD control 74HC595 gating.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 闻枫

stm32通过spi口与74hc595相连,然后由74hc595控制8盏灯的闪灭,注意该工程所用外接高速晶振为12MHZ,而大部分板子为8M赫兹,使用时需要修改锁相环倍频系数。-stm32 through spi port is connected with 74hc595 and eight lights are ocontrolled by the 74hc595 , note that works with an external high-speed oscillator is 12MHZ, and most of the board of 8M Hz, you need to modify the PLL multiplication factor.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.41mb Publisher : zhangzheng

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使用74hc595与dsp的spi进行通信,点亮led数码管使得数码管从0-f循环显示-Use 74hc595 and dsp of spi communication, lighting led digital tube makes digital cycle 0-f
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 332kb Publisher : 谭沛然

DL : 0
spi通信程序,通过SPI接口和移位器74HC595之间进行通信,点亮8位的LED数码管。-SPI communication code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 465kb Publisher : 李琳鹏

DL : 0
F2812的SPI接口和移位器74HC595之间进行通信,然后点亮8为LED数码管,使数码管从0~F循环显示。-F2812 carried SPI interface and shifter between 74HC595 communication, then lights 8 LED digital tube, so that the digital display 0 ~ F cycle.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 431kb Publisher : 伊方
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