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windows图形编程,从事2D图形开发的好-windows graphical programming, 2D graphics engaged in the development of the good stu
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.43mb Publisher : hupc

每期期未,寄发学生成绩通知单都是班主任的例行工作,然而,现在大多数人仍然还采用原始的平信寄发方式,并且由于平信很容易丢失而导致以前所做的工作(如抄录学生期末成绩、写出学生的学期鉴定,填写学生成绩通知单和写、写信封、寄发通知书等)前功尽弃,同时由于许多学生放假后并没有回家,如外去打工或因种种原因没有回家而无法收到信件。随着INTERNET技术的不断普及,电子邮件已经开始进入寻常百姓家,它以快速、方便、可以异地查阅而逐渐代替普通的信件,如果你的学生(或家长)都有E-mail,我们以E-mail来寄发学生的成绩通知单了,这样就可以减少上述弊端。但一个个填写每个学生的收件人地址和相关的数据(如各门功课的成绩、评语),既枯燥又烦锁,下面我们将探讨如何利用VB来读取学生成绩数据库中的数据,通过E-mail实现学生成绩通知单的自动寄发。 -each period not mailed notice student achievement are the class teacher's routine work, however, the majority of people are still using the original letter sent-way, and because of a letter - which can easily lead to the loss did in the past (such as the end results are reproduced students, the students write semester identification, student achievement fill orders and write, write letters, send out notices, etc.) wasted, and because many students after the holiday and did not return home, such as wage or go outside for a variety of reasons not to go home and unable to receive it. With the Internet growing popularity of e-mail has begun to enter the home of ordinary citizens, a fast, convenient and accessible in different localities can gradually replace an ordinary letter, if your stu
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.28kb Publisher : lei

此系统是应老师所布置的作业编制而成,该系统具有存贮学生数据,按学号、姓名查询,列出学生成绩和统计功能。\\n \\n 使用方法:系统输入数据后,将在当前目录中建立一个名为stu.dat文件,用于保存输入的数据。学号输入只能用数字输入,并且学号只能是10位。姓名输入符合中国人的姓名,只能用中文,且最长为5个汉字。\\n-this system is that teachers should layout compiled from the operation, the system is storing student data by school, Name inquiries, student performance and statistical functions. \\ N \\ n Use : data entry system, to the current establishment of a directory called stu.dat documents, for the preservation of the imported data. School No. imported only with digital input, and the university is only 10. Name importation of Chinese people's names, which can be used in Chinese, up to a maximum of five Chinese characters. \\ N
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4.22kb Publisher : 梁良

STC isp应用程序,ISP功能,好东西 S TC isp应用程序,ISP功能,好东西 -STC isp applications, ISP, good things S TC isp applications, ISP, the good stu
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 60.2kb Publisher : zhou8877

DL : 0
89S52 isp应用程序,ISP功能,好东西 89S52 isp应用程序,ISP功能,好东西-89S52 isp applications, ISP, good things 89S52 isp applications, ISP, the good stu
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 683.33kb Publisher : zhou8877

This a really intresting and challenging game of Airstrike cool stu-This a really intresting and challengin g game of Airstrike cool stu
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 80.68kb Publisher : xiu

简单的学生管理系统,比较全面,适于初学者-simple student management system, a more comprehensive and suitable for beginners
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.31kb Publisher : jevons

1985年的超级玛力源代码 Super Mario Bros. Copyright 1985 Nintendo Coded by: William Merrill Buerger With help from: John Ratke -Keyboard Handler Themie Gouthas -XLIB graphics stu-1985 super power source code Mary Super Mario Bros. Copyrigh t 1985 Nintendo Coded by : William Merrill Buerger Buergerw@warp.msoe. edu http : / / ~ buergerw With help from : John Ratke - Keyboard Handler Themie Gouthas-X LIB graphics stu
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 95.98kb Publisher : 绿荫之下

书在介绍了数据挖掘原理的基础上,从实用的角度出发,详细地介绍了数据挖掘的经典算法。本书是国内第一本对数据挖掘技术基础算法进行详细描述的实用性教材。 第1章从不同的角度对数据挖掘进行了介绍。第2章介绍了数据仓库技术的概念并给出了数据立方体的理论基础。第3章讲述了数据挖掘的数据预处理所涉及到的概念及算法。第4章~第8章详细介绍了数据挖掘的经典领域的算法,其中第6章简单介绍了数据可视化的内容。第9章介绍了开放的数据挖掘平台。 本书的使用对象是在校高年级的本科生、研究生及各个领域的高级软件开发人员。 -book introduced the Data Mining on the basis of principle, from the practical point of view. detailed presentation of the classical data mining algorithms. The book is the first of the technical basis for data mining algorithms described in detail the practical teaching. Chapter 1 from the perspective of different data mining was introduced. Chapter 2 of data warehouse technology and the concept of a data cube is the theoretical foundation. Chapter 3 on the data mining data preprocessing involved in the concept and algorithms. Chapter 4 ~ Chapter 8 details of the data mining field of classical algorithm, Chapter 6 which introduced a simple data visualization content. Chapter 9 on the open platform for data mining. The book was targeted at the use of high-grade school students, graduate stu
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 10.22mb Publisher : lorainve

数据结构算法-学生管理 -algorithm data structure-management students
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 12.59kb Publisher : 乖乖

一个不错的游戏..好东西 -a good game .. good things, a good game .. good stu
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.01mb Publisher : kb

DL : 0
在命令行下学生信息管理系统! 用TXT存放数据!-the command line student information management system. Storing the data used TXT!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.11kb Publisher : gary

DL : 0
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.21kb Publisher : 陈蕾

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6.12kb Publisher : 郑彦琳

fjdlkfjdl jfjdlk fjdlkfjdl
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.07kb Publisher : 123

利用VIsual C++编写的简单数据库,用来管理学生信息。-Use VIsual C++ Prepared a simple database to manage student information.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 610kb Publisher : zukang.wu

DL : 0
简单的学生成绩管理系统,一些基本的功能。-Simple student achievement management system, some basic functions.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.25mb Publisher : 罗达

acm-stu经典题目分类.非常全面,详尽.-acm-stu classic subject categories. a very comprehensive and detailed.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : michael

WAP to declare a class stu with data members roll number. Inherit a class marks from stu with data members as physics marks & chemistry marks-WAP to declare a class stu with data members roll number. Inherit a class marks from stu with data members as physics marks & chemistry marks
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : mike

DL : 0
学生成绩管理程序,通过读取stu文件内的数值进行计算编排顺序。适合初学C语言的学生做课程设计时作参考-Student performance management program
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 王艺龙
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