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[Software Engineeringsvmlecture2

Description: 基于最小二乘支持向量机的系统边际电价预测,是PDF格式的-based on least-squares SVM system marginal price forecast is in PDF format
Platform: | Size: 290438 | Author: pylu[t | Hits:


Description: 用于实现上面应用程序的相关数据集.是matlab数据文件格式的-used to achieve the above applications related data sets. Matlab is the data file format
Platform: | Size: 508928 | Author: zql | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combineMatlab-interface-to-SVM-light

Description: SVM-light与matlab的接口,matlab下就能直接调用哟,很有价值哟-SVM-light and Matlab interface directly with Matlab can call yo, value yo
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: zsq | Hits:


Description: 一个关于支持向量机的概述文档资料.采用ppt格式,适合初学者使用-on a Support Vector Machine outlined Documentation. Ppt format used, for beginners
Platform: | Size: 2667520 | Author: | Hits:

[Software Engineeringsvmlecture2

Description: 基于最小二乘支持向量机的系统边际电价预测,是PDF格式的-based on least-squares SVM system marginal price forecast is in PDF format
Platform: | Size: 289792 | Author: pylu[t | Hits:

[Software Engineeringsvmlecture3

Description: 一种基于离散小波变换和支持向量机的人脸识别新方法,是PDF格式的-based on the discrete wavelet transform and support vector machines Face Recognition new methods are in PDF format
Platform: | Size: 309248 | Author: pylu[t | Hits:


Description: (数据挖掘新方法-支持向量机)PDF格式的!知道支持向量机(SVM),肯定知道它是一本非常经典的图书!支持向量机(support vector machine,SVM)是数据挖掘中的一项新技术,是借助于最优化方法解决机器学习问题的新工具.-(new data mining method-SVM) PDF format! Know Support Vector Machine (SVM), certainly aware that it is a very classic books! SVM (support vector machi ne, SVM) is a data mining of a new technology, Optimization is using machine learning methods to solve problems of the new tools.
Platform: | Size: 7763968 | Author: wuyuqian | Hits:


Description: 将最大熵的数据格式转为SVM分类器所需的数据格式-of maximum entropy data formats SVM classifier to the required data format
Platform: | Size: 2323456 | Author: 赵京雷 | Hits:


Description: OpenSVM was developped under Visual C++ 6.0 SP6, You can open the workspace file(*.dsw) in the opensvm-src folder. The folder include the svm.h and svm.cpp which in the libsvm (Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin All rights reserved) in the opensvm-src\libsvm. However, the files svm.h and svm.cpp codes were copied/merged into stdafx.h and stdafx.cpp in order to support the development, and OpenSVM still use other codes of libsvm. So you can see the libsvm package in the source package. You can open and build it with Visual C++ 6.0. Note: the problems must be in LIBSVM format. OpenSVM project page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/opensvm If you had any question, please mail to: cloudbyron@gmail.com
Platform: | Size: 620544 | Author: njustyw | Hits:


Description: 用Scilab编写的一种新颖的快速SVM算法(该算法为自己科研成果,已被发表)。该文件为TXT格式,可以复制到Scilab或Matlab下面使用。Matlab下面只需做细微语法改动。-Scilab prepared using a novel fast SVM algorithm (the algorithm for their own scientific research has been published). TXT format for the document can be copied to the Scilab or Matlab using the following. Matlab to do the following only minor changes in grammar.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: kaku | Hits:

[File FormatSVMReview

Description: A nice intro to SVM PDF format
Platform: | Size: 209920 | Author: boomboom | Hits:


Description: 是一種線性方成的分類器。SVM透過統計的方式將雜亂的資料以NN的方式分成兩類,以便處理。LIBLINEAR is a linear classifier for data with millions of instances and features. It supports L2-regularized logistic regression (LR), L2-loss linear SVM, and L1-loss linear SVM. -Main features of LIBLINEAR include Same data format as LIBSVM, our general-purpose SVM solver, and also similar usage Multi-class classification: 1) one-vs-the rest, 2) Crammer & Singer Cross validation for model selection Probability estimates (logistic regression only) Weights for unbalanced data MATLAB/Octave, Java interfaces
Platform: | Size: 521216 | Author: 陳彥霖 | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeUSPS

Description: 用于手写体数字识别的USPS样本数据库和将MAT格式的样本数据库转换成二值化图像并以行程编码存储-For handwritten numeral recognition of the USPS database and a sample format of samples MAT database into binary image and the Run-Length Coding storage
Platform: | Size: 5558272 | Author: 张凯兵 | Hits:


Description: 將libsvm包起來, 只要讀入一個matrix 即可 轉換成libsvm所需的格式 然後就可以跑了-The libsvm package together, as long as you can read into a matrix to convert the format required libsvm can then be run
Platform: | Size: 8660992 | Author: shooting | Hits:


Description: OSU-SVM,基于LibSVM但是不需要LibSVM的格式,可以在32位的电脑上运行,速度较快,比较稳定,欢迎试用。-OSU-SVM, based on LibSVM but not LibSVM format, 32-bit computer can run faster, more stable, welcomed the trial.
Platform: | Size: 962560 | Author: 仲国强 | Hits:


Description: OpenCV机器学习SVM支持向量机的分类程序 word格式-OpenCV machine learning support vector machine SVM classification procedure word format
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: | Hits:


Description: libsvm使用中的参数说明和视频教程以及程序中数据的格式要求-libsvm-use instructions and video tutorials, and parameter data in the format of the program requirements
Platform: | Size: 152576 | Author: jzxcjzxc | Hits:


Description: java读取超大文本,并将格式转换成SVM标准格式-read and write big text by java, convert to SVM format
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Caoran | Hits:


Description: State vector machine with single class output. The code works on 32 bit numbers in IEEE 754 floating point format for single precision numbers.
Platform: | Size: 1836032 | Author: RP17 | Hits:


Description: 支持向量机通俗导论,涉及支持向量机的简单介绍,数学推导和算法实现,整理为整齐的PDF格式方便学习-Introduction to support vector machines popular, involving a brief SVM, and mathematical derivation algorithm, neatly organized into PDF format to facilitate learning
Platform: | Size: 985088 | Author: 张名 | Hits:
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