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Description: 城市面源 SWMM程序
Platform: | Size: 2536032 | Author: woxinfeijian@gmail.com | Hits:

[Windows DevelopTestSwmmDll

Description: vc实现的对swmm生成的二进制结果文件进行读取操作-vc on swmm achieved results generated binary file read operation
Platform: | Size: 280576 | Author: li | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmssource5-0-022.ZIP

Description: SWMM,原代码,可以修改后进行城市降雨径流计算, The SWMM 5 computational engine consists of 43 C-code files plus several header files. The engine can be compiled either as a Dynamic Link Library (DLL) under Windows or as a stand-alone console application under both Windows and Linux, depending on which of the #define DLL and #define CLE declarations at the top of swmm5.c is commented out.- The SWMM 5 computational engine consists of 43 C-code files plus several header files. The engine can be compiled either as a Dynamic Link Library (DLL) under Windows or as a stand-alone console application under both Windows and Linux, depending on which of the#define DLL and#define CLE declarations at the top of swmm5.c is commented out.
Platform: | Size: 323584 | Author: 小杨 | Hits:

[source in ebookStorm-Water-Management-Model-

Description: 个人收集的SWMM径流管理模型的计算引擎源代码,图形用户界面源代码,接口指南以及动态波流量盐酸质量保证报告(中文注释)-Personal collection the the SWMM runoff management model calculation engine source code, graphical user interface source code, interface guidelines, and dynamic wave flow hydrochloric quality assurance report (Chinese comments)
Platform: | Size: 4242432 | Author: 王华 | Hits:

[Graph Drawingswmmh50022_gui

Description: 雨水管理模型是排水系统设计、运行和管理的基本依据和重要工具,历来受到排水企业、科研和教学部门的重视。SWMM作为一套功能齐全、界面友好、易于使用的优秀免费软件,得到广泛应用,成为许多商业软件的核心,也为排水系统的科学研究提供了便利。但是由于该软件为英文界面,目前只在国内部分高校、软件开发企业等小范围得到使用。而对于广大从事排水系统设计、运行和管理的工程技术人员,以及进入专业学习阶段的大学生,尽快掌握该软件的使用方法还具有一定难度。因此为普及雨水管理模拟软件在排水各部门、各层次的应用,促进排水系统的设计、运行和管理水平,将该软件的代码、界面、用户手册、使用手册和帮助文件翻译成中文是非常必要的。-Stormwater management model is the drainage system design, operation and management of the fundamental basis and important tool, drainage enterprises, research and teaching department of the attention has always been. SWMM as a fully featured, user-friendly, excellent free software is easy to use, is widely used as the core of many commercial software, but also facilitate the scientific research of the drainage system. However, due to the software interface is in English, only a small range of the domestic part of the universities, and software development enterprises to be used. For the majority in the drainage system design, operation and management of engineering and technical personnel, as well as college students into professional learning stage, to master the use of the software as soon as possible with a certain degree of difficulty. Universal stormwater management simulation software in various departments of the drainage, the application of all levels to promote the drainage s
Platform: | Size: 701440 | Author: 文心 | Hits:


Description: SWMM5.0.022计算引擎,经过编译后可以用于计算降雨径流及污染物分布等功能。-Contains the source code for the computational engine of SWMM 5.0.022. Consult the included Roadmap.txt file for an overview of the various code modules.
Platform: | Size: 337920 | Author: sunyp | Hits:


Description: SWMM5接口代码文件,包含了SWMM5的V接口文件、Visual Basic接口文件和Delphi Pascal接口文件等。-This archive contains the SWMM 5 Interfacing Guide and supporting files. Contents -------- Interfacing.chm The Interfacing Guide in the form of a Windows HTML Help file (double click to launch it). swmm5.h function declarations for interfacing the SWMM 5 swmm5.lib engine DLL with C/C++ code. swmm5.bas function declarations for interfacing with Visual Basic. swmm5.pas function declarations for interfacing with Delphi Pascal. swmm5_iface.c some useful interfacing functions for C/C++, Visual, swmm5.iface.h Basic and Delphi Pascal. swmm5_iface.bas swmm5_iface.pas test.c an example of using the interfacing functions to build a small C application that uses the SWMM 5 engine.
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: sunyp | Hits:

[Delphi VCLswmm50022_gui

Description: SWMM5界面的Delphi 7源代码,可以根据自己的需要将其改动后嵌入自己的应用程序中去。-This archive contains source code for the Windows graphical user interface portion of Version 5.0.022 of the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). The interface was written using Borland s Delphi 7 (www.borland.com). The name of the Delphi project containing the code is Epaswmm5. All of the files for the project can be found in the GUI.ZIP file within this archive. Before the Epaswmm5 project can be loaded into Delphi s Integrated Development Environment (IDE), several special components must be installed into the IDE s component pallette. The source code for these components is contained in the COMPONENTS.ZIP file in this archive. Consult the Delphi Users Guide for instructions on how to install these components.
Platform: | Size: 632832 | Author: sunyp | Hits:

[Other systemsplt2datf

Description: 水文模型HSPF与水文模型SWMM的耦合方法,可供水文模型学习借鉴。-This script changes the date format and tabulation of an HSPF ascii time series output file (plt). Midnight in the plt file is represented as 24:00 of the preceding day. SWMM and other programs use 0:00 of the following day to represent midnight. This script reads the plt file and writes a new ascii file, [name].dat, tabulated so that it can be imported by SWMM and can be opened with spreadsheet software. Enter the file path of an HSPF .plt output file as the single argument for this script. Header information will be stripped the output file.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: zhuzh | Hits:

[Other systemsepanetengineexe

Description: EPA SWMM软件源代码,供二次开发人员参考使用-Code of EPA SWMM
Platform: | Size: 159744 | Author: 周巍巍 | Hits:


Description: SWMM源代码,里面包含SWMM计算引擎,以及动态链接库、源文件和头文件,可供其他软件进行二次开发(swmm resurce code reate a sub-directory named VC2010_DLL under the directory where the SWMM 5 Engine source code files are stored and copy SWMM5.DEF and VC2010-DLL.VCPROJ to it.)
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 西瓜肉肉 | Hits:

[Otherswmm code

Description: swmm二次开发练习 仅供学习交流,不可用于商业用途(swmm secondary development)
Platform: | Size: 374784 | Author: zk2011 | Hits:


Description: 城市雨洪管理模型,EPA SWMM5.0源码,可用于二次开发(SWMM5.0 source code urban storm water management model)
Platform: | Size: 356352 | Author: 阿愚 | Hits:

[OS Developsource5_1_012

Description: 暴雨洪水管理模型)是一个动态的降水-径流模拟模型,主要用于模拟城市某一单一降水事件或长期的水量和水质模拟。(Rainstorm flood management model is a dynamic model of precipitation and runoff simulation, which is mainly used to simulate a single precipitation event or long-term water and water quality simulation in a city.)
Platform: | Size: 365568 | Author: 润影 | Hits:


Description: SWMM模型输入源代码,可用SWMM模型的于二次开发。(SWMM model input source code)
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: jiangjaing | Hits:


Description: 该cad插件可以提取dwg文件管线信息,并直接生成swmm模型可读取的inp文件。 提取的管线信息包括管长、管径、标高、坐标、上下游拓扑关系等; 生成inp文件,可直接拖入swmm中显示。包含[OUTFALLS],[JUNCTIONS],[CONDUITS],[XSECTIONS],[COORDINATES],[VERTICES]部分(The CAD plug-in can extract DWG file pipeline information and directly generate SWMM model readable InP files. The extracted pipeline information includes pipe length, pipe diameter, elevation, coordinates, topological relationship between upstream and downstream, etc.)
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: shunshun3842 | Hits:

CodeBus www.codebus.net