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[OS program读取系统信息

Description: 通过Public Declare Sub GetSystemInfo Lib kernel32 (lpSystemInfo As SYSTEM_INFO)等的api函数取得系统的消息。是一个比较全的取得系统消息的集合-through Public Declare Sub GetSystemInfo Lib kernel32 (lpSystemInfo As SYSTEM_INFO) api function of the system made news. A comparison is made all the information collection system
Platform: | Size: 5785 | Author: cly | Hits:

[OS program读取系统信息

Description: 通过Public Declare Sub GetSystemInfo Lib kernel32 (lpSystemInfo As SYSTEM_INFO)等的api函数取得系统的消息。是一个比较全的取得系统消息的集合-through Public Declare Sub GetSystemInfo Lib kernel32 (lpSystemInfo As SYSTEM_INFO) api function of the system made news. A comparison is made all the information collection system
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: cly | Hits:


Description: 拓文asp.net网站内容管理系统.一个比较好的网站源码例子。-Tuong Van asp.net website content management system. A better example of site-source.
Platform: | Size: 6248448 | Author: pdfw | Hits:

[OS programhardwaremsg

Description: 硬件信息查看器,查看当前PC常规硬件信息-This is another of utility applications which can be used as an tool to get and report information about your system CPU, memory page size, mouse installation, etc. GetProcessorInfo function in ChardwareInfoDlg makes use of GetProcessorInfo API call to get al the information about the type of CPU installed on your machine. The information is returned in SYSTEM_INFO data structure. It contains the data about chip architecture, number of processors installed, page size, minimum and maximum memory address available on your machine, etc. This information is converted into string format and displayed in the dialog box. The information about mouse, if any, installed on your system can be obtained by using GetSystemMetrics API call. The information specific to mouse speed can be obtained by using SystemParametersInfo API call. The information obtained by these API calls is converted in string format to show in dialog box. The sample application has been compiled and tested using VC++5.0/
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: 陈忠厚 | Hits:


Description: 枚举系统设备高级信息-可显示系统相关信息-Advanced information system device enumeration- can display system information
Platform: | Size: 747520 | Author: 黄平 | Hits:

[OS programSysInfo

Description: Display the contents of the SYSTEM_INFO structure.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: hai nguyen | Hits:

[OS program14-SysInfo

Description: 调用GetSystemInfo并把返回的SYSTEM_INFO结构显示出来-Call GetSystemInfo and the structure returned displayed SYSTEM_INFO
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: shang | Hits:


Description: information about the system we re running on.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: vingdaisang | Hits:


Description: Display the contents of the SYSTEM_INFO structure.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: bbrkr3264dupo0 | Hits:


Description: Display the contents of the SYSTEM_INFO structure.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: mm1o19douyuda | Hits:

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