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[ADO-ODBC第09章 管理信息系统基础

Description: Asp SQL管理信息系统就是我们常说的MIS(Management Information System),在强调管理,强调信息的现代社会中它越来越得到普及。MIS是一门新的学科,它跨越了若干个领域,比如管理科学、系统科学,运筹学、统计学以及计算机科学。在这些学科的基础上,形成信息收集和加工的方法,从而形成一个纵横交织的系统。-Asp SQL management information system is often said of MIS (Management Inf ormation System), the stress management, the stress in modern society it has been more popular. MIS is a new discipline, it cuts across a number of areas, such as management science, science, operations research, Statistics and Computer Science. In these subjects, on the basis of formation of the collection of information and processing methods, thus forming an intertwined system.
Platform: | Size: 26993 | Author: zhou | Hits:

[File OperateMGJ

Description: 1995年,国务院学位委员会办公室委托图书馆学情报学学科评议组讨论并解决本学科研究生谭程设置问题。经过一年多的调查研究,学科评议组一致建议将“信息资源管理”规定为研究生必修课之一。由于这是一门发展中的新兴科学,正在进行现代化建设的各行业都面临着信息资源的管理问题,为培养专业人才的高等院校也都意识到了这一问题的密切相关性。-1995. Degrees Committee of the Office of the State Council commissioned library and information science disciplines Review Group to discuss and resolve the Graduate Tan Cheng set question. After more than a year of investigation and research, the subject consultative group unanimously recommended "information resource management" provides one required course for graduate students. Since this is a development of the emerging science, the ongoing modernization of the industry are faced with the information resources management issues, To train professionals in the institutions of higher learning are aware of this issue closely related to each other.
Platform: | Size: 5256 | Author: chasesh | Hits:

[Other resourceGAbook03

Description: 3。《遗传算法与工程设计》,[日]玄光男着,程润伟着 科学出版社 2000年第一版 本书着重从计算方法和应用技术的角度对遗传算法作了深入浅出的讨论。书中介绍了遗传算法的基本概念和结构,解决约束优化和组合优化问题的方法,以及遗传算法在生产调度、可靠性设计、交通运输、设备布局等一系列工业工程问题中的应用。本书可作为高等院校的工业工程、管理科学、运等学、计算机科学和人工智能专业的本科生和研究生的教科书。对于系统分析员、运行研究员、管理科学家以及在工业工程与运筹学领域里从事最优化问题研究和应用的专业技术人员,本书也不失为一本内容丰富且实用性较强的参考书。-3. "Genetic Algorithms and Engineering Design", [] to Yuen-man, Guilin-a 520-531 2000 version of the first book to focus on calculation methods and application of a technical point of view for Genetic Algorithm a simple discussion. The book on genetic algorithms, the basic concepts and structures, optimization and constraint solving combinatorial optimization problems. and the genetic algorithm in production scheduling, reliability design, transportation, equipment and layout of a series of industrial engineering problems applications. The book can be used as colleges in the industrial engineering, management science, transport and other science, computer science and artificial intelligence professional undergraduate and graduate textbook. For system analysts, operations research
Platform: | Size: 9870851 | Author: 孙东 | Hits:

[Other resource200532136211125

Description: uml善的客户管理是公司健康运作的一个重要标志。然而,完善的客户管理需要公司许多的资源,如何简化管理而不失其完整、科学是许多公司头痛的问题。秉承“为中小企业服务”的宗旨,潜心研究开发了《客户管理专家PCMExpert》,有效的解决了简单易用和功能强大的矛盾,完美的结合WORD、EXCEL、ACCESS软件,保护用户的投资,做到半小时可以用顺手。并且,结合中国公司的实际情况,将客户管理和项目管理融合管理,真正体现优化公司资源的目的。统计功能使用拖放字段的方式即可实现不同的统-uml good customer management is the healthy operation of an important sign. However, improve customer management needs of many companies the resources, how to streamline the management without losing its integrity, Science is many companies headaches. Adhering to the "service for SMEs," the purpose of concentrated research and development of "customer management experts PCMExpert" effective solution to a simple user-friendly and powerful contradictions, the perfect combination of Word, Excel, ACCESS software to protect users of the investment, so half an hour can go smoothly. Furthermore, in light of China's actual situation, customer management and project management integration management, truly reflect the company optimize resources. Statistical functions using d
Platform: | Size: 1315693 | Author: 李华 | Hits:

[Develop ToolsScienceAndArtOfSoftwareDevelopment

Description: 《软件开发的科学与艺术》 本书由微软亚洲研究院著,凝聚了微软专家多年研究和工作中获得的宝贵经验,是特为每个关注软件开发的人而准备的一本书。书中,这些微软专家现身说法,提供了许多成功亦或失败的案例,并进行深刻中肯的剖析,为读者展现微软企业文化,以及微软的软件开发过程和项目管理等方面的内容。相信这些内容能够带给读者许多思想和观念上的重塑,从而对我们的后继学习和工作产生重要的影响。重要的是通过学习和借鉴软件巨人─微软的成功经验,从而推动中国现代IT企业的发展和进步。不论是软件开发人员,还是项目管理人员都将从中获益匪浅。本书将是每个从事软件开发的人员案头不可或缺的珍藏书。-"Software development of science and the arts" by the book with Microsoft Asia Research Institute, Microsoft experts embodiment of the years of study and work is a valuable experience, Each is specially designed for software development concerns and the preparations for a book. The book, which Microsoft experts testified that the many successful cases might fail and profound analysis of the fair, Microsoft Reader for displaying corporate culture, and Microsoft's software development process and project management, and other aspects. Believe that these will bring the readers as many ideas and concepts on the remodeling, thus our study and follow-up work have a major impact. The important thing is to learn from software giant Microsoft Building the successful experience thus pr
Platform: | Size: 14414124 | Author: river_side | Hits:

[ADO-ODBC第09章 管理信息系统基础

Description: Asp SQL管理信息系统就是我们常说的MIS(Management Information System),在强调管理,强调信息的现代社会中它越来越得到普及。MIS是一门新的学科,它跨越了若干个领域,比如管理科学、系统科学,运筹学、统计学以及计算机科学。在这些学科的基础上,形成信息收集和加工的方法,从而形成一个纵横交织的系统。-Asp SQL management information system is often said of MIS (Management Inf ormation System), the stress management, the stress in modern society it has been more popular. MIS is a new discipline, it cuts across a number of areas, such as management science, science, operations research, Statistics and Computer Science. In these subjects, on the basis of formation of the collection of information and processing methods, thus forming an intertwined system.
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: zhou | Hits:

[File FormatMGJ

Description: 1995年,国务院学位委员会办公室委托图书馆学情报学学科评议组讨论并解决本学科研究生谭程设置问题。经过一年多的调查研究,学科评议组一致建议将“信息资源管理”规定为研究生必修课之一。由于这是一门发展中的新兴科学,正在进行现代化建设的各行业都面临着信息资源的管理问题,为培养专业人才的高等院校也都意识到了这一问题的密切相关性。-1995. Degrees Committee of the Office of the State Council commissioned library and information science disciplines Review Group to discuss and resolve the Graduate Tan Cheng set question. After more than a year of investigation and research, the subject consultative group unanimously recommended "information resource management" provides one required course for graduate students. Since this is a development of the emerging science, the ongoing modernization of the industry are faced with the information resources management issues, To train professionals in the institutions of higher learning are aware of this issue closely related to each other.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: chasesh | Hits:


Description: 3。《遗传算法与工程设计》,[日]玄光男着,程润伟着 科学出版社 2000年第一版 本书着重从计算方法和应用技术的角度对遗传算法作了深入浅出的讨论。书中介绍了遗传算法的基本概念和结构,解决约束优化和组合优化问题的方法,以及遗传算法在生产调度、可靠性设计、交通运输、设备布局等一系列工业工程问题中的应用。本书可作为高等院校的工业工程、管理科学、运等学、计算机科学和人工智能专业的本科生和研究生的教科书。对于系统分析员、运行研究员、管理科学家以及在工业工程与运筹学领域里从事最优化问题研究和应用的专业技术人员,本书也不失为一本内容丰富且实用性较强的参考书。-3. "Genetic Algorithms and Engineering Design", [] to Yuen-man, Guilin-a 520-531 2000 version of the first book to focus on calculation methods and application of a technical point of view for Genetic Algorithm a simple discussion. The book on genetic algorithms, the basic concepts and structures, optimization and constraint solving combinatorial optimization problems. and the genetic algorithm in production scheduling, reliability design, transportation, equipment and layout of a series of industrial engineering problems applications. The book can be used as colleges in the industrial engineering, management science, transport and other science, computer science and artificial intelligence professional undergraduate and graduate textbook. For system analysts, operations research
Platform: | Size: 9870336 | Author: 孙东 | Hits:

[Software Engineering200532136211125

Description: uml善的客户管理是公司健康运作的一个重要标志。然而,完善的客户管理需要公司许多的资源,如何简化管理而不失其完整、科学是许多公司头痛的问题。秉承“为中小企业服务”的宗旨,潜心研究开发了《客户管理专家PCMExpert》,有效的解决了简单易用和功能强大的矛盾,完美的结合WORD、EXCEL、ACCESS软件,保护用户的投资,做到半小时可以用顺手。并且,结合中国公司的实际情况,将客户管理和项目管理融合管理,真正体现优化公司资源的目的。统计功能使用拖放字段的方式即可实现不同的统-uml good customer management is the healthy operation of an important sign. However, improve customer management needs of many companies the resources, how to streamline the management without losing its integrity, Science is many companies headaches. Adhering to the "service for SMEs," the purpose of concentrated research and development of "customer management experts PCMExpert" effective solution to a simple user-friendly and powerful contradictions, the perfect combination of Word, Excel, ACCESS software to protect users of the investment, so half an hour can go smoothly. Furthermore, in light of China's actual situation, customer management and project management integration management, truly reflect the company optimize resources. Statistical functions using d
Platform: | Size: 1315840 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 《软件开发的科学与艺术》 本书由微软亚洲研究院著,凝聚了微软专家多年研究和工作中获得的宝贵经验,是特为每个关注软件开发的人而准备的一本书。书中,这些微软专家现身说法,提供了许多成功亦或失败的案例,并进行深刻中肯的剖析,为读者展现微软企业文化,以及微软的软件开发过程和项目管理等方面的内容。相信这些内容能够带给读者许多思想和观念上的重塑,从而对我们的后继学习和工作产生重要的影响。重要的是通过学习和借鉴软件巨人─微软的成功经验,从而推动中国现代IT企业的发展和进步。不论是软件开发人员,还是项目管理人员都将从中获益匪浅。本书将是每个从事软件开发的人员案头不可或缺的珍藏书。-"Software development of science and the arts" by the book with Microsoft Asia Research Institute, Microsoft experts embodiment of the years of study and work is a valuable experience, Each is specially designed for software development concerns and the preparations for a book. The book, which Microsoft experts testified that the many successful cases might fail and profound analysis of the fair, Microsoft Reader for displaying corporate culture, and Microsoft's software development process and project management, and other aspects. Believe that these will bring the readers as many ideas and concepts on the remodeling, thus our study and follow-up work have a major impact. The important thing is to learn from software giant Microsoft Building the successful experience thus pr
Platform: | Size: 14413824 | Author: river_side | Hits:


Description: Operations Research Management Science integrated package
Platform: | Size: 1137664 | Author: chenlin | Hits:


Description: Operations Research Management Science integrated package
Platform: | Size: 497664 | Author: chenlin | Hits:


Description: Operations Research Management Science integrated package-3
Platform: | Size: 1137664 | Author: chenlin | Hits:

[Software Engineeringaspbishezhinan

Description: 基于 asp.net 的科研系统的开发,科教研系统是高校和科研单位的重要系统。-Research and teaching management in colleges and universities play an irreplaceable role.In this paper, focusing on the design of efficient, advanced scientific research and teaching management system, combined with the management of our college status quo, expound the system from the development of goals and performance objectives to explore an ASP.NET-based teaching and research management system design development process suitable for the North China Institute of Science and Technology.
Platform: | Size: 10461184 | Author: firstrecker | Hits:


Description: 《实用数据挖掘》 本书对面向应用的数据挖掘方法进行了清晰的阐述,包括经典的多元统计方法、贝叶斯多元统计方法、基于机器学习的数据挖掘方法和基于计算的数据挖掘方法等。介绍了数据挖掘领域中许多最新的研究成果,如关联规则、序列规则、图示马尔可夫模型、基于存储的推理、信用风险和Web挖掘等。并详细介绍了选自实际工业项目的6个应用实例,强调了数据挖掘方法的实用性。 本书主要面向计算机科学、信息管理、应用统计学和经济学等专业的高年级本科生和研究生。对实际从事海量数据分析和处理的技术人员也有很好的指导作用和参考价值。 -Application-oriented book on data mining methods were clearly described, including the classic multivariate statistical methods, Bayesian multivariate statistical methods, data mining based on machine learning methods and calculations based on data mining methods. The field of data mining are introduced many of the latest research results, such as association rules, sequence rules, icons, Markov model, based on the storage of reasoning, credit risk, and Web mining. And gave details of the actual industrial projects selected from the six examples, emphasizing the usefulness of data mining methods. Book is mainly for computer science, information management, applied statistics and economics, and other professional undergraduate and graduate students. Actually engaged in massive data for analysis and processing of the technical staff are also very good guidance and reference value.
Platform: | Size: 13325312 | Author: showna | Hits:

[Windows Developscience

Description: 通用系统,c++编程应用,科研管理系统,多个模块,简单易用,好理解-Common system, c++ programming applications, scientific research management system, a number of modules, easy to use, easy to understand
Platform: | Size: 2036736 | Author: zhangchaohong | Hits:


Description: 基于JSP制作的科研作品管理平台,内附数据库等详细开发文件-Based on the JSP production of scientific research work management platform, enclosing the database development files
Platform: | Size: 626688 | Author: felicity | Hits:

[Technology ManagementTechnical-management-knowledge

Description: 技术通常指根据生产实践经验和自然科学原理总结发展起来的各种工艺操作方法与技能。现代企业技术管理就是依据科学技术工作规律,对企业的科学研究和全部技术活动进行的计划、协调、控制和激励等方面的管理工作-Techniques usually means the production experience and natural science principles summarize the various process operations developed methods and skills. Modern enterprise technology management is based on scientific and technical work rules, all of the enterprise of scientific research and technical activities of planning, coordination, control and management of incentives and other aspects of
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 方舒 | Hits:

[File FormatUse-Trust-Management-Module-to-Achieve-Effective-

Description: International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering-International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering
Platform: | Size: 809984 | Author: Kirti Bhushan Kapil | Hits:

[Software EngineeringSoftware-Engineering-Research--Management-and-App

Description: This edited book presents scientific results of the 12th International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence Research, Management and Applications (SERA 2014) held on August 31 – September 4, 2014 in Kitakyushu, Japan. The aim of this conference was to bring together researchers and scientists, businessmen and entrepreneurs, teachers, engineers, computer users, and students to discuss the numerous fields of computer science and to share their experiences and exchange new ideas and information in a meaningful way. Research results about all aspects (theory, applications and tools) of computer and information science, and to discuss the practical challenges encountered along the way and the solutions adopted to solve them. This publication captures 17 of the conference’s most promising papers.
Platform: | Size: 7597056 | Author: reza | Hits:
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