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Platform: | Size: 603136 | Author: songkun | Hits:

[OpenGL programShow3DS

Description: 自己写的opengl框架,现实一个3d模型,以及现实图片,文字等。-opengl
Platform: | Size: 919552 | Author: jerry | Hits:

[3D GraphicCload3ds

Description: 该类是在qt4.6上运行通过,是我将网上流传的两个文件进行了整合,使得适用于qt了,加载了3ds文件成功显示。注意头文件。 使用方法: CLoad3DS *m_3ds_p = new CLoad3DS() m_3ds_p->Init("e:/plane1.3ds",0) //以上代码置于OpenGL的Init部分 //以下代码置于OpenGL画图部分 m_3ds_p->show3ds(0,50,50,-50,10.0) 说明:上面的0表示绑定的模型ID,该类可以绑定0~9个模型,分别进行显示 50,50,-50是程序员将该模型置于空间中的xyz坐标,10.0是该模型的放大倍数 如果要旋转的话自己使用OpenGL提供的选装函数吧-The class is run by the qt4.6 that I will be circulated on the Internet integration of the two documents were made applicable to qt, and load the 3ds file a successful show. Note that header file. Usage: CLoad3DS* m_3ds_p = new CLoad3DS () m_3ds_p-> Init (" e:/plane1.3ds" , 0) // more code in the Init OpenGL part of// the following code in the OpenGL drawing some m_3ds_p- > show3ds (0,50,50,-50,10.0) Note: The above model 0 that bind ID, the class can be bound to 0 ~ 9 models were for display 50,50,-50 programmers The model is placed in the xyz coordinate space, 10.0 is the magnification of the model so if you want to spin their own use OpenGL functions it provides optional
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 郭培 | Hits:

[Multimedia Developshow3DS

Description: vc++实现读取3ds文件,显示,可控制移动-loader 3ds file ,show model and can control
Platform: | Size: 7396352 | Author: 卜伟静 | Hits:

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