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封装 API 中窗口处理的数据结构和相关函数 提供两类成员函数: 窗口 API 函数:代替 SDK API 函数 消息响应函数:响应各种系统消息 窗口 API 函数例 ShowWindow、ScrollWindow、SetWindowText 消息响应函数例 OnPaint、OnLButtonDown、OnKeyUp、 OnMouseMove、OnClose、OnHScro-Packaging API window of data structure and related functions for both categories of membership function : Windows API functions : to replace the SDK API functions news response function : Responding to various information systems window cases ShowWindow API function, ScrollWindow, SetWindowText news cases OnPaint response function, OnLButtonDown, OnKeyUp, OnMouseMove , OnClose, OnHScro
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 16.42kb Publisher : ssys

穷举法破解密码 m_pMainWnd=new CMyFrame() m_pMainWnd->ShowWindow(m_nCmdShow) m_pMainWnd->UpdateWindow () return TRUE -exhaustive law to crack the code m_pMainWnd = new CMyFrame () m_pMa inWnd -
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 578.63kb Publisher : fengche

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The AnimateWindow() function provides special effects (roll, slide, collapse, expand, and alpha-blended fade) for showing and hiding windows. It is an alternative to the ShowWindow() function. However, in the case of a modal dialog, ShowWindow() is not call directly by the user, but by the framework, through the DoModal() method. This article shows how to fix this problem for modal dialogs.-The AnimateWindow () function provides sp ecial effects (roll, slide, collapse, expand, and alpha-blended fade) for showing and hiding windows. It is an alternative to the ShowWindow () function. However, in the case of a modal dialog. ShowWindow () is not call directly by the user, but by the framework. through the DoModal () method. This article sho ws123 how to fix this problem for modal dialogs.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 30.44kb Publisher : bobo_234_645

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我在XP下用过detour,也是用钩子将dll注入到其他进程进行API拦截,当时拦截的是 ShowWindow以及文件操作的一些API,感觉没什么问题阿.你可以先用Detour拦截一下其他的API试试,比如 CreateProcess,这个API我拦截过,Detour能拦截的 -I used the XP detour. also used to hook dll injected into other processes API interception, then intercept the ShowWindow and some file manipulation API, A feeling no problems. You can use Detour to intercept a few other API try. For example CreateProcess, I intercept the API that can intercept the Detour
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.26kb Publisher : byron

该类包含运用程序窗口框架,通过外部位图句柄实现窗口大小调整和换肤功能。 通过SWindow::ShowWindow函数第二个参数可以实现窗口的透明。(win2000以上版本)-such procedures include use of the framework of the window, through the outside part of plans to achieve handle window size adjustment and skinnable. Through SWindow : : ShowWindow function of the second parameter can achieve the transparent window. (WIN2000 versions)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 900.5kb Publisher : tvv

Multiple control bars in a frame window, selective hiding and showing of control bars, and dynamic rearrangement of controls along the border of the frame window. The control bars are allocated space in the frame window according to their Z-order, which initially is the order in which they are created (see CMainFrame::OnCreate). CTRLBARS changes the Z-order of the dialog bar with the CWnd::SetWindowPos function. It hides or shows a control bar using CWnd::ShowWindow. Whenever CTRLBARS changes the Z-order or hides or shows a control bar, it calls CFrameWnd::RecalcLayout afterward so that the window real estate is reallocated to the remaining visible control bars.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 20.91kb Publisher : srom chen

文件视图,CFrameWnd C Static CRect MoveWindow CreatePen CSize CDC SetBkMode SelectObject CPen LineTo SetTextColor CString TextOut CFont CreateFont DrawText CreateDC GetDeviceCaps DeleteDC GetObject GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GetStockObject GetDC SelectPalette RealizePalette GetDIBits ReleaseDC CreateFile WriteFile GlobalUnlock GlobalFree CloseHandle CPaintDC CBitmap CreateCompatibleDC CreateCompatibleBitmap PtInRect BitBlt DeleteObject CPoint ShowWindow ClientToScreen GetWindowDC GetWindowRect CFileDialog CWinApp CSingleDocTemplate CCommandLineInfo UpdateWindow CDialog CDataExchange CDocument CView CPrintInfo GetClientRect SetWindowLong GetWindowLong LoadLibrary GetProcAddress GetLastError FreeLibrary CreateDialog-document View, CFrameWnd CWnd CStatic CRect MoveWindow Creat ePen CSize CDC SetBkMode SelectObject CPen Lin eTo SetTextColor CString TextOut CFont Back Font DrawText CreateDC GetDeviceCaps DeleteD C GetObject GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GetStockO bject GetDC RealizePalette Get SelectPalette DIBits ReleaseDC CreateFile WriteFile Global Unlock GlobalFree CloseHandle CPaintDC CBitm ap CreateCompatibleDC CreateCompatibleBitm ap PtInRect BitBlt DeleteObject CPoint ShowWi ndow ClientToScreen GetWindowDC GetWindowRe ct CFileDialog CWinApp CSingleDocTemplate CC ommandLineInfo UpdateWindow CDialog CDataEx change CDocument CView CPrintInfo GetClientR ect SetWindowLong GetWindowLong LoadLibrary GetProcAddress GetLastError FreeLibrary Cre ateDialog
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 26.1kb Publisher : slansam

vc+sqlCOleSafeArray CWnd CDialog CDataExchange GetWindowRect EndDialog SetWindowText GetWindowText MessageBox CString CTime CCmdTarget CWinApp COleTemplateServer COleObjectFactory DestroyIcon LoadIcon GetSystemMenu CMenu LoadString AppendMenu IsIconic CPaintDC SendMessage GetSystemMetrics CRect GetClientRect DrawIcon ShowWindow WinExec -vc sqlCOleSafeArray CWnd CDialog CDataEx change GetWindowRect EndDialog SetWindowTex t GetWindowText MessageBox CString CTime CCmd Target CWinApp COleTemplateServer COleObjec tFactory DestroyIcon LoadIcon GetSystemMenu CMenu LoadString AppendMenu IsIconic CPaintD C SendMessage function GetSystemMetrics CRect GetClie ntRect DrawIcon ShowWindow WinExec
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3mb Publisher : hedda

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A simple message window similar to msgbox without button,转载
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.21kb Publisher : liminhfut

COleSafeArray CWnd CDialog CDataExchange CTime GetWindowRect MessageBox GetWindowText SetWindowText GetDlgItem SetDlgItemText CString EndDialog CCmdTarget GetDlgItemText CWinApp COleTemplateServer COleObjectFactory DestroyIcon LoadIcon GetSystemMenu CMenu LoadString AppendMenu EnableWindow IsIconic CPaintDC SendMessage GetSystemMetrics CRect GetClientRect DrawIcon ShowWindow WinExec
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 28.06kb Publisher : 美眉

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CFrameWnd CWinApp CSingleDocTemplate CCommandLineInfo ShowWindow UpdateWindow DragAcceptFiles CDialog CDataExchange CDocument CFormView CDC CPen CreatePen CBrush CreateSolidBrush
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4.02kb Publisher : 陈赓

LoadLibrary GetProcAddress FreeLibrary LocalFree GetVersionEx CloseHandle MapViewOfFile UnmapViewOfFile ExitProcess SetUnhandledExceptionFilter CWinApp OpenMutex CreateMutex CreateThread DeviceIoControl CString GetLogicalDrives GetDriveType CreateFile GetSystemDirectory FindFirstFile GetLastError CopyFile FindClose Sleep CDialog CDataExchange CWnd DestroyIcon LoadIcon GetSystemMenu CMenu LoadString AppendMenu IsIconic CPaintDC SendMessage GetSystemMetrics CRect GetClientRect DrawIcon DefWindowProc ShowWindow
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 9.97kb Publisher : 王中才

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CFile CWinApp CString CloseHandle GetCurrentProcessId CallNextHookEx GetForegroundWindow SendMessage GetAsyncKeyState ZeroMemory GetKeyNameText SetWindowsHookEx UnhookWindowsHookEx EnumWindowsProc GetProp EnumWindows LoadLibrary GetProcAddress ShowWindow CDialog CDataExchange CWnd DestroyIcon LoadIcon SetProp GetSystemMenu CMenu LoadString AppendMenu CFileFind CreateFile IsIconic CPaintDC GetSystemMetrics CRect GetClientRect DrawIcon GetModuleFileName RegOpenKey RegSetValueEx
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.39kb Publisher : gulin

我所设计的多媒体音频播放器AudioPlayer用MCI接口和RealPlayer G2 ActiveX插件实现音频的播放,能够播放MediaPlayer支持的格式和RealPlayer支持的格式(包括wav, mp3, wma, rm, wmv等),但必须安装RealPlayer播放器。AudioPlayer有播放、暂停、停止、打开文件、播放上一首、播放下一首、循环或是不循环播放、顺序或是随机播放等功能;可以静音、改变音量大小;可以拉动播放;能够增加、删除、选择播放文件;能够保存和载入播放列表。该播放器能够同时打开多个文件,并有一些工具条提示。AudioPlayer在打开时会装入一个播放列表文件AudioPlayer.lst,如果是第一次,则在播放MediaPlayer支持的格式和RealPlayer支持的格式各需要播放大于20秒才能计算出每秒的播放量,因为无法知道一首歌的播放时间,这是一个缺点。另一个缺点是无法分清音频还是视频,导致在播放RealPlayer支持的格式时音频也会另外弹出一个对话框。如果只要求播放音频的话可以用ShowWindow(SW_HIDE)函数隐藏。AudioPlayer播放器的皮肤采用黄绿相间,是模仿Winamp的桔子皮肤,功能也是模仿它的。我的播放器不能更换皮肤,可能不是很好看。不过这是我用VC++写的第一个程序。
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.94kb Publisher : gaga

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Private Declare Function ExitWindowsEx Lib \"user32\" (ByVal uFlags As Long, ByVal dwReserved As Long) As Long Private Declare Function ShowWindow Lib \"user32\" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nCmdShow As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetForegroundWindow Lib \"user32\" () As Long Dim Password As Boolean
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.48kb Publisher : 黄小树

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这是一个简单单文档的小程序,我们在建立工程时候可以设置打开文档最大化,也可以在应用程序中初始化中添加m_pMainWnd->ShowWindow(SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED) -This is a simple, single-file small procedures, we often works in the establishment of open files can be configured to maximize can also initialize the application process to add m_pMainWnd - gt; ShowWindow (SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 48.64kb Publisher : ylj

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这是一个简单单文档的小程序,我们在建立工程时候可以设置打开文档最大化,也可以在应用程序中初始化中添加m_pMainWnd->ShowWindow(SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED) -This is a simple, single-file small procedures, we often works in the establishment of open files can be configured to maximize can also initialize the application process to add m_pMainWnd- gt; ShowWindow (SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 48kb Publisher : ylj

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封装 API 中窗口处理的数据结构和相关函数 提供两类成员函数: 窗口 API 函数:代替 SDK API 函数 消息响应函数:响应各种系统消息 窗口 API 函数例 ShowWindow、ScrollWindow、SetWindowText 消息响应函数例 OnPaint、OnLButtonDown、OnKeyUp、 OnMouseMove、OnClose、OnHScro-Packaging API window of data structure and related functions for both categories of membership function : Windows API functions : to replace the SDK API functions news response function : Responding to various information systems window cases ShowWindow API function, ScrollWindow, SetWindowText news cases OnPaint response function, OnLButtonDown, OnKeyUp, OnMouseMove , OnClose, OnHScro
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 16kb Publisher : ssys

不规则程序窗口的制作,不规则的窗口形状让应用程序界面更加漂亮-Irregular window production, irregular shape of the window to allow more beautiful Application Program Interface
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 845kb Publisher : caicl

用vc++编的窗口显示,适合于初学者。里边有一些自己的体会-show window with vc++
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : jiexiaoqi
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