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Description: 一个可以反编译程序的源代码,不晓得是否有用哈-Decompile a program
Platform: | Size: 2082816 | Author: 青石板 | Hits:

[Delphi VCLshudepb

Description: delphi与pb共享您上载的源码为何会被站长不采用或帐号被删-delphi with pb share your upload will be the source for that station will not be adopted or account deleted
Platform: | Size: 1139712 | Author: sinlan | Hits:


Description: PB反编译专家 1.可以反编译出几乎所有的SQL. 2.并非孤立地看一个对象,从整个LIBRARYLIST进行搜索,对象的引用、继承上可以更精确地命中。 3.对象可以导出为PB接受的*.sr*. 4.可以反向生成structure 5.可以直接生成pbl,但有BUG,函数和事件的次序错乱,需在PBL中IMPORT第3点中导出的*.SR*.(如果没有PBL就直接导入,手工工作量相当大,因为PB会提示这个没有那个没有) 6.全面支持PB6\7\8\9\10\10.5(可以随时加入对PB11.0的支持,但许多原因下,没有打包进来). -PB decompile expert
Platform: | Size: 1697792 | Author: QS | Hits:


Description: 破解pb的pbd的源代码的工具,各个对应的子版本(如pb10.02),我写这个小工具的时候没有仔细核对,如果有不同,会提示找不到哪个版本的PB程序。-It is confirmed that as the following definition, the boldfaced words with quotation mark is an integrated operation menu which is based on your language definition, it perhaps makes different in language but makes the Simplified Chinese standard at last.
Platform: | Size: 1512448 | Author: zhoujianming | Hits:


Description: 沪深300指数三因子模型择时策略。 Fama的三因子认为影响股价主要取决于下面3个因子。 A:市场超额收益率(RMT) B:规模因子(SMB) C:账面市值比(HML) 本策略目标是根据Fama三因子模型构建大盘小盘风格轮动策略。 第1版 张树德编写(sdzhang@wind.com.cn) 2013年9月5日 参考: 蒋瑛琨,国泰君安证券股份有限公司,多因子选股模型之因子分析与筛选Ⅰ:估值与财务成长类指标——数量化研究系列之十七。 -Three- factor Model Timing Strategy of Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 Index. Fama s three factors that affect the stock price depends mainly on the following three factors. A: Market excess return (RMT) B: Scale Factor (SMB) C: book-to-market ratio (HML) The strategy objective is to construct the small-cap style wheeled strategy based on the Fama three-factor model. First edition Zhang Shude prepared (sdzhang@wind.com.cn) September 5, 2013 reference: Factor Analysis and Screening of Multifactor Stock Selection Model Ⅰ: Valuation and Financial Growth Indicators- Quantitative Research Series XVII.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 吴桐 | Hits:

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