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[GUI DevelopMarker_demo21

Description: In the demo project, I create a simple graph with four series of data. It demonstrates different options of marker, such as shapes, colors, etc. When the cursor hits a marker, the background data value will be displayed by tool tip. Some API functions, such as CRgn::PtInRegion(), in HitTest() work best in device coordinates. It may be a good practice to convert the test-point into device coordinates. In the demo, I create one marker for each data series. If you want to use different marker option within one data series, you have to create one marker for each data point.
Platform: | Size: 26345 | Author: cc | Hits:

[GUI Develop创简单图元

Description: 用VC写的一个图元实例该实例创建一个简单图元。-VC plans to write a million examples of the examples to create a simple graph yuan.
Platform: | Size: 14693 | Author: wz | Hits:

[OpenGL programReadDXF.doc

Description: OpenGL是美国SGI公司最新推出的一套开放式的三维图形软件接口,适用于广泛的计算机环境,从个人计算机到工作站,OpenGL都能实现高性能的三维图形功能。OpenGL本身不仅提供对简单图元的操作和控制,还提供了许多函数用于复杂物体的建模。但是,我们通常喜欢使用AutoCAD和3DS及3Dmax等工具来建立模型,并且我们已经有了很多这样的模型,那么我们如何才能资源共享,避免重复劳动呢?利用CAD图形标准数据交换格式—DXF格式,我们就能很容易地实现资源共享,而不需要重复建模。 -SGI OpenGL is the company's new open-3D graphics software interface, applied to a wide range of computing environments, from the personal computer workstations, can achieve high-performance OpenGL 3D graphics capabilities. OpenGL itself not only provide simple graph yuan to the operation and control, but also provides many functions for complex object modeling. However, we usually prefer to use AutoCAD and 3DS max and tools to build models, and we have many such models, then how can we share resources and avoid duplication of work? CAD graphics standard data exchange format - DXF format, we can easily share resources, without the need to repeat modeling.
Platform: | Size: 59392 | Author: 孙长叹 | Hits:

[Delphi VCLspsgraph

Description: 一个delphi的好用的画二维曲线的控件Simple Graph v2.3 -a delphi Easy curves of the two-dimensional paintings Control Simple Graph v2.3
Platform: | Size: 144571 | Author: zy | Hits:

[Other resourcegraph

Description: 一个简单的绘图工具的实现 可以参考学习图形学基本算法-a simple drawing tools can refer to the realization of the basic graphics learning algorithm
Platform: | Size: 124374 | Author: 魏本峰 | Hits:

[2D Graphicsimple graph

Description: SimpleGraph for delphi(矢量图控件)
Platform: | Size: 169542 | Author: sbzhang@cauc.edu.cn | Hits:

[OpenGL programsimplegraph2.6

Description: Simple Gragh 2.6 TSimpleGraph is a visual component, which provides a simple user interface for drawing graphs. The control and its graph objects are fully customizable in the way that let you create almost any kind of graphs.-Simple TSimpleGraph Gragh 2.6 is a visual c omponent. which provides a simple user interface for draw ing graphs. The control and its graph objects ar e fully customizable in the way that let you crea te almost any kind of graphs.
Platform: | Size: 169984 | Author: wwww | Hits:

[Delphi VCLspsgraph

Description: 一个delphi的好用的画二维曲线的控件Simple Graph v2.3 -a delphi Easy curves of the two-dimensional paintings Control Simple Graph v2.3
Platform: | Size: 144384 | Author: zy | Hits:


Description: 图形编辑器用VC6.0中的MFC实现简单的图形编辑,包括画圆、画直线、画矩形等。-Used for VC6.0 graphics editor in MFC to achieve a simple graphics editor, including the Circle, painting a straight line and draw a rectangle and so on.
Platform: | Size: 4375552 | Author: liangsi | Hits:

[Data structsGraph

Description: 程序采用C++编写,在C++Builder6.0中编译通过,用于计算简单图结构的连通度和结合度。-Using C++ program written in C++ Builder6.0 in compiles, used to calculate the simple graph structure, degree of connectivity and integration.
Platform: | Size: 79872 | Author: 孔翔翔 | Hits:

[Picture Viewerzedgraph_dll_v514_464

Description:  在简单的图形中,一个图表是通过一些简单的步骤创建的。你可以通过一个类库,一个窗体控件,或者一个ASP.NET网页控件,这些方式中的任何一种来使用ZedGraph。-In a simple graph, a chart is through some simple steps to create a. You can be a class library, a form control, or an ASP.NET web control in any one of these ways to use ZedGraph.
Platform: | Size: 761856 | Author: George Nash | Hits:

[2D GraphicEastDraw

Description: A software used for CAD, which is recommended to be compiled on VC++ 6.0 . You can draw simple graph elments such as lines, arcs, rectangles, ellipses and so on. It also has different types of linestyle and color.
Platform: | Size: 331776 | Author: Young | Hits:

[2D GraphicGraphix

Description: Simple graphic program for function and sequence method drawning
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: M@D_C@T | Hits:


Description: It s a simple graph in java. For plot the polynomial equation.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: AnOs | Hits:

[Graph programGraph-class

Description: This a simple Graph header class, Heap and Vertex Classes are 2 necessary classes which all are compressed in a single rar file.-This is a simple Graph header class, Heap and Vertex Classes are 2 necessary classes which all are compressed in a single rar file.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: Mehr | Hits:


Description: 用C语言构建了一个简单的图的遍历-Build a simple graph traversal using C language. . . .
Platform: | Size: 362496 | Author: 洪润霞 | Hits:

[Graph programGraph-class

Description: This a simple Graph header class, Heap and Vertex Classes are 2 necessary classes which all are compressed in a single rar file.-This is a simple Graph header class, Heap and Vertex Classes are 2 necessary classes which all are compressed in a single rar file.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: evenmo | Hits:

[Data structsdata-sorting--Graph-Theory

Description: 介绍工程实用简单图论问题的并行算法及其MPI编程实现-MPI parallel programming algorithm and introduce practical engineering problems to achieve a simple graph theory
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: jiang nathon | Hits:


Description: 简单图的染色数尽可能少的顶点染色方案,给定一个简单图,输入邻接矩阵就可以到最少颜色数和染色方案-Simple graph coloring number as little as possible vertex coloring scheme, given a simple graph, adjacency matrix input can to the minimum number of colors and color schemes
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: xinxing | Hits:

[Energy industrymulti-trans-simple

Description: 此matlab程序用于将图论中的多重图变化为简单图-aim at trans multi graph to simple graph
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 李顺 | Hits:
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