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基于simulink的OFDM和UWB仿真程序,带有matlab R13和R14两个版本源程序,是学习OFDM特别是UWB的最佳入门材料-Simulink and the OFDM-based UWB simulation program, matlab R13 and R14 with two versions of source code is studying OFDM, especially the best entry materials UWB
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10.41mb Publisher : 陈世民

该压缩包包括两个m文件,一个为IEEE推荐的UWB信道模型的matlab仿真程序,另一个为对应的RMS时延扩展计算,并附带了一个文档文件作说明。-The archive includes two m files, one for the IEEE UWB channel model recommended by the matlab simulation program, and the other for the corresponding calculation of RMS delay spread, and comes with a document file for instructions.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : 杨扬

多頻帶正交分頻多工之超寬頻系統模擬與等化器設計--超寬頻(Ultra-wideband UWB)是一種已經有實體層規格被提報出來 的新系統,它 具有高位元傳輸率 ,能在短距離 的通訊網路 上提供高速的數 據傳輸。近來 ,因為UWB的 多項優點,使得UWB技術被研究來 用於室內短距離 的傳輸上,且在很多其他的使用上還 有很大的發展潛力 。在這份論 文中,我們將用matlab模擬基於OFDM(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing 正交分頻多工)方式的UWB系統基頻部分所有傳送 和接收過程,並設計一個合適的等化器。-Multi-band OFDM Ultra-Wideband System Simulation and Equalizer Design ABSTRACT :Ultra-Wideband(UWB) is a novel system that has been proposed as a physical layer for a high bit rate, short-range communication network in high performance computing clusters. Recently, UWB technology is widely studied in many indoor communication systems for its many advantages, and has a great potential for many other usages. In this report, we are going to simulate all transmitter and receiver processes of the baseband part of an OFDM-based UWB system with Matlab, and design an equalizer.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 706kb Publisher : 阿铁

超宽带室内信道模型研究与MATLAB仿真,供大家参考-Ultra-wideband indoor channel model with MATLAB simulation for your reference
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.14mb Publisher : 豆豆

DL : 0
Matlab code which implements MB-OFDM transmission block as per ECMA 368 standard. OFDM over frequency selective wireless channels simulation code for Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) reduction in MIMO OFDM/A system using CMA This is an OFDM simulation that gives you the PAPR, BER, and the PSD before and after the SSPA. the program distribute an amount power among ofdm subchannel to make the capacity of a channel as ma Representation of OFDM signal with PAPR reduction using Clipping and SLM Techniques. The complete project of OFDMA system. It tries to maximize the network capacity. Link and system level simulator for OFDM based wireless broadband systems Ultrawideband (UWB) multiband OFDM physical layer with fixed-point transmitter/receiver modeling.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 838kb Publisher : Sina

基于simulink的OFDM和UWB仿真程序,带有matlab R13和R14两个版本源程序,是学习OFDM特别是UWB的最佳入门材料(Simulink based OFDM and UWB simulation programs, with two versions of MATLAB R13 and R14 source programs, are the best introductory materials for learning OFDM, especially UWB)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 150kb Publisher : Arthurking
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