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Sinusoidal Control of PMSM Motors with dsPIC30F DSC
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 754.13kb Publisher : 李工

Sinusoidal Control of PMSM Motors with dsPIC30F DSC
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 754kb Publisher : 李工

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Sinusoidal Control of PMSM Motors with dsPIC30F
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 241kb Publisher : brahim

Sensorless FOC of PMSM This document presents a solution to control a permanent magnet synchronous motor using the TMS320F2803x. This new family of DSPs enables cost-effective design of intelligent controllers for brushless motors which can fulfill enhanced operations, consisting of fewer system components, lower system cost and increased performances. The control method presented relies on the field orientated control (FOC). This algorithm maintains efficiency in a wide range of speeds and takes into consideration torque changes with transient phases by controlling the flux directly from the rotor coordinates. This application report presents the implementation of a control for sinusoidal PMSM motor. The sinusoidal voltage waveform applied to this motor is created by using the Space Vector modulation technique. Minimum amount of torque ripple appears when driving this sinusoidal BEMF motor with sinusoidal currents.-This document presents a solution to control a permanent magnet synchronous motor using the TMS320F2803x. This new family of DSPs enables cost-effective design of intelligent controllers for brushless motors which can fulfill enhanced operations, consisting of fewer system components, lower system cost and increased performances. The control method presented relies on the field orientated control (FOC). This algorithm maintains efficiency in a wide range of speeds and takes into consideration torque changes with transient phases by controlling the flux directly from the rotor coordinates. This application report presents the implementation of a control for sinusoidal PMSM motor. The sinusoidal voltage waveform applied to this motor is created by using the Space Vector modulation technique. Minimum amount of torque ripple appears when driving this sinusoidal BEMF motor with sinusoidal currents.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 991kb Publisher : cx

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Sinusoidal Control of PMSM Motors with dsPIC30F DSC
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 236kb Publisher : Rui Cordeiro

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本文档介绍了如何使用 dsPIC30F 数字信号控制器 (Digital Signal Controller, DSC)控制正弦电流来驱 动具有位置传感器的永磁同步电机(Permanent Mag- net Synchronous Motor,PMSM) 。电机控制固件使用 dsPIC30F外设, 而数学运算则由DSP引擎完成。 为充分 利用 dsPIC30F 的特殊 DSP 运算性能,固件采用 C 语 言编写,只有某些子程序采用汇编语言编写。-This application note describes a method of driving a sensored Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) with sinusoidal currents controlled by a dsPIC30F Digital Signal Controller (DSC). The motor control firmware uses the dsPIC30F peripherals while the mathematical computations are performed by the DSP engine. The firmware is written in ‘C’ language, with some subroutines in assembly to take advantage of the special DSP operations of the dsPIC30F.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 495kb Publisher : 张云

正弦波 驱动方式 PMSM 永磁同步电机-sinusoidal drive for pmsm motor
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 236kb Publisher : phevos

V/f control of PMSM motor using sinusoidal PWM
Update : 2021-05-18 Size : 78.72kb Publisher : mids1810
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