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语音情感识别的系统的基本界面,包含了语音信号预处理和语音特征提取和语音情感的识别-Speech Emotion Recognition System s basic interface, includes a speech signal pre-processing and voice feature extraction and voice emotion recognition
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.87mb Publisher : shiying

语音情感识别系统,描述语音情感识别的代码程序-Speech emotion recognition system, describes the speech emotion recognition of Code program
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.77mb Publisher : 王俊韬

gmm模型下的语音情感识别系统,GMM只是一个数学模型,只是对数据形态的拟和,但是和你所看到的数据分布存在出入也是正常的,因为用EM估计GMM的那些参数时,一般假设我们所得到的数据是不完备的(也就是说假设我们看到的数据分布不是真正的分布,它在运算时把那部分丢失或者叫隐藏的数据“补”上了)-gmm model speech emotion recognition system, GMM is a mathematical model, but fitting the data form, but you can see there is access to the data distribution is normal, because those with the EM estimated GMM parameters, the general assumption we get the data is incomplete (that is, assuming we see the distribution of the data distribution is not real, it is part of the operation at the time that is lost or hidden data is called " fill" on the)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 11kb Publisher : 张忠顺

基于特定人情感的语音识别,语音情感特征提取;语音情感分类器的设计,完成了一个特定人语音情感识别的初步系统。内容很丰富-In this article, we have accomplished a system for emotion recognition of speech by establishing a database of speech with certain emotion by certain people analyzing emotion features and designing a sort system for emotion recognition
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 253kb Publisher : liuna

基于BP神经网络的语音情感识别系统 神经网络是近年来信息科学、脑科学、神经心理学等诸多学科共同关注和研究的热点。由于其具有良好的抽象分类特性,现已应用于语音识别系统的研究和开发,并成为解决识别相关问题的有效工具。文章在讲述语音识别过程的基础上重点讨论利用BP神经网络对语音进行识别,用MATLAB完成对神经网络的训练和测试,并获得满意的结果。-Based on the BP neural network speech emotion recognition system
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 7.78mb Publisher : edwin

基于LPMCC的语音识别系统实现 语音识别可实现人机交互和语音控制,在X-业控制、消费电子等领域都有广泛应用。结合人发音的生理 结构的特点,使用LPMCC(LPC倒谱美尔变换)作为特征向量,采用动态规划算法作为核心识别算法,在TMS320VC5402芯片上实现了特定人、孤立词的高性能实时识别系统。-Speech Recognition System Based On LPMCC Speech recognition can achieve human—computer interaction and voice control, and it is used in indUStrial control,consumer electronics and many other fields.Combined with the mechanism of the production of human s voice. a high perform speech recognition system is built for specific people on TMSVC5402 DSP by using the LPMCC as the feature vector and using dynamic time warping as the matching algorithm.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 274kb Publisher : edwin

基于神经网络的语言情感识别系统,可以识别人讲话时是喜,怒,高兴还是平静,具有较高的识别率。-The language of emotion recognition system based on neural network can recognize human speech is happy, angry, happy or calm, has a high recognition rate.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 3.52mb Publisher :

介绍了语音情感识别系统的组成, 重点对情感特征和识别算法的研究现状进行了综述, 分析了主 要的语音情感特征, 阐述了代表性的语音情感识别算法以及混合模型, 并对其进行了分析比较。最后, 指出了语音情感识别技术的可能发展趋势-Speech emotion recognition system composed Research focus on emotional characteristics and recognition algorithms are reviewed, the analysis of the main voice emotional characteristics of a representative of the speech emotion recognition algorithm as well as hybrid model and its analysis comparison. Finally, it is pointed out that the speech emotion recognition technology possible trends
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 182kb Publisher : wll

过特定人语音情感数据库的建立;语音情感特征提取;语音情感分类器的设计,完成了一个特定人语音情感识别的初步系统。对于单个特定人,可以识别平静、悲伤、愤怒、惊讶、高兴5种情感,除愤怒和高兴之间混淆程度相对较大之外,各类之间区分特性良好,平均分类正确率为93.7 。对于三个特定人组成的特定人群,可以识别平静、愤怒、悲伤3种情感,各类之间区分特性良好,平均分类正确率为94.4 。其中分类器采用混合高斯分布模型。-The system of speech emotion recognition
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.43mb Publisher : sina

在matlab环境下做的一个语音情感识别系统,有UI界面-In the matlab environment to do a speech emotion recognition system has UI interface
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 10.11mb Publisher : 彭强
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