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一款在国外评价极高并且相当流行的P2P软件(简称Raza),它集合了eDonkey、eMule、Guntella(1和2)和BT四种流行P2P网络类型,并可以用于Http下载,在以后的版本将会支持FTP下载,由于其优秀的界面(支持换肤)、简洁的操作以及极强的可制定性,所以在国外广为流传,其评价已跃居所有P2P软件的前5之列,并且许多P2P的下载站点已将其指定为BT的官方下载工具! Raza为完全免费的软件,并且官方承诺保证不含有任何间谍软件和广告软件,如果您发现任何可疑问题,请向官方报告。其官方网址为 Shareaza的目标是让用户使用一款软件即可在所有P2P网络中畅游,所以任何喜欢P2P的朋友都不应该错过这款优秀的软件!-one abroad highly evaluated and the most popular peer-to-peer software (Raza), which brings together the eDonkey, laptops, Guntella (1 and 2) and BT four types of popular peer-to-peer network, and can be used Http download, in the future version will support FTP downloads, because of its excellent interface (Eurocargo support), simple operation and the development of strong, in widely circulated abroad, has leapt to its evaluation of all peer-to-peer software in the top five list, and many P2P download site has been designated as the official BT download tool! Raza for a completely free software, and the official commitment to guarantee does not contain any spyware and adware, if you find anything suspicious, please report to the government. Its official website Sh
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.54mb Publisher : 张大云

在你的计算机上,有20-30个进程在后台运行着。有的占用了太多的系统资源,造成机器运行缓慢。更为不幸的是,一些进程是间谍软件和木马,如此你的隐私和机器的控制权会被黑客所掌控。这里提供了大多数常见的进程知识。这里的分类包括:存在安全风险进程列表 系统进程列表 应用程序进程列表 其它进程列表 DLL文件列表 -in your computer, 20-30 process running in the background. Some consuming too much of the system resources, causing the machine run slow. Even more unfortunate is that some process is spyware and Trojan horses, so your privacy and control of the machinery will be controlled by the hackers. Here the most common knowledge of the process. Here classification include : there are security risks process list system processes application process List List of other processes list DLL files list
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 24.96mb Publisher : 萧建

DL : 0
API calls interception is the task that allows you to get access to some parts of others programs. Lots of programmers spend time developing and describing various methods that allow that access. Such methods are used in many anti-virus and anti-spyware applications. Besides, sometimes, intercepting can help you to find errors in your application. However, it is not a secret that some viruses use it too. I spent much time finding and understanding the technique of interception. I would like to describe the results of my research.-API calls interception is the task that all boasting you to get access to some parts of others prog rams. Lots of programmers spend time developin g and describing various methods that allow tha t access. Such methods are used in many anti-vir us and anti-spyware applications. Besides, sometimes, intercepting can help you to find errors in your application. However, it is not a secret that some viruses use it too. I s pent much time finding and understanding the te TECHNIQUE of interception. I would like to descri be the results of my research.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 19.37kb Publisher : 李登煇

Phex是一个开放源代码,多平台,利用Gnutella 客户端的免费软件,你通过它可以搜索,下载以及共享所有类型的文件。这个程序提供了一个自动功能来寻找新的产品以及支持通过不同主机断点续传。它与LimeWire, BearShare, Morpheus以及其它P2P Gnutella 软件兼容,版本0.7.3提供了一个新的自动屏蔽无用信息的功能。 Phex is a P2P filesharing client which is based on the Gnutella network. It is a multi-plattform and spyware free. It offers advanced functionalities and integrates all common Gnutella extensions like multi-source downloads and advanced search features -Phex is an open-source, multi-platform, using Gnutella client of free software, you can search through it, download and share all types of files. This procedure provides a function to automatically search for new products and support through various mainframe HTTP. With LimeWire, BearShare, Morpheus Gnutella and other P2P software compatibility version 0.7.3 provides a new automated shielding useless information functions. Phex is a P2P Filesharing client which is based o n the Gnutella network. It is a multi-Plattform and spyware free. It offers advanced functiona lities and integrates all common Gnutella exte nsions like multi-source downloads and advanc ed search features
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.64mb Publisher : 杨阳

Winpooch可以监控Windows 系统(2000, XP, 2003, but only 32-bits). 它能监测系统更改,以便能检测木马或间谍软件的安装。-Winpooch can monitor Windows systems (2000, XP, 2003, but only 32-bits). It monitoring system changes in order to detect Trojan horse or spyware installed.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 254.39kb Publisher : fletcher

Phex是一个开放源代码,多平台,利用Gnutella 客户端的免费软件,你通过它可以搜索,下载以及共享所有类型的文件。这个程序提供了一个自动功能来寻找新的产品以及支持通过不同主机断点续传。它与LimeWire, BearShare, Morpheus以及其它P2P Gnutella 软件兼容,版本0.7.3提供了一个新的自动屏蔽无用信息的功能。 Phex is a P2P filesharing client which is based on the Gnutella network. It is a multi-plattform and spyware free. It offers advanced functionalities and integrates all common Gnutella extensions like multi-source downloads and advanced search features -Phex is an open source, multi-platform, using Gnutella client free software, You can search through it, download and share all types of files. This procedure provides a function to automatically search for new products and support through various mainframe HTTP. It LimeWire, BearShare, Morpheus, and other P2P software Gnutella-compatible, 0 .7.3 version of a new automatic shield useless information functions. Phex is a P2P filesharing client which is based o n the Gnutella network. It is a multi-plattform and spyware free. It offers advanced functiona lities and integrates all common Gnutella exte nsions like multi-source downloads and advanc ed search features
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.84mb Publisher : 谭朋柳

反病毒、反间谍软件(木马)专题为了让大家对计算机病毒及其产生的危害有更多了解,具备基本的反病毒知识,我们特制作了这期反病毒、反流氓软件专题-anti-virus, Anti-spyware (malware) in order for the topic of computer viruses and the harm is more understanding, have basic anti-virus knowledge, we made a special edition of anti-virus and anti - rogue software feature
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 8.47kb Publisher : 付联榕

细介绍: 在你的计算机上,有20-30个进程在后台运行着。有的占用了太多的系统资源,造成机器运行缓慢。更为不幸的是,一些进程是间谍软件和木马,如此你的隐私和机器的控制权会被黑客所掌控。这里提供了大多数常见的进程知识。这里的分类包括:存在安全风险进程列表 系统进程列表 应用程序进程列表 其它进程列表 DLL文件列表 ,,CHM,EBooks -detailed presentations : in your computer, 20-30 process running in the background. Some had taken up too much of the system resources, causing the machine run slow. Even more unfortunate is that some process is spyware and Trojan horse, so your privacy and the right to control the machines will be controlled by hackers. Here to provide the most common knowledge of the process. Categories included here : security risks exist systematic process process list of links application process list of links to other process DLL files list. CHM, EBooks
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 552.47kb Publisher : tao

Raptatorial 一款自制间谍程序-Raptatorial one homemade spyware
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.24mb Publisher : 梁伟

Raptatorial 一款自制间谍程序-Raptatorial one homemade spyware
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.24mb Publisher : 梁伟

一款在国外评价极高并且相当流行的P2P软件(简称Raza),它集合了eDonkey、eMule、Guntella(1和2)和BT四种流行P2P网络类型,并可以用于Http下载,在以后的版本将会支持FTP下载,由于其优秀的界面(支持换肤)、简洁的操作以及极强的可制定性,所以在国外广为流传,其评价已跃居所有P2P软件的前5之列,并且许多P2P的下载站点已将其指定为BT的官方下载工具! Raza为完全免费的软件,并且官方承诺保证不含有任何间谍软件和广告软件,如果您发现任何可疑问题,请向官方报告。其官方网址为 Shareaza的目标是让用户使用一款软件即可在所有P2P网络中畅游,所以任何喜欢P2P的朋友都不应该错过这款优秀的软件!-one abroad highly evaluated and the most popular peer-to-peer software (Raza), which brings together the eDonkey, laptops, Guntella (1 and 2) and BT four types of popular peer-to-peer network, and can be used Http download, in the future version will support FTP downloads, because of its excellent interface (Eurocargo support), simple operation and the development of strong, in widely circulated abroad, has leapt to its evaluation of all peer-to-peer software in the top five list, and many P2P download site has been designated as the official BT download tool! Raza for a completely free software, and the official commitment to guarantee does not contain any spyware and adware, if you find anything suspicious, please report to the government. Its official website Sh
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.54mb Publisher : shizhen

在你的计算机上,有20-30个进程在后台运行着。有的占用了太多的系统资源,造成机器运行缓慢。更为不幸的是,一些进程是间谍软件和木马,如此你的隐私和机器的控制权会被黑客所掌控。这里提供了大多数常见的进程知识。这里的分类包括:存在安全风险进程列表 系统进程列表 应用程序进程列表 其它进程列表 DLL文件列表 -in your computer, 20-30 process running in the background. Some consuming too much of the system resources, causing the machine run slow. Even more unfortunate is that some process is spyware and Trojan horses, so your privacy and control of the machinery will be controlled by the hackers. Here the most common knowledge of the process. Here classification include : there are security risks process list system processes application process List List of other processes list DLL files list
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 24.96mb Publisher : 萧建

DL : 0
API calls interception is the task that allows you to get access to some parts of others programs. Lots of programmers spend time developing and describing various methods that allow that access. Such methods are used in many anti-virus and anti-spyware applications. Besides, sometimes, intercepting can help you to find errors in your application. However, it is not a secret that some viruses use it too. I spent much time finding and understanding the technique of interception. I would like to describe the results of my research.-API calls interception is the task that all boasting you to get access to some parts of others prog rams. Lots of programmers spend time developin g and describing various methods that allow tha t access. Such methods are used in many anti-vir us and anti-spyware applications. Besides, sometimes, intercepting can help you to find errors in your application. However, it is not a secret that some viruses use it too. I s pent much time finding and understanding the te TECHNIQUE of interception. I would like to descri be the results of my research.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 74kb Publisher : 李登煇

Phex是一个开放源代码,多平台,利用Gnutella 客户端的免费软件,你通过它可以搜索,下载以及共享所有类型的文件。这个程序提供了一个自动功能来寻找新的产品以及支持通过不同主机断点续传。它与LimeWire, BearShare, Morpheus以及其它P2P Gnutella 软件兼容,版本0.7.3提供了一个新的自动屏蔽无用信息的功能。 Phex is a P2P filesharing client which is based on the Gnutella network. It is a multi-plattform and spyware free. It offers advanced functionalities and integrates all common Gnutella extensions like multi-source downloads and advanced search features -Phex is an open-source, multi-platform, using Gnutella client of free software, you can search through it, download and share all types of files. This procedure provides a function to automatically search for new products and support through various mainframe HTTP. With LimeWire, BearShare, Morpheus Gnutella and other P2P software compatibility version 0.7.3 provides a new automated shielding useless information functions. Phex is a P2P Filesharing client which is based o n the Gnutella network. It is a multi-Plattform and spyware free. It offers advanced functiona lities and integrates all common Gnutella exte nsions like multi-source downloads and advanc ed search features
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.64mb Publisher :

Winpooch可以监控Windows 系统(2000, XP, 2003, but only 32-bits). 它能监测系统更改,以便能检测木马或间谍软件的安装。-Winpooch can monitor Windows systems (2000, XP, 2003, but only 32-bits). It monitoring system changes in order to detect Trojan horse or spyware installed.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 254kb Publisher : fletcher

Phex是一个开放源代码,多平台,利用Gnutella 客户端的免费软件,你通过它可以搜索,下载以及共享所有类型的文件。这个程序提供了一个自动功能来寻找新的产品以及支持通过不同主机断点续传。它与LimeWire, BearShare, Morpheus以及其它P2P Gnutella 软件兼容,版本0.7.3提供了一个新的自动屏蔽无用信息的功能。 Phex is a P2P filesharing client which is based on the Gnutella network. It is a multi-plattform and spyware free. It offers advanced functionalities and integrates all common Gnutella extensions like multi-source downloads and advanced search features -Phex is an open source, multi-platform, using Gnutella client free software, You can search through it, download and share all types of files. This procedure provides a function to automatically search for new products and support through various mainframe HTTP. It LimeWire, BearShare, Morpheus, and other P2P software Gnutella-compatible, 0 .7.3 version of a new automatic shield useless information functions. Phex is a P2P filesharing client which is based o n the Gnutella network. It is a multi-plattform and spyware free. It offers advanced functiona lities and integrates all common Gnutella exte nsions like multi-source downloads and advanc ed search features
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.84mb Publisher : 谭朋柳

DL : 0
反病毒、反间谍软件(木马)专题为了让大家对计算机病毒及其产生的危害有更多了解,具备基本的反病毒知识,我们特制作了这期反病毒、反流氓软件专题-anti-virus, Anti-spyware (malware) in order for the topic of computer viruses and the harm is more understanding, have basic anti-virus knowledge, we made a special edition of anti-virus and anti- rogue software feature
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : 付联榕

ESCAN源代码 ESCAN是一个完全设计和研发来保护个人计算机免于各类威胁(像是病毒、间谍软件、广告软件、恶意软件、按键记录程序、黑客程序、垃圾邮件软件、隐私权问题、令人厌恶的内容..等等)的专业软件-Escan Escan source code is a completely designed and developed to protect personal computers from all types of threats (such as viruses, spyware, adware, malware, keyloggers, hackers program, spam software, privacy issues, it is Offensive content .. etc.) the professional software
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 351kb Publisher : yingzs04

Software anti spyware
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 25.18mb Publisher : castellja

DL : 0
spyware for android phones
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 874kb Publisher : m.affan
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