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本人平时收集的惯性导航算法的论文,对搞导航算法的人很有帮助。 1.易于实现的捷联式惯性导航系统仿真.pdf 2.测量运动物体姿态的三自由度定位算法的研究.pdf 3.基于MEMS 技术的微型惯性测量组合.pdf 4.基于四元数的空间全方位算法研究.pdf 5.捷联惯导积分算法设计(连载二)下篇:速度和位置算.pdf 6.数字磁罗经系统的设计.pdf 7.四阶龙格—库塔法在捷联惯导系统姿态解算中的应用.pdf-I normally collected papers inertial navigation algorithm, the navigation algorithm to engage people very helpful. 1. Easy to realize the strapdown inertial navigation system simulation. Pdf2. Measuring movement of three degrees of freedom objects posture positioning algorithm. Pdf3. Based on MEMS technology, micro-inertial measurement unit. Pdf4. Quaternion-based full-space algorithm study. pdf5. SINS Integral Algorithm Design (Part II) next: the speed and position calculation. pdf6. digital magnetic compass system design. pdf7. Fourth-Order Runge- Kutta method in SINS Attitude operator application. pdf
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.35mb Publisher : ddk_ok

此程序用语捷联惯性导航系统中姿态,经度,纬度,速度等参数的计算。-This procedure terminology strapdown inertial navigation system in the posture, longitude, latitude, speed and other parameters of the calculation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 小赵

捷联惯导系统仿真算法的研究及其实现.nh.大连理工大学硕士论文,详细阐述了如何用matlab-simulink进行惯导仿真-Strapdown inertial navigation system simulation algorithm and its realization. Nh. Dalian University of Technology master s thesis in detail how to use matlab-simulink simulation for INS
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.79mb Publisher : lele

1.介绍了捷联惯性导航系统的基本工作原理,包括坐标系及其之间的关 系,讨论了欧拉角、四元数等几种经典的解算方法,和计算周期的划分等。 2.讨论了等效转动矢量法及其衍生的一系列修正算法和优化算法,并作 了精度分析和数字仿真,并对根据角增量提取角速率的方法进行了研究和验 证。 3.研究了划船运动下,速度解算的误差补偿方法。对利用对偶原理从圆 锥效应到划船效应的对应方法进行了讨论。 4.讨论了捷联式惯性导航系统的误差,对位置计算中的涡卷误差进行了 推证。 -1. Introduced a strapdown inertial navigation system of the basic working principles, including the coordinate system and the relationship between the discussion of the Euler angle, quaternion, such as solving several classical methods, and calculation of the division cycle and so on. 2. Discussed the rotation vector method and its equivalent derived from a series of correction algorithm and optimization algorithm, and made the accuracy of analysis and digital simulation, and in accordance with angle increment of angular velocity extraction methods have been studied and verified. 3. Study of the rowing movement, the speed of solving the error compensation method. The use of principle of duality effect from the cone corresponding to the row effect method is discussed. 4. Discussed the strapdown inertial navigation system error, the calculation of the location of the scroll push the card error.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.23mb Publisher : yangjx

在捷联式惯性导航系统中,惯性敏感器直接固联在载体上,惯性敏感器的工作条件和环境与单独测试惯性敏感器时有较大的差别。并且当惯性敏感器安装到惯性组件上以后,还存在各种安装误差,因此对惯性敏感器单独测试的结果并不能反映惯性敏感器在系统中实际的 性能品质。为了保证系统的技术性能,现代捷联惯性导航系统均采取了较为全面的误差补偿 措施。捷联惯性导航系统误差补偿的前提则是对惯性组件进行精确的误差标定。 -In strapdown inertial navigation systems, inertial sensors is in direct solid carriers, inertial sensors, working conditions and environment with a separate test inertial sensors greater difference. And when the inertial sensor installed after inertial components, there is a variety of installation errors of inertial sensor test results alone do not reflect the inertial sensor in the system, the actual quality performance. In order to ensure the system
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 243kb Publisher : 申亮

一个低成本的捷联惯性导航系统设计程序,基于VB接口,可以获得图形化的导航数据显示。-A low-cost strapdown inertial navigation system design process, based on the VB interface, access to a graphical display of the navigation data.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 36kb Publisher : 李行丽

一篇捷联惯性导航系统的姿态算法论文,并对补偿算法进行了详细的论述。-A strapdown inertial navigation system algorithm posture papers, and compensation algorithms are discussed in detail.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 108kb Publisher : titan

这个是关于GPS和捷联惯性导航系统的组合导航技术研究论文,非常有参考价值.-This is about GPS and strapdown inertial navigation system, a combination of navigation technology research papers, a very good reference material.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.3mb Publisher : 彭杰

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微型惯性测量组合(MIMU:Micro-inertial measurement unit)是国际上近年来发展起来的新技 术,作为一种不依赖任何外部信息,也不向外部辐射能量的自主式系统-Abstract:The Micro strapdown inertial measurement unit System are introduced, attitude algorithm and Kalman filtering equation of parameter identifying of MIMU are also described. Using four-order quaternion Runge-Kutta method to update attitude algorithm is presented, the corresponding simulation programs are described
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 112kb Publisher : 曲雪

捷联惯导系统原理 陈哲老师编写,非常经典 相信对很多人有用。-Principle Strapdown Inertial Navigation System from professor Chen Zhe , very classic ,I believe it be very useful for many people .
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14.17mb Publisher : jason

利用matlab数值计算的强大功能和,建模容易实现的特点"进行了捷联式惯性导航系统的仿真研究,对四元数及姿态矩阵等的解算采用编程实现"陀螺仪和加速计的建模用.-Matlab numerical calculation using the power and, modeling the characteristics of easy to implement " a strapdown inertial navigation system of the simulation study and the attitude quaternion matrix solvers such as the use of programming" gyroscope and accelerometer Modeling used.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 102kb Publisher : 宋磊

基于MATLAB Simul ink 的捷联惯性导航系统仿真,主要介绍了其基本原理,然后阐述了编程实现-MATLAB Simul ink based on the strapdown inertial navigation system simulation, introduces the basic principles of programming and then set out to achieve
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 474kb Publisher : 宋磊

基于等效旋转矢量法的捷联惯导系统仿真,详细阐述了利用等效旋转矢量法来进行捷联惯导解算,和其实现-Rotation vector method based on the simulation of strapdown inertial navigation system in detail using the rotation vector method to calculate SINS, and its realization
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 226kb Publisher : 宋磊

Sistems inertial control Alg. Strapdown inertial navigation system
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.61mb Publisher : Dji

《Strapdown inertial navigation technology》全面系统地介绍了捷联惯导的基本原理与计算。-Strapdown inertial navigation technology, a comprehensive and systematic introduction to the basic principles of strapdown inertial navigation system and calculation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 26.08mb Publisher :

捷联惯性导航系统、GPS/SINS组合导航系统仿真程序-Strapdown inertial navigation systems, GPS/SINS Integrated Navigation System Simulation Program
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 468kb Publisher : xiatao

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一、数据说明: 1:惯导系统为指北方位的捷连系统。初始经度为116.344695283度、纬度为39.975172度,高度h为30米。 初速度为v0=[0.000048637 0.000206947 0.007106781],飞行高度不变。 2:jlfw中为600秒的数据,陀螺仪和加速度计采样周期分别为为1/80秒和1/80秒。 3:初始姿态角为[0.120992605 0.010445947 91.637207](俯仰,横滚,航向,单位为度), jlfw中保存的为比力信息f_INSc(单位m/s^2)、陀螺仪角速率信息wib_INSc(单位rad/s),排列顺序为 一~三行分别为东、北、天向信息. 4: 航向角以逆时针为正。 5:地球椭球长半径re=6378245 地球自转角速度wie=7.292115147e-5 重力加速度g=g0*(1+gk1*c33^2)*(1-2*h/re)/sqrt(1-gk2*c33^2); g0=9.7803267714 gk1=0.00193185138639 gk2=0.00669437999013 c33=sin(lat纬度) -First, data on: 1: inertial navigation system that links the north bit of the Czech system. Initial longitude 116.344695283 degrees latitude 39.975172, height h is 30 meters. Initial speed of v0 = [0.000048637 0.000206947 0.007106781], the same altitude. 2: jlfw for 600 seconds of data, gyroscopes and accelerometers were sampling period of 1/80 sec and 1/80 seconds. 3: Initial attitude angle [0.120992605 0.010445947 91.637207] (pitch, roll, heading, in units of degrees), jlfw than the power saved information f_INSc (unit m/s ^ 2), angular rate gyro information wib_INSc (units of rad/s), in the order of 1 ~ three lines were east, north, days to the information. 4: The heading angle is positive counterclockwise. 5: Earth ellipsoid long radius re = 6378245 Earth s rotation angular velocity wie = 7.292115147e-5 acceleration due to gravity g = g0* (1+ gk1* c33 ^ 2)* (1-2* h/re)/sqrt (1-gk2* c33 ^ 2) g0 = 9.7803267714 gk1 = 0.00193185138639 gk2 = 0.00669437999013
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 392kb Publisher : 袁刚平

研究了捷联系统姿态更新的等效旋动矢量算法,并以锥运动为条件,对等效旋动矢量算 法进行了优化。-The attitude updating algorithm is an determinant factor in strapdown inertial navigation system(SINS).
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 176kb Publisher : 吴杰

Strapdown inertial navigation system,捷联惯导系统原理,作者:陈哲-Strapdown inertial navigation system, the principle of SINS, Author: Chen Zhe
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.74mb Publisher : wang

捷联惯性导航算法完整版(单子样姿态解算算法)-Strapdown inertial system
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 白雪峰
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