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Back propagation neural networks and its Application: Time-Series Forecasting Prediction of the Annual Number of Sunspots -Back propagation neural networks and its Application : Time-Series Forecasting Prediction of the Annual Number of Sunspots
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4.3kb Publisher :

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4.71kb Publisher : 杨洪仁

DL : 0
Back propagation neural networks and its Application: Time-Series Forecasting Prediction of the Annual Number of Sunspots -Back propagation neural networks and its Application : Time-Series Forecasting Prediction of the Annual Number of Sunspots
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher :

本程序根据训练好的网络文件ANN.mat预测新的数据文件,得到均方误差,并画出预测数据和原数据的对比图。此程序运用到了很多Matlab编程中常用到的表达方式,还有一些神经网络编程的基本概念的表达,如归一化的表达。希望能对别人有所帮助.-the procedures under the trained network file ANN.mat anticipating new data files, to be mean-square error. and the mapping out of the original forecast data and the map data comparison. This procedure applied to a lot of Matlab programming to the commonly used form of expression. Some neural network programming to the basic concepts of expression, such as a normalized expression. The hope is to help others.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15kb Publisher : pearllu

DL : 0
一个用C语言写的人工神经网络预测太阳黑子的模型,BP算法。-A C language used artificial neural network forecasting model of sunspots, BP algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher :

和电脑下的五子棋,玩家为黑子,电脑为白子,界面简单,适合初学者学习-Gobang under and computer, the player for the sunspots, the computer for Shirako, simple interface, suitable for beginners to learn
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher : 王斌

DL : 0
利用burg和Levinson-Durbin算法,根据100年间每年12个月记录到的太阳黑子出现次数的平均值求太阳黑子的活动周期-Burg and the use of Levinson-Durbin algorithm, according to 100 years, 12 months a year recorded the average number of sunspots appear for the activities of sunspot cycle
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 49kb Publisher : echo

可供两人对弈的黑白棋游戏(Othello): (a) 8×8棋盘,共64格; (b) 共64个棋子,每个棋子都黑白各一面; (c) 开局时,为棋盘中央放置4颗棋,黑白各半,交叉排列,如下图; (d) 开局者持黑子,为先手,之后双方方轮流下棋。 (e) 下子位置必须能够夹击对方的棋子; (f) 当己方的一子与最后下的一子呈一直线(橫、直、斜,8个方向),且中间包夹到对方的 棋子,则中间被包夹的棋子将变为己方颜色。 (g) 若一方无处可下子,则由对方下。双方皆无子可下时,棋局结束。 (h) 棋局结束时,棋盘上较多子的一方为胜。-Game for two games of Reversi (Othello): (a) 8 × 8 chessboard, a total of 64 cells (b) a total of 64 chess pieces, each side of the chess pieces are black and white (c) start when the central board placed 4 game, were equally divided between black and white, cross-array, as illustrated (d) persons who start sunspots for the upper hand, followed by the two sides take turns to play chess. (e) Now position must be able to attack the opponent
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.88mb Publisher : leo

利用神经网络预测时间序列,以太阳黑子和实际的转子故障信号为例,matlab编程-Using neural network time series prediction to sunspots and the actual rotor fault signal as an example, matlab programming
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 191kb Publisher : 苏文胜

DL : 0
计算提安阳黑子的相关函数,由此可以看出具体的周期-Simitian Yang calculated the correlation function of sunspots, which can be seen the specific cycle
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : zhangxianyu

用java实现五子棋的游戏。棋分为白子和黑子两种。-Gobang with java games to achieve. Game is divided into two Shirako and sunspots.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 陈海蓉

这是段关于五子棋的Java源代码,棋子为黑子和白子,是人和人互奕-This is a segment of the Java source code on the backgammon, the pieces for the sunspots and the white out, is the human person and each Yi
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : 舞月

c语言的bp神经网络源程序,已测试通过,并运用在太阳黑子的预测中-c languages bp neural network source code, have been tested and used in the prediction of Sunspots
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : zhanghr

五子棋程序,包括界面,难度选择,黑白棋子,黑子先下。-Backgammon program, including the interface, difficult choices, Othello child, under the first sunspots.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 25kb Publisher : 蔡袁祥

DL : 0
Sunspot activity is cyclical, reaching a maximum about every 11 years. Let s confirm that. Here is a plot of a quantity called the Zurich sunspot relative number, which measures both number and size of sunspots. Astronomers have tabulated this number for almost 300 years.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : Piyush Chandra Ojha

DL : 0
C#网络五子棋(完整项目),通过网络实现双人对弈的功能,黑子先行。-C# Network backgammon (complete the project), double play chess through the network function, sunspots first.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 449kb Publisher : 宁宁

有一个盒子,混装了数量相等的围棋白子和黑子。现在要用自动分拣系统把白子和黑子分开。设系统有两个进程P1和P2,其中P1拣白子,P2拣黑子。当一个进程在拣子时,不允许另一进程去拣。试写出这两个并发进程能正确执行的程序。-There is a box, mixed up an equal number of Go albino and sunspots. Now use the automatic sorting system to separate the white out and sunspots. Suppose there are two processes P1 and P2, where P1 pick albino, P2 pick sunspots. When a process in picking midnight, do not allow another process Qujian. Write down the two concurrent processes that execute the procedure correctly.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 141kb Publisher : 874949065

有一个盒子,混装了数量相等的围棋白子和黑子。现在要用自动分拣系统把白子和黑子分开。设系统有两个进程P1和P2,其中P1拣白子,P2拣黑子。当一个进程在拣子时,不允许另一进程去拣。试写出这两个并发进程能正确执行的程序。-There is a box, mixed up an equal number of Go albino and sunspots. Now use the automatic sorting system to separate the white out and sunspots. Suppose there are two processes P1 and P2, where P1 pick albino, P2 pick sunspots. When a process in picking midnight, do not allow another process Qujian. Write down the two concurrent processes that execute the procedure correctly.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 118kb Publisher : 874949065

有一个盒子,混装了数量相等的围棋白子和黑子。现在要用自动分拣系统把白子和黑子分开。设系统有两个进程P1和P2,其中P1拣白子,P2拣黑子。当一个进程在拣子时,不允许另一进程去拣。试写出这两个并发进程能正确执行的程序。-There is a box, mixed up an equal number of Go albino and sunspots. Now use the automatic sorting system to separate the white out and sunspots. Suppose there are two processes P1 and P2, where P1 pick albino, P2 pick sunspots. When a process in picking midnight, do not allow another process Qujian. Write down the two concurrent processes that execute the procedure correctly.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 322kb Publisher : 874949065

DL : 0
太阳黑子预测程序, 神经网络算法, TChart图形显示-Sunspots forecast program using neuro network
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 24kb Publisher : 张现
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