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在网上看到的一个在线SVR(支持向量机回归)的C++代码,希望对大家有帮助-Online to see an on-line SVR (support vector machine regression) of the C++ Code, in the hope that everyone has to help
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 39kb Publisher : 展文宁

这是我找到的C语言编写的支持向量机程序包,有数据-This is what I found in C language support vector machine package, there are data
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 60kb Publisher : 王浩

使用支持向量机对仿人感知器建模,并给出了其在不规则图形面积测量中的应用实例,附有120幅图片及其面积,前100幅用作训练,后20幅用作检验,图片文件默认路径为C:\MATLAB7\work\P100,即应将文件解压到默认路径C:\MATLAB7\work,使用其他路径只需将程序中的图片路径替换即可。-The use of support vector machine perceptron on humanoid modeling, and gives the graphics area in the irregular application of measurement, accompanied by 120 images and its size, 100 for training before and after testing for 20 , the default path for the image file C: MATLAB7workP100, that should extract the files to the default path C: MATLAB7work, the use of other procedures in the path can simply replace the image path can be.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 132kb Publisher :

具有支持向量机的分类和回归的功能,并附样例。源代码易读并易于修改。为加快速度,提供C语言的优化程序。-With support vector machine classification and regression function, accompanied by sample. The source code readable and easy to modify. In order to speed up the pace, providing C language Optimizer.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 132kb Publisher : 李志

libsvm支持向量机,用于识别分类。本程序成功用于虹膜识别的研究。是嵌入matlab的C程序-libsvm support vector machine, used to identify classification. The success of this procedure for iris recognition research. Is embedded in the C program matlab
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 64kb Publisher : 张顺利

DL : 0
支持向量机(SVM)的VC源代码,内有应用手册和应用实例。-Support Vector Machine (SVM) of the VC source code, with the application of manuals and application examples.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 451kb Publisher : Xiaojun Tang

一个计算线性支持向量机的matlab源代码,台湾人编写,在c环境下运行-A calculation of the linear support vector machine matlab source code, the people of Taiwan to prepare, in the c environment running
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 445kb Publisher : 喻军

SVMlin是采用C++实现的一个线性支持向量机软件包,里面包括ssl.cpp,ssl.h和svmlin.cpp,已经经过调试,可以在VC6.0中运行-SVMlin are using C++ implementation of a linear support vector machine package, which includes ssl.cpp, ssl.h and svmlin.cpp, has been testing, you can run in VC6.0
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 15kb Publisher : zhaozhikai

目的:运用强化学习!多分类器集成!降维方法等最新计算机技术,结合细胞病理知识,设计制作/智能化肺癌细胞病理图像诊断系统0"方法:采集细胞图像,运用基于强化学习的图像分割法将细胞区域从背景中分离出来 运用基于样条和改进2方法对重叠细胞进行分离和重构 提取40个细胞特征用于贝叶斯!支持向量机!紧邻和决策树4种分类器,集成产生肺癌细胞分类结果 建立肺癌细胞病理图库,运用基于等降维方法对细胞进行比对,给予未定型癌细胞分类"结果:/智能化肺癌细胞病理诊断系统0应用于临床随机1200例肺部病灶穿刺细胞学涂片,肺癌识别诊断率94180 ,假阳性率1185 ,假阴性率3135 ,肺癌分类识别率82190 ,核异型细胞识别率74120 "结论:/智能化肺癌早期细胞病理诊断系统0对肺癌细胞涂片诊断率高,克服了肺癌细胞病理诊断过程中取检细胞数量少,重叠细胞识别率低,涂片背景及染色差异等干扰因素,可辅助临床肺部病灶的穿刺细胞病理诊断"-Objective Design and develop a intelligent cytopathological lung cancer diagnosing system(ICLCDS) utilizing the latest computer technologies(including Reinforcement Lcaming Multiple Classifier Fusion and Dimcnsionality Reduction) and the cy-topathological knowledge on lung canccrcclls Methods We got information ofcclls and segregated cell regions in a slice image using an magi scgmcntouon a址orithm Sascd on reinforcement lcaming including rcconstmction of overlapped cell area Sascd on B一Spline and improved dcBoor-Cox Mcthoc} We comSincd multiple classifiers including Baycsian classific:Support Vector Machine(SVM) classific K-Ncarcst NcighSour( KNN) and Decision c classific to achieve an accurate result of cytopathological lung cancer diag-nosis Results Experimental results on 1 200 cases randomly selected we as follows the accurate diagnosis rate for lung cancer idcn-tification was the false positive rate was 1. 8`J /c‘the false negative rate was 3. 3`J /c‘the type class
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 216kb Publisher : 高阳

基于GPU计算的SVM,VC++源码,包括详细文档说明文件。借用了GPU编程的优势,该代码据作者说比常规的libsvm等算法包的训练速度快13-73倍,预测速度快22-172倍。希望对大家有用-cuSVM is a software package for high-speed (Gaussian-kernelized) Support Vector Machine training and prediction that exploits the massively parallel processing power of Graphics Processors (GPUs). cuSVM is written in NVIDIA s CUDA C-language GPU programming environment, includes implementations of both classification and regression, and performs SVM training (prediction) at 13-73 (22-172) times the rate of state of the art CPU software. Moreover, cuSVM features a Matlab MEX wrapper so that users can access the GPU s power without having to do any "real" programming.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 859kb Publisher : Sheng

DL : 0
支持向量机用于对样本数据或函数的回归预测,此文件源码是用C#编写的 可以在Matlab环境下实现-Support vector machine is used to sample data or the regression function, the file C# source code is written in the Matlab environment to achieve
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 80kb Publisher : lily

SVMLight is an implementation of Support Vector Machine (SVM) in C
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 53kb Publisher : qiushuichangtian

DL : 0
SVM(支持向量机)的C++源码。可以实现基于SVM的数据分类机回归,可应用于人工智能,模式识别及数据处理领域。源码附有英文注释。-SVM (support vector machine) in C++ source code. Can achieve data classification based on SVM regression, can be used in artificial intelligence, pattern recognition and data processing. Source with English comments.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.68mb Publisher : Zhao Sixuan

support vector machine classification in C
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 91kb Publisher : mar

SMO算法由Microsoft Research的John C. Platt在1998年提出,并成为最快的二次规划优化算法,特别针对线性SVM和数据稀疏时性能更优。关于SMO最好的资料就是他本人写的《Sequential Minimal Optimization A Fast Algorithm for Training Support Vector Machines》了。-This paper proposes a new algorithm for training support vector machines: Sequential Minimal Optimization, or SMO. Training a support vector machine requires the solution o a very large quadratic programming (QP) optimization problem. SMO breaks this large QP problem into a series of smallest possible QP problems. These small QP problems are solved analytically, which avoids using a time-consuming numerical QP optimization as a inner loop. The amount of memory required for SMO is linear in the training set size, which allows SMO to handle very large training sets. Because matrix computation is avoided, SMO scales somewhere between linear and quadratic in the training set size for various test problems, while the standard chunking SVM algorithm scales somewhere between linear and cubic in the training set size. SMO’s computation time is dominated b SVM evaluation, hence SMO is fastest for linear SVMs and sparse data sets. On real- world sparse data sets, SMO can be mor
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 75kb Publisher : 高飞

支持向量机及其在人脸识别中的应用研究 上海交通大学博士论文,在知网上面付费下载得到的。本文从应用的角度出发,较为全面地对一些相关问题进行探讨,并使用Visual C++实现了一个基于支持向量机的人脸识别软件—idTeller。 论文的主要工作和创新点包括: ·提出了两种基于VC边界的支持向量机参数选择算法—固定C算法和VC-CV算法。VC边界是两类支持向量机参数选择的一个理想准则,但它的一些固有缺点使其应用变得困难。本文通过将VC边界转化为VC指标,最终把问题归结为对最小包围体的求解,从理论上和计算上为VC边界的使用铺平了道路。在此基础之上,本文提出了两种基于VC边界的参数选择算法—固定C算法和VC-CV算法。在数个基准数据集上的实验表明,相比交叉验证算法,VC-CV算法不仅能获得性能更好的分类器,而且具有较低的计算复杂度。 ·使用序贯最小优化算法解决了最小包围体求解问题。最小包围体求解是计算VC指标的一个关键步骤,本文使用序贯最小优化算法对其求解,并对算法初始化、参数选择及更新等若干实现问题进行了深入地研究。在多个基准数据集上的实验表明,序贯最小优化算法能够快速而准确地解决最小包围体求解问题。- Support vector machine and its application to face recognition Shanghai Jiaotong University doctoral thesis, in HowNet above pay to get the download. From the application point of view, to more fully explore some related issues, and using Visual C-idTeller a support vector machine-based face recognition software. The main work and innovation of the paper include: two kinds of parameters of support vector machine based on the VC boundary selection algorithm- fixed-C algorithm and the VC-CV algorithm. VC boundaries are two types of support vector machine parameters to select the ideal criteria, but some of its inherent shortcomings make it difficult. This article by VC boundary for the VC index, and ultimately the problem is reduced to the solution of the minimum bounding volume, and paved the way for the use of the VC boundary from the theory and calculations. On this basis, we propose two parameter selection algorithm based on the VC boundary- fixed-C algorithm and the VC-CV algorit
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9.9mb Publisher : Jessicaying

支持向量机的C语言程序源码,广泛应用在模式式识别领域中,有较大的参考价值 可直接使用。 -C language program source code, support vector machine is widely used in the mode field of pattern recognition, the reference value can be used directly.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 53kb Publisher : tiebos

提出一种基于模糊C 均值的支持向量机分类算法,通过模糊C 均值算法对未知类别数据 进行划分,然后再利用支持向量行对划分后的数据机进训练。解决了以往人们应用支持向量机进行 数据分类识别前必须采用已知类别的数据对支持向量机进行训练的弊端,提高了数据分类的效率。-Support vector machines classification algorithm is proposed based on Fuzzy C-Means, Fuzzy C-Means algorithm unknown class data division, and then use the support vector line modem divided into training. Solve the drawbacks of the people in the past applied Support Vector Machine data classification and recognition must be known before the category of data for training support vector machine, to improve the efficiency of data classification.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 232kb Publisher : 罗朝辉

Support Vector machine classification implementation in C++ including the library OpenCV-Support Vector machine classification implementation in C++ including the library OpenCV
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : Samrat

SVM(支持向量机)常被用于二元分类问题中。此文件包含svm_predict、svm_train、svm_scale等源文件和若干训练文件,可以在VS中实现SVM的基本分类功能。(Support vector machine is often used in two elements classification problem. This file contains svm_predict, svm_scale, svm_train and other source files, and a number of training files, you can achieve the SVM function in VS.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.81mb Publisher : yj1120
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